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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Anyone get OpenStreet map to work with this MOD?
  2. Running into a wall trying to install phpvms v5. php version is 5.6 and the mysql version is 5.6.45. Any ideas?
  3. Usually means you are using a skin that is supported by your phpVMS version.
  4. You are able to limit the aircraft to a certain rank.
  5. There is no option. You would have to start over unfortunately. Most likely you made edits to the your skin files. Any data sent to the database will not be effected.
  6. v7 is still in beta stages. I would wait for it to be a stable release.
  7. Thank you for looking at my skin. OceanBlue v3 is a major update from previous versions. OceanBlue is for php skins only and was tested with SimPilots 5.5 base. There are two downloads. One for php 5.6 and the other for php 7.2 Whats all included: - Bootstrap 3.3.7 compatible - Font Awesome 5 icons - OpenStreet Map - PSD for the header images - Header font - Custom public profile - Custom Pilot profile/Dashboard - Styled tables Modules Needed: You will need to install a few modules for this template to work. (included) AirMail 3 All Awards Ranks DO NOT install the template files. ***PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION FOR INSTALLATION*** Download - php 5.6 Download - php 7.2 Download - phpVMS for php 7.2 (Thanks ProAvia)
  8. You can create pages in admin. Than link them to your menu. The file for your menu is core_navigation.php
  9. You add the links to the modules in core_navigation.php file. Any modules you install should have the linking info in there readme file.
  10. You should wait untill v7 is stable. Dont want use it on a live site.
  11. Link?
  12. Thats an error you usually get when you dont have a supported skin. Change to crystal see if you get the same error.
  13. You have your main jquery in both layout and core_htmlhead.php?
  14. Are you still taking feature request?
  15. Do you have FSUIPC installed? Did you switch planes while KACARS was activated?
  16. From the Downloads tab.
  17. I dont want your cpanel. I want the url where you installed phpvms.
  18. whats your url?
  19. Why recruit in here? Everyone here has there own VA.
  20. Add them manually, get the info from Airnav. That is how I do it.
  21. I am having issues with Crazy Creatives Executive MOD. I have posted on his site too. Hoping someone here had the same issue and can help me out. I have recently installed the Executive MOD. Have everything working, with the exception of the flights that I have added . It will not show in admin or on the exec page. I do get the flight added successfully message. It will show in the main schedules page. I have imported the sql. I have installed this a few times, and deleting everything, with the same results. Any ideas what’s going on?
  22. Looks like you have images or internal links linked to http and not https.
  23. PM Sent
  24. Is there a code out there that can hide content by rank? For example I only want certain links to show on for pilots above a certain rank. Is this possible? My site is phpVMS 5.5.2
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