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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. in the default setup of phpvms there never was an aircraft called ANY . what is your website addres ? and can you provide a demo user name and passpord ?
  2. What kind of hosting are you using ?
  3. no idea it is a long time ago that i wrote it can you open a test acount and send me the credentials ?
  4. try to remove the www
  5. what is your website addres ? and can you take a screenshot of the settings popup ?
  6. remove this line it doesnt work anymore since facebook changed their api i do not know where you got this
  7. there is no facebookpost in this module are you sure you have he right one ?
  8. i dont think you have installed it corectly http://www.va.knights-airways.org.uk/index.php/schedules/brief/27307 there is simbrief button
  9. i dont think it has anything to do with the module i would sugest to turn on the logs and see if there is anything in there
  10. for the moment http://www.baggelis.com/OldJoomla/jdownloads/PHPvmsModules/simbrief.zip
  11. that means that core_footer.tpl file is missing check if it exist's in admin/templates folder if not reupload
  12. If it works do not touch it make a subdomain and make a fresh install and try to copy the data from one db to another
  13. autopirep.zip
  14. mail sended
  15. whe can do what you want
  16. You sended me a table with pireps by replacing number 6 with an id from this table you will be able to see the pirep and the points example http://baggelis.com/phpvms/index.php/PirepPoints/Point/6 http://baggelis.com/phpvms/index.php/PirepPoints/Point/10 http://baggelis.com/phpvms/index.php/PirepPoints/Point/11 http://baggelis.com/phpvms/index.php/PirepPoints/Point/15 http://baggelis.com/phpvms/index.php/PirepPoints/Point/16 http://baggelis.com/phpvms/index.php/PirepPoints/Point/31 so you can get an idea how it works
  17. http://baggelis.com/phpvms/index.php/PirepPoints/Point/6 You can replace six with another pirep id of your pirep table if it works for you then we can talk further
  18. Can you send me a copy of your mysql pirep table ? My email is info@baggelis.com and then i will be able to give you a price if it can be done
  19. I dont think all this criteria will be possible without a custom tracker
  20. Add a password in mysql also make sure about your php version it should be 5
  21. If you can send me the whole site i can host it on my server
  22. Send me ftp information and demo admin of phpvms in pm and i will have a look at it
  23. what is your website so we can have a look at it ? nevermind i just remember that i have your website on my pm but for the rest please post your website as it is easyer for us to help you
  24. what is your problem ?
  25. you can create a module your self that will display the items in a json or xml format and then pick it up from the other domain Have a look at this and this
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