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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. What is your website addres ? It seems you have writen it wrong
  2. What is your site address ?
  3. mportant Issue 2 [This issue was added on 11/12/14 at 10:01 PM] Seeming to be a prevalent issue, the bids page will lead to these errors when clicking add bid: Strict Standards: Accessing static property Schedules::$get as non static (etc.) Strict Standards: Non-static method SchedulesData::setBidOnSchedule() should not be called statically (etc.) Bid added Note that I specifically noted that there was a "Bid added" message at the end of the errors. This shows us there were just some errors, but the function went through and it still echoed success. To fix this, let's navigate to the directory /core/modules/Schedules from the phpVMS root directory. Open schedules.php. After the opening PHP tag, input this code: ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED); ini_set('display_errors','off'); Save and refresh the page, and your results should be a success in bidding a flight. Entry #13 will help you as well in this topic.
  4. i dont understand . Do you mean that there is no autopirep.sql ?
  5. You gave the answer and then you do the question allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include should be enabled in php.ini if you do not know how to do it then you should contact your hosting company
  6. This plugin work only during the filing of the pirep
  7. try ti change <?php echo fileurl('/core/modules/AptInfo/js/tabslides.js');?> <?php echo fileurl('/lib/js/acarsmap.js');?> to <?php echo SITE_URL?>/core/modules/AptInfo/js/tabslides.js <?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/js/acarsmap.js
  8. Have a look at this http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/article.php/3875651/Web-Developer-Class-How-to-Hide-your-Source-Code.htm
  9. Hello all I was thinking of developing a android program for phpvms but to be honest i do not find any usage so my question to all of you is IF there was a android program for PHPvms what features would you want it to have ? and what would be the max money that you would want to spend for your airline ? Thanks
  10. what tracker do you use ? check the Long and Lat value in mysql table phpvms_acars
  11. hosting free or payed ? witch version ? maybe a link ?
  12. I would like to wish congratulations to S7 Virtual for their new acars system also to thank the staff for the good cooperation we had during the development. You can see what features they have by visiting this website
  13. wich function do you use to get these results ?
  14. This is a very draft convertion but it is a start for you http://baggelis.com/Files/spatial.zip if you have any problem let us know whith what you have tried
  15. can you show us what you have done till now ? we might be able to point out if you have any mistakes
  16. Als you can paste your code here at the forum with the code tag so it will be easyer for us to help you Here your code
  17. Have a look at this http://www.startutorial.com/articles/view/php-curl
  18. What kind of fsuipc installation does he have ? The free or paid if paid did he buy it or is it with a pirate key ? Does this happen with only one specific addon airplane ? If yes did he try another airplane ?
  19. you could if you know how to edit the php code
  20. image is not helping can you provide a link ? as this seems to be a css issue
  21. Why Landing Rate only Multiple x50? What do you mean by that ? do you have a link of a pirep ?
  22. What do you mean ? I am now in the procces of creating version 2
  23. does it reject the pireps that should be rejected ?
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