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Everything posted by Heritage1

  1. Do you have access to your Server CGI Scripting Area ? If so, you might find yourself able to bump back down To PHP Version, 5.3, I've had the same errors, and have not figured out why when you upgrade, a lot of Modules go haywire, including most of the older modules around. I've been playing around with version Changes for sometime, Most of my purchased ones do work, but alot of the freeware ones do not.So, long Story short, if you can bump back down as long as you have nothing installed on the Server that Requires 5.5 or higher, be careful with this, and from the server, copy and paste your original CGI php.ini file to notepad for backup. All your settings are there for your Server. WARINING: THIS IS ADVANCED, IF UNSURE, THEN JUST DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!
  2. Was wondering if you got any help with this, there are several ways , very very easy ways of doing this. Below is the code for 2 Pop - Up windows you can create, and create if so desired as a page in the Admin area. You can also replace the Text for a popup with and image file/thumbnail to. If you have full access to your Server via "FileZilla" etc.... then this is made simple. Let me know how you make out or if this is what your Looking for, hope this helps someone ! <button onclick="myFunction3()"><p style="font-size:130% ; color:red ; "><b>NOAA Aviation Weather</button></b></p> <script> function myFunction3() { window.open("http://new.aviationweather.gov/airep", "_blank", "toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, top=50, left=50, width=1100, height=500"); } </script> NOTE: The addresses can be anything, and you can change the colors of the <p style> and the font size with % or 18px. The Higher the value of the percentage or px's, the larger the button. This will open up to a new window, and you can also make It private with changing the window.open attributes to your liking. The window.open attributes are completely changable. Jim
  3. Yep, Tried everything. However, I did break down and actually purchase a password locker software package which encrypts hard core. And has the features of backup along with different encryption methods of course, worth every single penny, I'm now using it faithfully for private areas in phpvms. I'm amazed at how easy it really is to view page sources, hence the purchase. It was worth a shot LOL, I tried. Thanks guys. Jim
  4. I've come up with this little script code for calling outside pages, and/or scripts. There is no Need to fill up the Admin pages section in phpvms anymore. You can create any html page, php, or even a graphic with this little script. Its very simple, fast an doesn't bog down the layout.php page what so ever. I use it hardcore for calling my own custom html or php files within my sites. For those who are even just a little advanced, there is NO limit to what you can create, I use a sub-directory "pages", and/or whatever you decide to call your custom files. As long as the directory is within the folder where your phpvms lives, then again, there is no limit. You do not have to worry about multiple pages within the Admin section of phpvms anymore. just call your outside custom script/pages. Thats it. Its very very simple. The biggest thing is making sure you place the call just before the closing of the </head>. It will not work any other way. Then after doing so, you can place the call for the actual file anywhere in the <body> area you'd like. Below is the code snippet, please read the comments carefully, and enjoy. This works great for me. Hope you guys get some use out of it, I know I do. Jimbo ceo@heritageva.net ========================================================================================================= <!--Insert into the layout.php file first before calling any outside scripting Below initializes the call functions.This also MUST be in between the <head>HERE</head>. NOT the <body> See below for calling your outside pages.--> <!-- start call outside scripts-html etc pages--> <script type="text/javascript"> var rootdomain="http://"+window.location.hostname function ajaxinclude(url) { var page_request = false if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // if Mozilla, Safari etc page_request = new XMLHttpRequest() else if (window.ActiveXObject){ // if IE try { page_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") } catch (e){ try{ page_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch (e){} } } else return false page_request.open('GET', url, false) //get page synchronously page_request.send(null) writecontent(page_request) } function writecontent(page_request){ if (window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1 || page_request.status==200) document.write(page_request.responseText) } </script> <!-- end of call outside scripts initializing coding. by Jungle--> <!--/==============================================================================/--> <!--How to call your pages ! Place in <body> only, anywhere you feel it functions good. Do not enter a named domain, the (rootdomain makes the script call, just add the folders as example below--> EXAMPLE:::: <script type="text/javascript"> ajaxinclude(rootdomain+"/hva/core/pages/imenu.html") <!--you can call anything!--> </script>
  5. Thank you for the hard work, I will look into it for sure, thanks again, and on another note, I have 2 skins that are active in our sites, and will donate when I am finished with them for free of course, more later Jimbo
  6. I do not mean to Butt in, but if you need help, I to am also here to help a fellow simmer. And am well known by the above Gentlemen, will be glad to help in anyway I can, just let me know here, or go to my site, and send me an email. Jimbo!
