Alright so after Nabeel ( developer of phpVMS 7 and original phpVMS ) explained this to me, and I am sure he will chime in here when he has time. The way I understand it is that the text in his original default v7 theme and in v7 that will be showing to users is a Laravel library I think it is called and instead of entering code like I did below in my nav.blade.php file below ( chopped up code not complete ). Well not really code but TEXT for the navigation names:
<ul class="nav topnav">
<li class="dropdown active">
<a href="{{ route('frontend.dashboard.index') }}">Dashboard</a>
<li><a href="{{ route('frontend.livemap.index') }}">Live Map</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ route('frontend.pilots.index') }}">Pilots</a></li>
You would instead include the Laravel library language code so that it will display for different languages, say like Spanish. How it does this I have no clue! But this is what you would copy over from the default nav.blade.php file. There is also a language file and can't remember where it is, with a bunch more options.
<ul class="nav topnav">
<li class="dropdown active">
<a href="{{ route('frontend.dashboard.index') }}">@lang('common.dashboard')</a>
<li><a href="{{ route('frontend.livemap.index') }}">@lang('common.livemap')</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ route('frontend.pilots.index') }}">{{ trans_choice('common.pilot', 2) }}</a></li>
I thought this would mess up my text and so forth from my template, but it has not yet, and should not. I also can't remember the {{ trans_choice('common.pilot', 2) }} code meaning cause I looked it up a long time ago.If I remember correctly the number 2, makes choices this instance between the singular PILOT and the plural PILOTS! I am still learning! Hope this help's someone. I almost sure you DON"T have to use the language files, it's up to you.