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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. I realized it after i pressed post that you want it for another template but wherever you put it should work . So as far as i understand this code is what you wanted and it is working right ?
  2. Copy and paste this in pirep_viewreport.tpl where you want to display it What it does in each pirep view it displays a line Rank Control: Min rank for B737-800 is First Office Pilots Rank is New Hire Basec on the airplane and pilots rank <li><strong>Rank Control: </strong> <?php $acinfo=(OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($pirep->registration)); $acrankname=RanksData::GetRankInfo($acinfo->minrank); $pilotInfo= PilotData::getPilotData($pirep->pilotid); $pilotrank=$pilotInfo->rank ; echo "Min rank for ",$pirep->aircraft," is ",$acrankname->rank," Pilots Rank is ",$pilotrank ;?></li> Small demo http://www.baggelis.com/phpvms/index.php/pireps/view/46
  3. It is the same but we prefer to modify local.confing as it isnt overwriten in case of an update
  4. As i am thinking of continueing the further development of APVacars i would like to know if there are airlines that use it and also what kind of features you would like in further version. Also i would like to let you know that until version APVacars will remain opensource and that after this version it will be a closed exe with free usage.
  5. Vangelis


    What is the callsing that you use ?
  6. Nice to hear that This module doesn't interact with login only with pirep sending
  7. the skin folder
  8. can you send me your template folder to info(@)baggelis.com so i can have a look at it ?
  9. New Version is uploaded and hopefully all problems will be solved
  10. At the moment no if you want there are plenty of solutions around that it is not worth the time and efford to do something like that maybe in the future
  11. Where flightnum => 001 and flightnum <= 003
  12. Did you added any criteria ? The module searches the pirep if there is nothing found it accepts it
  13. I was directed to everybody that take part in that kind of situations do not take it personal
  14. I cannot understand why always there should be a fight between people that support either software. Ashj24uk did a question and as far as i concern this question is answered . I do not remember him asking which acars software is the best so we get to the point to again compare softwares without any aparent reason. Some people like pegeaut over fiat like vanila icecream over chocolate icecream so some people prefer 1 software over another. So please let stop it here and let the VA admins decide them self wich one is the best and witch one suits the needs for their VA
  15. you deleted the module but did you also removed the line from the common/PIREPData.class.php ? If you have followed the instructions of the module then there should be in aprox line 813 this PirepAcData::search($pirepid); try to delete it and save and see if it is working
  16. if your version is not working give it a go if you do not have a problem then there is no need to update
  17. New Version is up there where some problem and they are now corrected please give it a go and if you have any problems let me know
  18. Do not worry whenevere there is demand then there will be somebody to fill the gap There is also Apvacars that can be customized to your needs Wish lorathon all the best
  19. At the moment no if you want there are plenty of solutions around that it is not worth the time and efford to do something like that maybe in the future
  20. I will have a look at it and report back asap
  21. Im sorry there seemed to be a wrong version on the server try to redownload and reinstall the new that i have just uploaded
  22. Copy and paste at the location that you want to show it
  23. Do you have the latest version ? Try to redownload the files and do a fresh install
  24. It is doable i will do it as soon as i find some time
  25. What extra modules do you have ? How or when did this happened ? Any new custom module / template installed ? Try to remove them temporalry
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