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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Contact Simpilot, he can port it for you if have a legal copy. http://www.simpilotgroup.com/
  2. I got an email from someone awhile back. I got busy and forgot about it. Not sure if this related, thought that I would share. I was looking for the correct configuration of flight keeper to post images via ftp and found your access and password. Yeah, I got access, I visualized some files, but I have not changed anything. Anyway, take care of it and see a tool inside the SDK that the actual site of the flight keeper encrypts and password. FSFKEncoder.exe --SDK FS Flight Keeper - Virtual Airline SDK v3.4 [857kb] - 12.06.2012 http://www.aerosoft2.de/downloads/flightkeeper/AS_FSFK_340_SDK.zip PICTURE_ADDRESS = ftp://flyaka.com/public_html/lib/fsfk PICTURE_PORT = 21 PICTURE_USER = ******** PICTURE_PASSWORD = *********** Take Care,
  3. Probably from the 100's of bogus signups I get each month
  4. I have never heard of a $15 charge. Unless that is something new. I think they shouldn't get any support though.
  5. Can you see them on the roster page on your site? Outside of the admin side.
  6. You want to paginate it. You can download it from Jeffs page (FS Products) - http://fs-products.net/index.php/downloads/viewcategory/6-phpvms-modules You can see how it looks on my site http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/AllPIREPS
  7. It is set by default. I get emails all the time from retire pilots asking to get reinstated so they can log back in.
  8. I would be interested in this too. New pilots start with x amount of points. + Points Tour Sign Up , Tour Completion (SimPilots TOur MOD)
  9. Is there anyway to limit the size of the screenshot? So there is no pictures bigger than 900px wide for example.
  10. If the board has a currant license, there is a spam blocker. Once the license has expired, the spam blocker expires too.
  11. What's with the high volume of notifications lately? Has anyone else been getting these? I imagine that this forum license has expired meaning the spam blocker is also expired. All these usernames have zero post and most of them joined yesterday. It's annoying!
  12. You should post in the correct forum, in Support. This is for people releasing code snippets.
  13. Thats weird. I get at least one or 2 fake registration a day. Usually the first and last name are similar. Sometimes with symbols. VATSIM is a made up name, and always from Afghanistan.
  14. I used a different style as yours, same table.
  15. That how how mine was, Just stopped recently. All my tables except ALLPIREPS, thats because I am using a different paginate for it.
  16. For example the pilot roster. Anything that paginates using the datatable - http://www.flyaka.co...op_landings/100 These pages are not being paginated anymore
  17. Say if its a Friday. Set that flight for only Friday. Than remove it before next Friday so it doesn't appear again.
  18. Is anyone paginating their tables with http://www.datatables.net/index? I noticed that all my tables that use this are no longer working. I haven't touched anything. Anyone else have this problem?
  19. <a href="link goes here"><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/your skin name/images/image name.png" width="32" height="32" alt="" /></a>
  20. Do you get that when you look for a schedules through /index.php/Schedules?
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