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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. If its for fake items only and not for an example special downloads. Whats the point of it?
  2. I would say no http://angelairva.co.uk
  3. Do you have another link to the download? The link on this post is dead.
  4. You have a skin by Fernando, which is most likely a stolen skin.
  5. Its a payware adon
  6. Thats a kACARS custom adon.
  7. