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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Every single table that is paginated was messed up. Thank you for the heads up. Looks like I fixed it now.
  2. The only browser that I didn't test it in. I never had an issue with Firefox in the past.
  3. Got it! I hate roster squatters. would imagine that if he is on several VA's and not flying. He is probably there to steal info.
  4. If you go that way, I have a rss generator that I use. I will get you the link. You can see how I have it, under latest news. http://www.flyaka.com/index.php On our hub pages - http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/Anchorage on the side bar under news.
  5. There are 359 different images for the icon. Too much work to do it manually. I would google search 360 image generator.
  6. If you are talking about the title in custom pages, go to /core/templates/pages_content/tpl and remove <h1><?php echo $pagename;?></h1>
  7. I know this is an old post. I am trying to get the twitter activity feed to work. I gar this error Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in/home/flyakaco/public_html/lib/skins/flyalaska_1.0/activity_list.tpl on line 3 I have added the the twirrer settings to my config.
  8. Also will be caused for pilots flying with plane with 100% fuel for small flights.
  9. I noticed last night that my VA's Total Hours is not changing. It has been stuck on 14,777 hours. Today with 13 flights already put in, it has not changed. Any idea whats causing this? Resetting the hours didn't help.
  10. Works perfect. Thank you! http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/acars
  11. The code doesn't work for me either. Im sure it has to go in the right spot. http://www.globalvirtualair.com/index.php/acars
  12. Don't buy it on my account. If you were already planing on it, I would really appreciate it.
  13. I been trying to get this to work for a few months now. Only able to get to work with my IPB, Not many people stay connected to IPB. Here is the details that I need, if someone can help me out. User Table Username Field User Avatar Field
  14. Is anyone using ArrowChat, and able to get it to use the phpvms database? - http://www.arrowchat.com
  15. yup, Jeff will make it anyway you want it. He does an awesome job.
  16. I had the same question before. You are safe. The old PIREPS will still show as the one that the pilot flew, even if you change the flight number.
  17. Anyone know how to make the random screenshot link to the picture? I want to put it in a lightbox.
  18. I have found a better feed generator. The one I originally posted would have problems, If you have already used the link I provided, You should switch to this link http://feed2js.org/index.php?s=build
  19. <strong>Total Hours Flown: </strong><?php echo number_format(StatsData::TotalHours(), 0); ?><br />
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