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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. flyalaska


    Show me line 177 on front page. You don't have any landings yet. I assume thats why the error. Yes, remove VA Central. yes, this is done automatically when you upload and activate your skin.
  2. Problem solved! Thanks @jnascar for the help. If anyone is looking to do this. Just put your header in frontpage_main file.
  3. bump
  4. They must be a little sensitive. phpVMS is safe.
  5. Is there a way to display header image on main index? I don't want it to show on every page.
  6. V7 is on a different framework. Your current mods will not work on v7. V7 is still in testing stage, I wouldn't even worry about it right now.
  7. Thank you!
  8. Needs to be .php just like Mark said.
  9. I have OceanBlue on my v2. I will zip it up for you this evening.
  10. Thats how I have it. Crystal shows fine. My skin will now. I have no idea what I am missing. All the skins are .tpl
  11. No, just pointed to the phpvms directory and went trough the install. Different server from when I first tried.No issues and no errors.
  12. I finally got it to work. Love the new look. I will running through in more detail tonight.
  13. This module uses the 60 minute if($min >= 60) { $hrss = $hrs + 1; $mins = $min - 60;
  14. @Parkho love the MOD. I have 2 issues. The first one is that the Best Flight Time, all time is off. They dont match the pilots total hours. Second issue is the hours showing too many digets. 2060:14.9999999995 HRS for example. What file do I edit to add the number format to the all time Best Flight Time?
  15. Did you ever get this fixed? I have the same issue.
  16. I was originally going to put my experiment with a clone of my site on v2. To get that to work on php7. I may be doing it wrong.
  17. I have VPS from knownhost. I don't want to get php7 untill I know my site is ready for it.
  18. Bummer, I need get a host for a few months to get my site ready for php7.
  19. I installed a different Top Pilot mod last night. I got the same results. Is it possible the phpVMS is the culprit?
  20. I have 0 modules. Installing a fresh skin. Crystal shows up. My other skin wont. Thats why I am asking if I am missing something. The skin files have been changed to .tpl
  21. We just found out that last December the Top Pilot mod was not adding all the flight. When we counted the pilots hours manually for the month, he was 10+ hours off. The Top pilot mod shorted him the hours. This happened to many pilots. I have already noticed it happening this month already. The pilot in the screenshot is short two flights. Any idea what may have caused this? Look at the flights for Charles Prowse - AKA1631. You will see Top Pilots shows with 6 flights so far this month. Now look at his PIREPS for this month. You can see that there is 8 showing.
  22. Are you on php7 yet?
  23. Thats for people on php7. Im still on 5.6. Just trying to get v2 to work correctly before I upgrade to php7.
  24. this phpvms 2 version will work on php7. You are probably on 5.5.x
  25. does it cost $$ to run your site on https?
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