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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. That's a CSS rule, to lower-case it
  2. I haven't been able to sync it up. I had a navdata subscription, then they jacked up their prices so I dropped it. I'm waiting for another source, or at least trying to cross reference.
  3. Yup, I understand it's a little annoying at first but once you learn it it goes by pretty quick. It's almost the same as editing a template in Dreamweaver
  4. Give them the ACCESS_ADMIN permission and the EDIT_ROUTES (I think that's it) those two permissions. Then that's allt hey can do
  5. I think he means the link on the left hand side in the admin bar. I would use the search in the schedules now to filter all that
  6. Hmm, do they have a hub?
  7. Once you call codon.config.php, the entire engine and modules are all loaded in. So in that case, the News module is already loaded - you can just call the module using: MainController::Run('News', 'ShowNewsFront', 10); // show 10 stories That's probably what you're looking for. But I agree with mark, it'll be much easier to skin phpVMS to go however you like - some people do use something like Joomla and phpVMS, and just skin both to look the same.
  8. Look in the admin section to see if they've been labeled as retired
  9. Everything included now is required, but any addons you can remove safely
  10. Not if you disable auto-ranking in the config
  11. The image not showing up in the badge is a bug. The ordering - if you're not doing it manually, set the rank as the flight hours. If you're doing it manually, you can still set it as flight hours, but it just has to be in order. So the lowest rank a 1, the next a 2, and so on.
  12. Thanks Michael, sounded like a host-specific issue. Glad you got it working.
  13. The dev site has been password protected for a while
  14. Sounds like files were corrupted when you uploaded everything. I'd try a redownload and reupload
  15. I'd ask in that thread, I'm not sure
  16. Hey, Can you post what you get from running install/checkinstall.php?
  17. Ask in the PilotShop thread, do you have products added?
  18. Nabeel


    It's ok, we're here to help! I recommend www.sitepoint.com as a starting point to learn a few things. It's a bit difficult to go from knowing very little about it to using it to customize and extend
  19. Can you add a bug to the tracker.. thanks
  20. Nabeel


    I haven't done anything...I don't go into anyone's sites unless it's a technical issue and that's only with notice. But, I'm not familiar with that skin, you're probably looking for different columns, but you do need to know some CSS (sitepoint.com is a good starting point). I'd ask in the skinning forum as well, someone might be able to take a peek
  21. That's odd, you're on the latest?
  22. What does it use for the price?
  23. It's a good idea. I'll think about it
  24. Nabeel


    It's just basically saving flights for later. There's also settings that if someone bids on the flight, it's unavailable for any other pilots to fly or bid one
  25. Nabeel


    You'll have to change the CSS of the skin to change the width of those columns.
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