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Everything posted by CPC900

  1. Yep, that did it! Thanks guys!
  2. Nope, still did not work. Do I have to put something in there referencing my prefix? Like, when it says: $query = "SELECT icao FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'airports WHERE hub='1' AND icao!= '$pilot_hub'"; Do I need to do anything else, or is the code supposed to work as is?!
  3. My table is not phpvms_airports though....I have a different database beginning than the standard "phpvms_" Would that be the issue?
  4. Your pics of the aircraft on your "Our Aircraft" page kind of look short and fat. Otherwise, looks good.
  5. For some reason, I do not get the hub options show up when someone tries to change hubs?! It is just blank in the drop down part where you would try to select the new hub
  6. I just did the two things that Manuel and James said for the core_htmlhead.tpl and acarsmap.js, and it works fine. I just changed the Lat and Long values, so it showed the map where I wanted it.
  7. Now, there no option to turn off the weather icons. is there?! Would be nice if pilots could turn on/off that.
  8. Manuel, I used your code for acarsmap.js and it worked fine for me. The one line I noticed that was different was, the coded out line: //var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("acarsmap"), options); That seemed to fix it.
  9. You just added that code into your "schedule_briefing.tpl"? Is that right?
  10. CPC900


    Or using KAcars Free Bruce
  11. Now, open those aircraft doors so the FS Passengers can get some fresh air! Bruce
  12. CPC900

    Spots by TFDi

    I notice when you click on the Pilot Profile, the "Past 30 days PIREPs" chart is stretched all the way across. Would look better, I think, if you could scale that down to match the window it is in. Just my thoughts. But otherwise, it looks very good! Bruce
  13. CPC900


    I think for CEO's who like some help every now and again, this is what he is getting at! Read what he said. Bruce
  14. Never mind It was a file permissions adjustment and all is well now.
  15. Users are getting this error: [b]Warning[/b]: move_uploaded_file(pics/1342931448_fsx 2012-04-05 20-23-48-76.jpg) [[url="http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/index.php/function.move-uploaded-file"]function.move-uploaded-file[/url]]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [b]/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/core/modules/Screenshots/Screenshots.php[/b] on line [b]72[/b] [b]Warning[/b]: move_uploaded_file() [[url="http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPC/index.php/function.move-uploaded-file"]function.move-uploaded-file[/url]]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpfdaQXz' to 'pics/1342931448_fsx 2012-04-05 20-23-48-76.jpg' in [b]/home/woodsdom/public_html/CPC/core/modules/Screenshots/Screenshots.php[/b] on line [b]72[/b] There was an error uploading the file, please try again! and line 72 is: if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { Now, I did not notice, because it was fine for me, but obviously I am the administrator. I am assuming it is a folder/file permission thing, or no?!??
  16. Yes, interested as well
  17. I would be interested in that as well. What has happened with that code, tgycgijoes? Or have you not tinkered with it much yet?
  18. Good solution there Eddie! Although, I have no problem giving credit to Simpilot on the footer of my page. I don't see why that would bother anyone, unless the person wants it to look like they have done everything on the site?!
  19. Are you overwriting schedules that are already there? If you are, of course add check to box "Delete all previous routes - NOTE: this could potentially mess up any PIREPS from ACARS flights which are currently in progress, whose routes have changed." Or is this a brand new schedule?
  20. Here is the docs page...... http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/acars-guides/using-kacars-r33
  21. That would be great if it did do it that way
  22. Thanks Tom!!!!!! It was the td.body_content { sectionof my .css, where I had to add the vertical-align:top; part. Appreciate all the help guys.
  23. I will take a look when I am home later tonight and report how I make out. Thanks SO much guys for looking into this.
  24. Would it be the .css file?? Anyone else have any idea? Appreciate the help.
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