  7. I have been playing around with some simple little scrolling News Boxes, and came up with this for everyone. You can have a peek at ; PhPvMs Site= http://heritage-va.net/hva or http://heritage-va.net (Main Site) Look to the right on theses sites, on the home pages. Below are some code snippets for above, and I have added some page scrolling scripts that Work great with PHPVMS also. Hope ya all can use these. Jimbo "Jungle" Heritage VA , CEO <!--Heritage VA 2016 , Demo; http://heritage-va.net/hva--> <!-- Scrolling News or what ever you'd like to scroll in your site The below script must be after the head tag, or the body tag.--> <!-- NOTE: this can also be put into any *.htm page you created in the admin panel Or even adding a news item, make sure on the news you use the source button first.--> <script type="text/javascript"> //IMPORTANT::::specify path to your external page: var iframesrc="external.htm" //you may use any htm,html extensions //You may change most attributes of iframe tag below, such as width and height: document.write('<iframe id="datamain" src="'+iframesrc+'" width="150px" height="150px" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" frameborder="1" scrolling="no"></iframe>') </script> <!-- end of head tag or body tag --> //=============================================================================================== <!-- Heritage VA 2016: http://heritage-va.net/hva for demos --> <!-- Page up and down made easy ! --> <!-- Step #1: Insert into the Head Tag --> <script> var Hoffset=70 //Enter buttons' offset from right edge of window (adjust depending on images width) var Voffset=80 //Enter buttons' offset from bottom edge of window (adjust depending on images height) var thespeed=3 //Enter scroll speed in integer (Advised: 1-3) var ieNOTopera=document.all&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")==-1 var myspeed=0 var ieHoffset_extra=document.all? 15 : 0 var cross_obj=document.all? document.all.staticbuttons : document.getElementById? document.getElementById("staticbuttons") : document.staticbuttons function iecompattest(){ return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body } function positionit(){ var dsocleft=document.all? iecompattest().scrollLeft : pageXOffset var dsoctop=document.all? iecompattest().scrollTop : pageYOffset var window_width=ieNOTopera? iecompattest().clientWidth+ieHoffset_extra : window.innerWidth+ieHoffset_extra var window_height=ieNOTopera? iecompattest().clientHeight : window.innerHeight if (document.all||document.getElementById){ cross_obj.style.left=parseInt(dsocleft)+parseInt(window_width)-Hoffset+"px" cross_obj.style.top=dsoctop+parseInt(window_height)-Voffset+"px" } else if (document.layers){ cross_obj.left=dsocleft+window_width-Hoffset cross_obj.top=dsoctop+window_height-Voffset } } function scrollwindow(){ window.scrollBy(0,myspeed) } function initializeIT(){ positionit() if (myspeed!=0){ scrollwindow() } } if (document.all||document.getElementById||document.layers) setInterval("initializeIT()",20) </script> <!-- End of step #1 --> <!-- Step #2=Page Scrolling with New arrows,,,, pages etc. --> <!-- Simply add the below script to the bottom of your page (ie: right above </BODY>): Or you may put this into your layout.php also. whatever works for your site.--> <!-- Pay attention and keep these arrows you decide to use inside of the ( div attribute ) You may use arrows of your choice,or create your buttons.remember the ( img src= ) where your buttons/arrows live etc. Do not change the order of the below lines, it won't work.--> <div id="staticbuttons" style="position:absolute;z-index:1000"> <a href="javascript:" onmouseover="myspeed=-thespeed" onmouseout="myspeed=0"> <img src="arrows_up.gif" border="0"></a><br> <a href="javascript:" onmouseover="myspeed=thespeed" onmouseout="myspeed=0"> <img src="arrows_dn.gif" border="0"></a> </div> <!-- end of step #2-->
