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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. Can you please open a new topic for that ? As it isn't a simbrief issue thanks
  2. Can you please post your website address ? I will return home Tuesday I will have a look at it then
  3. Whel phpvms is an mvc framework that means that all query should go to schedules data.class At the moment I am away from a PC until Tuesday then I will be able to suggest some code Pagination work with limit and offset have a look here http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_select_limit.asp. So you should post like a form the offset in order to get let's say the next 50 records
  4. You could alter the Query so you can use pagination have a look http://www.tutorialspoint.com/php/mysql_paging_php.htm
  5. 1 tip i would replace the whole hard coded time code with this $r = range(1, 24); $selected = is_null($selected) ? date('h') : $selected; $select = "<select name=deph id=dephour>\n"; foreach ($r as $hour) { $select .= "<option value=\"$hour\""; $select .= ($hour==$selected) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $select .= ">$hour</option>\n"; } $select .= '</select>'; echo $select; echo":"; $rminutes = range(1, 60); $selected = is_null($selected) ? date('h') : $selected; $selectminutes = "<select name=depm id=dephour>\n"; foreach ($rminutes as $minutes) { $selectminutes .= "<option value=\"$minutes\""; $selectminutes .= ($hour==$selected) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $selectminutes .= ">$minutes</option>\n"; } $selectminutes .= '</select>'; echo $selectminutes; also you can get a dynamic fleet from the db if you want as i saw that you have it hard coded
  6. I do not know if you want the solution or not yet But i will give you a tip <form id="sbapiform"> the location is wrong also you have 1 more mistake in your code as debugging software is a wonderful experience only if you are on drugs i want to remind you that time is splitted in Hours = 1-24 and minutes = 00-60 if you wish i can post the solution
  7. What is your website addres ? and to confirm did any errors come up ?
  8. Upload this to your modules folder and then go to this link www.yourwebsite.com/phpvms/action.php/mailtest this is a script where it will try to send me a test email if it fails for some reason it will display an error. Please post that error here . mailtest.zip
  9. i am glad it is a little strange why did would affect it
  10. With that kind of attitude i dont think that someone will be willing to help you in the future just a reminder we are all volunteers and whe do not get paid for the support we provide. Now that i have out of my system paste the above code where ever you want in local.config.php it doesnt matter what line
  11. Try to replace <form id="sbapiform"> with <form id="sbapiform" method="get" action="http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/ofp.loader.api.php" target="SBworker"> in your schedule_briefing.tpl
  12. does this happen also with the default crystall template ?
  13. I am glad your first problem is solved i would friendly remind you that search is your friend . You have 2 options regarding your problem 1 Downgrade your php version to 5.4 or lower or 2 Install the phpvms version that simpilot maintains from here
  14. You need to delete the local.config.php before you start the installation
  15. Check the size of the avatar if it is to big it wont resize it automaticly
  16. it could be because default functions like register an the pilot list are not working
  17. I will do a stupid question are you using phpvms ? and if yes in what website address ? because i dont think that http://www.airinter-va.org/ is in phpvms platform
  18. the problem is that almost all templates are different something else than the tutorials that we now have will not help you it is mostly trial and error I could host a webinar on how to skin a template if there are many people interested as i started to do a tutorial and after some time i left it
  19. Have a look http://dev.vast.com/jquery-popup-overlay/
  20. What acars software do you use ? As far as i know the majority uses a hardcoded timer so there is no way to change it
  21. Wrong user info chech that your password or username is correct
  22. If you re upload this file what error will you get ?
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