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Everything posted by mseiwald

  1. Hello guys, all phpvms modules and skins on my site http://www.crazycreatives.com will be on sale from today until december 24th. To receive -20% discount on all items please use the following discount code during checkout: XMAS2018CCR This code can be used as often as you wish until december 24th. I also want to take the chance to wish all of you happy holidays and thank you very much for your continued support. Looking forward to 2019 with lots of new phpvms stuff to come. On a side note since some of you contacted me about having the problem that you cannot purchase things via PayPal in certain countries I have added the option to pay via wire transfer in my shop. However please be aware that if you choose that option the downloads will become available only after the transfer has been completed which will likely take a couple of days.
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  2. Like mentioned it is in core/app.config.php In the default file on line 487
  3. For that please open a topic in my own support forum here: http://forum.crazycreatives.com/forum/14-module-issues/ I dont really want to hijack this forum here for support on my payware modules.
  4. I had a look at the module now and you were right its actually in the module where you commented out this: # Show the routes. Remote this to not show them. // $schedules = SchedulesData::getSchedules(); a bit below is this: foreach($schedules as $key => $s) { and the if statement needs to go there like: if($schedules) foreach($schedules as $key => $s) {
  5. No it is The foreach Loop in schedule_results.php
  6. That doesnt make much sense as the function would still query all schedules that way. Instead just use if in the template file. if($schedules) foreach($schedules as $whatever)
  7. In your php settings try to set open_basedir to none.
  8. No just make the changes to the file and upload it to the "core" folder.
  9. Same error here.
  10. No problem i just thought i'd mention it as it was really hard to read. It looked like some handwritten font on my chrome and Safari browsers. Now it's perfect
  11. Thanks for your contribution but could you please use a normal font in the future. It's really difficult to read.
  12. Sorry there is no such option planned in the free version. There is an option in the not yet released VA Edition of the client that allows pilots to create charter flights but it will create a new flight number. Changing the aircraft for a scheduled flight is not planned in any version of the client.
  13. Contact me via our contact form on the site and let me know which .NET framework version you can install. I might be able to Compile a client version for your .NET framework.
  14. Of course it does. It is actually a 32bit app.
  15. Hello Michael, support related questions only here please: https://www.crazycreatives.com/forum There are a couple of conditions that have to be met in order for the flightphase change to Landed and a Landingrate is recorded. Those are as follows: - During touchdown the player is not in Slew Mode - Once during the flight (usually after takeoff) the Vertical Speed must be 50ft/min or more - The flight was reaching a minimum altitude of 2000ft above the ground Also the landingrate field resets if after a landingrate was recorded the aircraft climbs to 3000ft again. Further support questions post please at the link above. I want to keep track of reported errors and want them all collected at one single place. So in The Future i will here only reply to General Questions regarding the client if i read them (as i'm not here in the forums regularly).
  16. I was thinking that by using the aircraft select dropdown in kacars you create a charter flight instead of the regular schedule? The charter feature is deactivated in the free version of CCFTracker.
  17. cACARS has been discontinued! For our new flight logging client please check: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/23206-new-flight-logging-client-ccftracker-from-crazycreatives/ best regards Manuel
  18. Hello guys, since cACARS was discontinued a long time has passed and i still got lot of requests for it. As i found the coding of cACARS was not up to todays standards i have decided to code a new client from scratch and after several weeks of work and testing CCFTracker Free has now been released. At the moment there is only the Free version available. It is fully functional and has all the free features included and working. A payware version with more features and customization to appears in VA colors and logo, own client name and icon will be available soon and announced seperately in the paid services forum. I will support the free client only in our forum at http://www.crazycreatives.com/forum Feedback over there is very welcome to help improve the client. You can download the client and module from here: https://www.crazycreatives.com/ccftracker-free/ Enjoy! best regards Manuel
  19. Hello Ken, i have sent you a mail but i'm posting it here now as well. If you change the permissions of the /DownloadCenter/Images folder to 755 it should work. I didnt mention it in the readme file because at none of the VAs where i have tested the module we had to change permissions. So thats why i didnt think of it when writing the instructions. Please send me a mail if after changing the permissions it still doesnt work.
  20. Hello guys, there will be a free update for all customers of my Flight Position Tracker module soon which will finally store the flown flight path with the pirep so that you can view your pilots flown paths on the pirep map. It will now also delete recent positions from the position report table immediately when the pirep is filed to prevent seeing the old track on the map if a pilot flies the same flight twice on the same day. To test this new features i need a couple of VAs who must currently own my Flight Position Tracker module and are willing to try this new feature on their site. Since its a Beta Test you have to be aware that there could still be some bugs with the code. To participate in the test and receive the updated files along with upgrade instructions please send me a message via the contact form on my site at http://www.crazycreatives.com Thank You.
  21. Oh come on this is a very simple request no need for payware stuff or manual reject nonsense. In your schedule_results.tpl use $pid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid; $sql = "SELECT arricao FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE pilotid = '$pid' ORDER BY submitdate DESC LIMIT 1"; $myloc = DB::get_row($sql); if($myloc && $myloc->arricao != $route->depicao) { continue; } Or better would be open PIREPData.class.php and add a function in there like public function mylastlocation($pilotid) { $sql = "SELECT arricao FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE pilotid = '$pilotid' ORDER BY submitdate DESC LIMIT 1"; return DB::get_row($sql); } and then in schedule_results.tpl use $myloc = PIREPData::mylastlocation(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid); if($myloc && $myloc->arricao != $route->depicao) { continue; }
  22. In your layout you could just use something like if(Auth::LoggedIn && Auth::$userinfo->retired == '1') and then redirect him to the logout url.
  23. Why is it an issue at all? In my VA inactive pilots become active again automatically when they file a PIREP without the need for me to do anything manually.
  24. To be honest i believe thats the responsibility of a web designer to see if he for permission to run the VA. I make my customers aware that they could get into trouble but if they wish to go ahead i take the job.
  25. Actually if you look for example at the kacars_free module you will see how the other clients are doing it.
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