  8. Genius, I had thought about incorporating Silver Stripe into phpvms, but, LOL , I see you have done that. How is it working out for you? I'm very curious in the end results of this, and maybe I just might play around with once again, another project ! ( just what I don't need...lol..). Keep me posted, very curious. Jimbo
  9. Send me a message or email, as the same above, between the 2 of us, I'm sure we can get ya going. Let me know, also here is my VA email; support@heritage-va.net Jim
  10. Yeppers, Makes total sense, thanks guys, didn't even think of that. LOL, I'm bad. I see that now, well, for those who can't do what we do anyway, Guess it was the thought that counted. LOL, You are right, tried that several different ways, was difficult at first but figured it out. But then again, As you guys said, for someone who really doesn't understand it. Jimbo
  11. I've finished a little code snippet for everyone, I was prompted to create this in regards to a particular individual that posted someone else's PHPVMS Skin. Well, the only way this person got this, was either through Fire Fox FireBug plugin, or just plain hacked it. ( the code source that is.) Easy to do now a days, so here, this is for Everyone, and is really simple, short and to the point. This will Protect against a right click to view the page source, if you put this into the ---> layout.php page, and/or the , frontpage_main.php "Anywhere", and of course this can be used anywhere you want. And it IS HTML compliant !! Period. php,htm, html, xml, and xhtml. Bottom line. Photos, YOUR HARD WORK, can't get skyped right out of the gate. It works for us, hope ya all can put it to good use. Thanks, Jim "Jungle" copy and paste this into the Head of the layout.php of the Skin you are using for phpvms. Again, it can be put all over the place if so Desired, however, usually the layout.php file is the source of your site, and skin setup you have created. <!--protect site script , start code--> <script language=Javascript> var message="Copyright All Rights Reserved!"; function clickIE4(){ if (event.button==2){ alert(message); return false; } } function clickNS4(e){ if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){ if (e.which==2||e.which==3){ alert(message); return false; } } } if (document.layers){ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown=clickNS4; } else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){ document.onmousedown=clickIE4; } document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false") </script> <!--end protect script--> Feel free to visit any of my sites, working demos at ; http://heritage-va.net/hva and as usual, I will be MORE THEN HAPPY to answer you guys with questions. Give me time though, I am 100% disabled, to answer, sorry, (war vet). But I will answer as quick as possible. May God Speed, and see ya all in duh Air !
  12. Very sad, but through very little research, this is "NOT YOURS " to sell, as mentioned above, you'd had better check into the Laws, more so, The ICANN and FBO laws pertaining of said Domain Privacy Acts. This country is well protected if done right. Sad to see someone taking Advantage of a good situation. Jungle!
