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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. Version


    Acars Software For PHPvms Version 7
  2. My time at the moment is very limited so at the moment i am not able to write custom acars for va's
  3. Yes it does work with the latest version of phpvms7. Opensource was the previous version this version is not .
  4. APVacars Software For PHPvms Version 7 View File APVacars Software For PHPvms Version 7 Submitter Vangelis Submitted 02/27/18 Category Add-ons
  5. check jquery versions you cannont have 3 diferent versions
  6. I need a website addres and a test username and password in order to help you
  7. To be honest i didnt uderstand what exacly is that you want to do
  8. Any error ?
  9. A test account should be ok if needed i will let you know about the files
  10. are you on a free hosting ? as phpvms is not working well with free hosting
  11. did you get an api key from simbrief ? also can you make a test user so i can login as i cant have direct acces to the schedules page
  12. And again what is your website address ?
  13. https://github.com/vangelisb/Simbrief
  14. You have a lot of schedules wich your new server cannot import, drop the db and use this to import the sql http://www.ozerov.de/bigdump/
  15. Do you have a paid hosting ? If yes is it a linux hosting ? What is your website address ?
  16. I Senden u a pm in discord
  17. https://www.cloud-coach.net/general/kindness/ have a look at this
  18. edit PirepAcData.class.php and where "public function" replace with "public static function" in the line of your error .
  19. http://baggelis.com/autopirep0.zip
  20. As far as i know it is hard coded in each acars software you could replace the text with a function
  21. sorry i meant a pirep where we can see what is writen when you have simrate 2x and above
  22. just copy and paste the line from your acars software if you give a link of a pirep i will be able to tell you
  23. It should work with a phpvms versions ensure that you installed it correctly
  24. can you both enable the logs and attach them ?
  25. Have a look at case http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures.switch.php
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