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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. The best way is probably what simpilot said. I believe there are some posts in the add-on forum describing how.
  2. Tom, perhaps you can create the import CSV file now, since I've added an import/export in the admin panel for aircraft
  3. Follow 'get debug info' link my signature, and then send me the /core/logs folder, zip it and then PM me for my email
  4. That would be a CSS issue You can already do that, just enter in either it'll figure it out
  5. Ah ok, I added a bug in the DB for that. If you do a hours reset in the maintenance options, it should fix them all for now
  6. There are some problems with the beta
  7. Try redownloading and then reupdating, yeah
  8. Just add a [0] to the lastname, so: $userinfo->lastname[0] Basically a string is an array of characters, so by doing [0], you're telling it to only take the first element of the array
  9. I didn't mean the addon, I believe there was a thread where it was detailed how to go it. Just the backend was included in core, not the front-end 'display' portion
  10. The files should also be 777 yes, that could be why they're blank
  11. If you re-accept the PIREP, does it change?
  12. Well you have some corrupt files, try fixing those first (reupload them until they match) But having those log files will be helpful as well
  13. Find this line: imagestring($img, $font, $width-(strlen($text)*imagefontwidth($font)), This determines the starting point from the right side, and substract it to get the right width. Change it to: imagestring($img, $font, 10, Which will start it from 10 pixel from the left.
  14. Nabeel

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    Did you do a regenerate? And are the permissions of the lib/signature folder and all the files in it all writable (777) ?
  15. Interesting. Can you follow the 'getting debug info' in my signature, and then zip and email me to the core/logs folder to nabeel at nsslive dot net ? Thanks
  16. That's all template changes. You can use something like: echo $pilot->lastname[0]; And that'll show the first letter only
  17. It's in the pilotdata.class.php a f unction called generateSignature(). I don't remember off the top of my head but if you poke around it's in there
  18. If you import a schedules csv file it should automatically import those airports
  19. It's in the landing rate column. Check the addons I think there's an addon to do that
  20. Seems like an error with the beta, I'm looking into it... can you add a bug to the tracker? Also, does that schedule exist?
  21. Any templates which don't work. It's probably safe to say in your case, all of them
  22. I think this is what I'm gonna end up doing, but it will end up touching alot of code/have to change look ups to ignore a status of 2
  23. In the local.config.php file there's a parameter for the pilot ID length
  24. Ah ok. Yeah, don't change it there, nothing gets updated
  25. Where did you change the name from?
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