  13. Sent you and Email, Let me know, maybe I can help. Jim
  14. PHP, thanks, I just figured everything out , oh my gosh, how stupid am I. (embarassing for sure). your right, its all about the function call and inserting the public static call to all the common/*.class.php , files in the main class modules, I as mentioned before changed Hosting companies to a , high end for sure, but didn't realize of course the version of php is the latest. so the old php.ini I've been working with (5.3) is no longer. Entry of simple lines below I've posted works EVEN for ALL of the "OLD" modules I own. Thank you so much for your help, its very very much appreciated for sure. Below is what I've done; and again , thank you ! my site is up finally and yes, I would love to help those who need it, as mentioned in other posts, PHPVMS Forums here have been a life safer for me, my site is up with CC Skin, (love it). http://heritage-va.net/hva One fixed script::: class FleetData extends CodonData { public static function GetAllAircrafts() // -- Function Name : GetAllAircrafts // -- Params : // -- Purpose : { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft WHERE `enabled` = 1'; return DB::get_results($sql); } public static function getBasicInfo($id) // -- Function Name : getBasicInfo // -- Params : $id // -- Purpose : { //get basic info $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft WHERE `enabled` = 1 AND id='.$id; $basicinfo = DB::get_row($sql); return $basicinfo; } public static function getDateOfPurchase($id) REMEMBER , this works so far at 90% success rate on older modules, I've tested it in 3 sites. Don't forget the public "static" <--- function, it lives in this folder; /core/common <---
  15. I have recently re-vamped the default Modules with some neat Embedded links, pop-up windows that are "Live" and full of cool Features for everyone. it took a little while, but if using this, PAY ATTENTION to it !! I have included a live Metar...Live Map section that is embedded if paying attention to each Arr/Dep... you will see brackets that will throw you into an instant PDF downloadable file. There are a TON of embedded features in this Pilot Brief section, below is the code, the file name is ; schedule_briefing.php Backup your original by just re-naming it, pretty simple. there is also a IFR link directly to flightaware for the Live route. All I can say is this, move your mouse around this page very slowly and as you move, your mouse will do the rest. I have created a direct Nav Bar menu link in the navigation menu, here is what the link should look like; <a href="<?php echo url('/schedules') ?>">Flight Search</a> Hope this helps everyone with the boring old default Pilot Brief !! <?php if(!defined('IN_PHPVMS') && IN_PHPVMS !== true) { die(); } ?> <style> .bg{ background-color: #EDEDED; } a{ color:#FFFFFF; } </style> <div class="bg"> <p><b>VA Flight Briefing</b></p> <script src="http://skyvector.com/linkchart.js"></script> <table width="98%" align="center" cellpadding="0"> <!-- Flight ID --> <tr style="background-color: #4A4A4A"> <td colspan="2"><center><h4 style="color:white">Operator-Flight Number</h4></center></td> </tr> <tr style="background-color: #DEDEDE"> <td colspan="2"> <center><h4><b><?php echo $schedule->code.$schedule->flightnum; ?></b></h4> <!-- <img src="http://heritageva.net/hva/images2/barplane1.png"width="1100" /></center> --> </td> </tr> <tr style="background-color: #333"> <td><p style="color:white"><b>Departure</b></p></td> <td><p style="color:white"><b>Arrival</b></p></td> </tr> <tr style="background-color:#DEDEDE"> <td><p><b>-<?php echo $schedule->depicao?></b></p></td> <td><p><b>-<?php echo $schedule->arricao?></b></p></td> </tr> <!-- Times Row --> <tr style="background-color:#333333"> <td><p style="color:white"><b>Departure Time</b></p></td> <td><p style="color:white"><b>Arrival Time</b></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%" ><b><?php echo "{$schedule->deptime}"; ?></b></td> <td width="50%" ><b><?php echo "{$schedule->arrtime}"; ?></b></td> </tr> <!-- Aircraft and Distance Row --> <tr style="background-color: #444444; color: #FFF;"> <td><p style="color:white"><b>Aircraft</b></p></td> <td><p style="color:white"><b>Distance</b></p></td> </tr> <tr style="background-color: #DDDDDD"> <td width="50%" ><p style="color:black"><b><?php echo "{$schedule->aircraft}"; ?></b></p></td> <td width="50%" ><p style="color:black"><b><?php echo "{$schedule->distance}"; ?