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Everything posted by t_bergman

  1. This is actually currently possible with phpVMS v2.x or v5.5.x, since the feature is already implemented I see no reason why it wouldn't be carried over to v3.
  2. web541, Thanks a ton, I was thinking about it from a whole different approach.
  3. I have a module I am building where I have extracted the pilots current location based off of this code: $last_location = PIREPData::getLastReports($pilotid,1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); However, this will only output the ICAO of the airport and not its actual name. Is it possible to get phpvms to pull the full airport name as it is inside the airports table of the database?
  4. No where does it say has v3 been released. The release is imminent.
  5. I believe you can only do this via an iframe. If your page is truly only HTML then only static content can be displayed. It may be possible with HTML5 but someone more familiar will need to chime in for that.
  6. Rene, What do you mean by auto pirep? phpVMS is a administration tool, kACARS/FSACARS and such are tools you log pilot reports with.
  7. PhpVMS v3 isn't out even in beta format yet, this forum is also for v2. I would wait until SimPilot releases a stable beta and the forum section for v3 opens up.
  8. You can exclude certain elements of data from being shown, I am not familiar with the exact php code to do so but you're essentially creating an IF statement: IF this format [01:02:03] Engine started,ONLY display Engine started. Its complex but you'll be able to get it done if you truly want to.
  9. In the file "local.config.php" in the root directory, turn debug to true on line 14. Then you're able to see what error the system is running into via the core/logs directory.
  10. t_bergman

    Hide Divs

    On certain pages, the acars.php for instance, is there a way to remove certain parts (divs) of the layout.php file? Thanks,
  11. Please don't use free hosting. phpVMS doesn't like it for some reason.
  12. Shaun, Fill out the contact form here http://www.simpilotgroup.com/contact
  13. This is quite a task, I've got something coded which pulls the data from the NOAA XML feeds. The below module is about 10-12 hours of work and can be done pretty easily if you look at how to parse XML data. The source I use is http://aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver. Unfortunately I cannot release the code to this as its part of a larger module which is Crew Resource Center which I am building to be unique to my virtual airline. I'm showing you this to let you know its easy but just takes a little determination.
  14. PM Nabeel. He's the creator/administrator here. Unfortunately it seems that this is more or less of an abandoned project which is being kept alive via the community and SimPilot.
  15. Use simpilot's updated version and everything can be a php file.
  16. We don't exactly know the problem, you say you can't bid on a flight. Are you the admin of the airline? Are bids turned off within the config file? have you tried the debugging option within phpVMS? A lot of people on the forum are more than happy to help but you won't get a response if there isn't enough information or if it doesn't look like you have spend any time searching for the solution yourself.
  17. +1
  18. Harry, This has to be stringing back to the $page_content variable. I'm not sure where it would be in the code besides the layout.php, I had a similar problem when building a portion of a crew center module. The code in the controller wasn't right and would cause the duplicating like you have. Problem is that in the screenshot you posted you haven't searched for flights yet which is where my error came in. I'm not quite sure what else could be going on.
  19. Worked perfectly, thanks!
  20. Are you adding pages with weird characters? Example FAQs works but F.A.Q.'s doesn't.
  21. Is everything working? Not sure is Simpilot has updated this file.
  22. As SimPilot said above, try bumping it up by increments of 30 seconds.
  23. The code is in the schedule_searchform.php, located in core/templates.
  24. Is there a way to sort the pages by name instead of their ID number?
  25. You can do it two ways, first is to use the include method above see this thread for more info (http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21339-pilots-list-doesnt-work-when-function-is-called-from-a-different-location/). The second is to keep the page within the phpVMS ecosystem, use this (http://www.simpilotgroup.com/blog/post/phpVMS_Content_Module) to create a php page which can access all of the phpvms system. With CSS and php you can include that file on another page using php include.
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