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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { ?> Logged Out Info <?php } ?> <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { // Show these if they haven't logged in yet ?> <?php } else { // Show these items only if they are logged in ?> Logged In Info <?php } ?> Replace The Logged In and out info with your content.
  2. I get a blank map. This is what I removed // if(this.flightdetails.route_details.length > 0)
  3. I am stuck on step one. In ACARS.php. I dont have the line that I need to replace. Here is what I have. # Jeff's fix for ACARS $params->deplat = $flight->deplat; $params->deplng = $flight->deplng; $params->route = $flight->route; $flight->route_details = NavData::parseRoute($params); I am assuming Jeff made an edit for my Custom ACARS
  4. Enter them in manually. You can get the coordinates from AirNav
  5. My Twitter isn't working anymore on the activity feed. Everything else works fine
  6. flyalaska

    HubStats Class

    I use phpvms_ as my prefix. I am using phpVMS Extended from SImpilot. Would that make a difference?
  7. Anyone know how to get my pilot list in order? Ever since the pilot ID went over 1,000 they went out of order. How do I fix this?
  8. flyalaska


    Check your profile settings
  9. Can you tie in SimPilots Tour MOD?
  10. flyalaska

    HubStats Class

    AM I missing something? I have public static function TotalHoursBetweenDates($icao, $startdate, $enddate) { //Count total hours $query = "SELECT SUM(flighttime) as hours FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE depicao = '$icao' OR arricao = '$icao' AND DATE(submitdate) >= '$startdate' AND DATE(submitdate) <= '$enddate'"; $result = DB::get_row($query); return $result->hours; } in my HubStats.class and this on my frontpage_main.php <?php echo HubStats::TotalHoursBetweenDates('PANC', date("Y-m-01"), date("Y-m-t"));?> Still getting a blank return. Any help would be appreciated!
  11. I know this is an old post. Has anyone found a fix to this. I have a pilot who only uses this. For some reason he gets this error. Nothing has changed on his end.
  12. I don't think its a kACARS problem. Most likely a VACentral issue. Slowing down your server. I had the same issues. We were freezing, admin section took forever to load. I disabled VACentral and works fine now. Atleast that was my issue.
  13. Its done in phpMyAdmin Go into phpMyAdmin. Go to your pilots table. On the top tab, click on Operations. If you have deleted the last X pilots, just change the number to 1 and the next pilot will be in order. If have any new pilots since you deleted, this will not work.
  14. Its from acars timing out out and the pilot keeps hitting the submit button. SimPilot posted a fix. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/20691-admin-and-acars-timeout-errors/
  15. Your Slide Show on covers 75% off the screen on my end. (Google Chrome)
  16. go to phpmyadmin, go in the pilots table. Click on the operations tab. In the Auto Increment field, change the currant number to 1. Since you have a new pilot since you deleted the others, there is nothing you can do now. You
  17. flyalaska

    HubStats Class

    I am getting a blank return. <?php echo HubStats::TotalHoursBetweenDates(CYQH, date("Y-m-01"), date("Y-m-t"));?> I added the class to my hubstats class
  18. go in admin, go to IP Content blocks, than add new
  19. <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code,$pilot->pilotid)?>
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