></b></p></td> </tr> <td> <h2 style="color:#193B51"><b>METARS-Weather-Depature-<?php echo $schedule->depicao?></b></h2> <button onclick="tadsdep()"><h5 style="color:#004400"><b>METARS Departure.(click me)</button></b></h5> <script> function tadsdep() { window.open("http://new.aviationweather.gov/metar/board?ids=<?php echo $schedule->depicao?>&format=expanded", "_blank", "toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, top=30, left=40, width=1170, height=580"); } </script> </td> <td> <h2 style="color:#193B51"><b>METARS-Weather-Arrival-<?php echo $schedule->arricao?></b></h2> <button onclick="tadsarr()"><h5 style="color:#004400"><b>METARS Arrival..(click me)</button></b></h5> <script> function tadsarr() { window.open("http://new.aviationweather.gov/metar/board?ids=<?php echo $schedule->arricao?>&format=expanded", "_blank", "toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, top=30, left=40, width=1170, height=580"); } </script> </td> <h1 style="color:red"><b><i>Terminal Procedures</b></i></h1> <table width="98%" align="center"> <tr style="background-color: #AFBBC2; color: #FFF;"> <tr style="background-color: #AFBBC2; color: #FFF;"> <td><p style="color:black"><b>Terminals for <?php echo $schedule->depicao?></b></p></td> <td><p style="color:black"><b>Terminals for <?php echo $schedule->arricao?></b></p></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td width="50%" valign="top"> <object data="http://vfrmap.com/fe?req=get_afd&q=<?php echo $schedule->depicao?>"width="597" height="748"/></td> <td width="50%" valign="top"> <object data="http://vfrmap.com/fe?req=get_afd&q=<?php echo $schedule->arricao?>"width="597" height="748"/></td> </tr> </table> <!-- Route --> <tr style="background-color: #333; color: #000000;"> <td colspan="2"><h4>Route</h4></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <?php # If it's empty, insert some blank lines if($schedule->route == '') { echo '<br /> <br /> <br />'; } else { echo strtoupper($schedule->route); } ?> </td> </tr> <!-- Notes --> <tr style="color: #000000;"> <td colspan="2"><h4>Notes</h4></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="padding: 6px;"> <?php # If it's empty, insert some blank lines if($schedule->notes == '') { echo '<br /> <br /> <br />'; } else { echo "{$schedule->notes}"; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="98%" align="center" padding="2"> <tr style="background-color: #333; color: #FFF; padding: 5px;"> <td><p style="color:#FFFFFF; font-size:112%; "><b><i>Additional Data</i></b></p></td> </tr> <tr style="background-color:#003300"> <td><a href="http://flightaware.com/analysis/route.rvt?origin=<?php echo $schedule->depicao?>&destination=<?php echo $schedule->arricao?>"target="_blank"><p style="font-size:112%"><u>View IFR Routes data from FlightAware for this PIREP (click me)</p></u></a></td> </tr> </table> <center><h3><b>Chart Procedures and Information ( click desired chart for download ) This opens another Tab</b></h3></center> <center><h4><b>Thank You AirNav for the use of your Charts & Downloads</b></h4></center> <table width="98%" align="center"> <tr style="background-color: #333;"> <td><h3 style="color:white"><b>Charts for <?php echo $schedule->depicao?></b></h3></td> <td><h3 style="color:white"><b>Charts for <?php echo $schedule->arricao?></b></h3></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td width="50%" valign="top"> <a href="http://www.airnav.com/airport/<?php echo $schedule->depicao?>#ifr" target="_blank"> <img border="0" src="http://flightaware.com/resources/airport/<?php echo $schedule->depicao?>/APD/AIRPORT+DIAGRAM/png" width="437px" height="654px" alt="No chart available" /></a> </td> <td width="50%" valign="top"> <a href="http://www.airnav.com/airport/<?php echo $schedule->arricao?>#ifr" target="_blank"> <img border="0" src="http://flightaware.com/resources/airport/<?php echo $schedule->arricao?>/APD/AIRPORT+DIAGRAM/png" width="437px" height="654px" alt="No chart available" /></a> </td> </tr> </table> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="right" style="font-size: small; font-color: black; ">Copyright 2009-2017 <a href="http://heritageva.net" target="_blank"><b>Heritage VA</b></a></div> <br /> </div> This works with every Skin I've tested it with, (over 12), have fun. See ya in duh Air ! Jim callsign "Jungle"
  16. Sorry, was away , thanks for responding. Version 5.5.2 I've tried everything, and am looking if it even exsists, a newer version, as my hosting company is 100% up to date with all databases and php.ini CGI's. Is there a newer version ?? Thanks , Jim
