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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. Always search is your friend it has been said again on the forums here is the main post with the code example
  2. I would like to have a go but to be honest i do not like the charging policy and i am not sure how much it will cost me at the end with the test querys to Flightaware .
  3. I know it is already solved i just write the answer for the rest if they have the same question you should put <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/images/airline/<?php echo $pirep->code; ?>.png"><br /> as <%=flight.code%> is a java script variable and we need a php variable to get the pilot's airline code
  4. The only email settings that i am aware of are those Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_NAME', ''); Config::Set('EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', ''); Config::Set('EMAIL_USE_SMTP', false); # Add multiple SMTP servers by separating them with ; Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', ''); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT', '25'); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH', false); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_USER', ''); Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_PASS', ''); I do not know if that is any help for you
  5. A new version is up and a switch in the admin interface is included in order to enable or disable the module. You will find it at http://baggelis.com/index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=0&view=viewcategory&catid=4 This is not possible as it depends on the acars software that you are using the module just reads the filed pirep and the aircraft.bin gives not the same name in all airplanes.
  6. As far as I know there is no damage simulation in phpvms except if you are using a custom module then you will have to ask the creator
  7. When I was doing a research for a possible customer I saw that it was possible to create an auto update or import of the flights on flight ware in my opinion the sky is the limit in what you can do it depends on your coding skills
  8. I am working now on a solution that will work with all acars free and pay ware but it will take me some time
  9. I will need a test account in order to see what kind of cookis it saves Thanks
  10. Have you tried the files that i previously had givven to flyalaska ? and if yes dont they work ?
  11. I lost you . Can you explain it a little ? You mean different template per page ?
  12. You can try and write for example echo "This is the $code"; and if something comes up on your website then the $code is returning a variable But my question is how do you get the $code like with an sql query is it a result of a function or something else i think you still have me on skype if not you are free to add me and contact me best regards
  13. The first thing that comes in my mind is that the $code variable doesnt bring a value how do you get the result ? if you do an echo $code what will come up ?
  14. Can you provide us with the actual link of the image ?
  15. I wll agree as the website unfortunatly is the image of your Va you first have to fix this so it reflects the profesionality that you want to simulate. If you are not in a position of not beeing able to learn coding and you want something better send me a message a we will see what we can do for you
  16. You have changed something on the core folder try to overwrite common folder and the modules folder
  17. Somewhere while filing the pirep there is an error the only thats comes to my mind that you might paste it in the wrong line
  18. Can anybody else please report if they are expirencing the same problem ? also what version of phpvms are you using ?
  19. If you uncomment this line PirepAcData::search($pirepid) and you file a pirep what will happen ? will the bid deleted or not ? if still the bid is there then i would sugest you open a new post as this will indicate that the fault is not of Autopirep ps i am now looking how the delete bid is normaly working but havent find it yet
  20. AutoPirep has nothing to do with the bids so unfortunatly i have no idea what the problem might be. Nice to hear that
  21. The criteria reads the log file if your acars exports this the you can add it as a normal criteria
  22. What do you mean ? can you give an example ?
  23. You can add this in your local.config.php <?php session_start(); if(isset($_GET['template']) && $_GET['template'] != ''){ $_SESSION['template'] = $_GET['template']; define('CURRENT_SKIN',$_GET['template']); } if(isset($_SESSION['template']) && $_SESSION['template'] != '') { define('CURRENT_SKIN',$_SESSION['template']); } ?> and then you can call the template with ?template=TemplateName at the end of the link
  24. Apple ID does not have permission to access iTunes Connect.
  25. Where do you use it ? Are you able to provide us with more code ?
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