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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Yeah, whatever, your sorry. My ass. You said it in other VA topics. And, No, you didn't have permissions from Air France... Personally, Jon Derrick's Air France VA is better than your VA. You just don't have a damn clue of how legal permissions works. Enjoy that and suffer from what you lost.
  2. Seriously? Daniel Cormack, Grow up! You opened many past VA's. What did you do with them. Oh yeah, you shut them down. Again, stop wasting your time and your life creating VA's and shutting down. It won't get you anywhere. BTW, nice slow piece of crap free hosting site.
  3. No Problem!
  4. All right James, The problem you are trying to do, there isn't a function to grab the pilot's group. So here's how it will work. Excuse for the messy job, lol. 1) Go to Profile.php Go to line 80 or go to public function view($pilotid='') And then find the following lines... $this->set('pilotcode', PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)); $this->set('allawards', AwardsData::getPilotAwards($pilot->pilotid)); Add after the lines... $this->set('pilotgroups', PilotData::GetPilotGroups($pilotid)); Then, go to the .tpl file that your trying to get the pilot's group. Add that, and then you will get a list of groups. <?php if(!$pilotgroups) { echo '<br />This user is not in any groups!<br /><br />'; } else { ?> <table width="200" border="0"> <?php foreach($pilotgroups as $group) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $group->name;?></td> </tr> </table> <?php } } ?> I know that it might look messy, but I'm sure you can fix it up to what ever style you want.
  5. I tried it before, but I'll give it a run again and I'll let you know what I can get.
  6. I'm interested of how to do it. I tried it and it wasn't a success.
  7. That's terrible . Hope you can get it all sorted out and find out who did it.
  8. I'm not sure, but since it's free to upgrade for you, then you could and you'll able to follow along the tutorial.
  9. You can upload your site to "lib/skins/" and put your skin folder there and go to Admin, Site and Settings and then update your current skin.
  10. No Problem. Also, can you please mark your topic solved. Go to the first post, and click edit and add [solved] to the title. Another tip, don't put capital letters or something saying HELP ME!!!. Use a title on what problem you are having.
  11. Try reuploading or download the file. Might be damaged when downloading or uploading.
  12. Hey guys, I been trying to figure out how I can make it work when a new pilot joins, I want the email to be sent out to three different people and I tried many methods like... $email = 'ceo@va.com, coo@va.com'; But It didn't work. Can anyone guide me in of what I am doing wrong? Thanks!
  13. God I love those moderators saying S***! Makes me laugh! And I have to say that you are a full of s*** of opening VAs. Get A Life! Good Day to your sir, NOT! In Addition for you of opening VA's.... Martinair Virtual - 23 May 2011 WizzAir VA! - 19 Jun 2011 Virtual Frontier Airlines - 18 Jul 2011 New Online Network - 5 Aug 2011 And Now!!! Ryanair Virtual - 11 Aug 2011
  14. Hey Nabeel, When I edit the group and I save it, the group list and the group settings shows together. Seems the AJAX isn't working.
  15. Hey Bluemax, I don't think you can do that. But you can add an airline and whenever a pilot chooses his airline will assign the airline code to his id.
  16. Kyle

    Kacars Help

    Unfortunately, you can not create your own custom kACARs. You have to order it from the developer of kACARs to make you a custom kACARs for a charge.
  17. Wow, Wow, Wow......... So much for a lair! Also, the email reminds me for the C.E.O.(Daniel Cormack), back in December 2010, I was the C.O.O. at another VA and that email I know to me that you used a different name with the same email. How interesting! You just got yourself into more lying!!! Also, I have to say this...... Enough with the bulls***! TCX0001, you should grow up and rather than lying! And stop opening up many VA's because personally, I don't think you have Wizz's Air's Permissions. ---------- I apologize if my language affected to anyone in this topic.
  18. Then it's your hosting's Issue. (AttractSoft GmbH) We did everything to fix it and somehow it isn't working at all. But I'm not sure where to look for the problem.
  19. 1+ rep
  20. It's almost like Airlines Enabled Feature if you may not know what I meant. Like, if the field req value is 0, then it's not required in the coding, if it is the value of 1, then it's required for pilots to enter.
  21. Kyle

    MySQL Help

    Yeah, I messed up of which query to go for, lol.
  22. -
  23. Kyle

    MySQL Help

    Indeeded! Happened to me once when I was creating a TypeRating and I made a mistake for deleting the pilot's typerating, it deleted the pilot.
  24. Thanks for the share Jeffrey.
  25. Mark, you can add a new colum in the DB in custom feilds like req. and then go into the coding and add in the stuff. Like look at the examples and see what they produce in the first name and last name, ETC.
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