  17. What skin do you have? If you spent 75 bucks on the jet one, good luck. I own it and it took about 5 months of time to re-vamp it. The sliders are a Joke, this is basically where "ALL" of your errors are coming from. Second, if your not familier with php, don't bother, I highly recommend that you find someone who is and who OWNS dreamweaver, by Adobe. You won't re-vamp it without the software. Crazyskins has a lot of issues with all but one of their skins. I've been dealing with it for sometime. As we have 4 phpvms sites running. However, if you can get it to work, the menu system alone is well worth the money. Have a look ! I Just put one together for another site, not fully functional yet, but will be soon. The link is below for you. You Also need to familiar with All PHP CGI scripting codes. It lives in your server, and if your using a Free hosting company or a cheap one your out of luck . There are some serious changes to make to your server to get this to run. And be advised, anything for a PHP version that is newer then 5.5, phpvms will do nothing but _____<-- fill in the blank. MySql or MySql Lite, both run nicely on newer versions, so far I have not found any issues with any databases. Hope this helps you, and here is your Link on how its suppose to look and run. Jimbo http://heritage-va.net/hva Jim
  18. Heritage Virtual Airlines is looking for dedicated Staff Members for our New Systems. We have re-vamped our Entire Web Sites, and in doing so, have become extremely Busy . We are Currently looking for Hub Managers, Training Officers, CEO Secretary, and One Sr. Chief Airline Captain. Of course Our doors are always open to all, so come on down, and check us out. You might be surprised. And yes we have been around for 12 years. Go figure. lol. Here are some links for ease of access peeps: Main Site http://heritageva.net PHPVMS Site http://heritageva.net/hva We offer currently 27 active web sites, sorry can't post all those links here. And we have figured out a Way to incorporate Heritage Charters, and Heritage Marine Patrol Division through PHPVMS of Course. All have been re-designed with state of the art feel, and of course Looks. Thank You PHPVMS for all of your support here in the forums. We love you guys. Thanks, Jim Lyman CEO Heritage Virtual Airlines ceo@heritageva.net
  19. All I can say, is, I wonder who paid for the person that designed that ? And yes, I'm a Web Master myself, have been for years and can Honestly say this, I've never ever Seen a great design like that. WOW.
  20. We use this formula and adjust the prices as we need to per / week; 1 us gal.= 6lbs, Our current price this week is .55 cents per LB. subject to change of course.
  21. Nice Board, I've purchased 3 different ones, do remember if you re-install to another domain or change your directories in anyway, You will need to contact Jasper and give him your changes. Its piped back to his site with the license codes, and its the *.swf file that does it. Try putting in some logos for your airlines, the board will pick them up and you can go to Admin and check the logo box, looks really cool
  22. Heritage1


    Checked out the above, thanks, I'm gonna try our front page Live acars map, hehehe, wish me luck, I might drown. Cool map site by the way, didn't even know it exsisted, again thanks. Jimbo
  23. I am totally impressed, OUTSTANDING JOB !! You should be proud, and it sure as hek looks like a ton of work, To Much for me LOL., very nice indeed. Jim
  24. Also, if you want to, and this site is safe, you can embed a Visiter map anywhere on your site with the ; <iframe src="http:::///blah.comm"width="blah" height="blah"></iframe> ( <----proper format needed of course) This code works well with Revolver maps, and is Extremely accurate and safe. I've used them for years. You can also get detailed Information by clicking on your Site map, (new tab). Create a page in the Admin section, and embed it. PHPVMS is very htm / html friendly. Hope this helps
  25. Simple fix, Down grade your php version back to 5.3, phpvms doesn't like the newer versions , I've run into this many times. Lock your CGI script (php version to 5.3). Nice to have the upgrades, but my main stay on my domain is phpvms, I don't need upgrades, hope this helps you. Jim
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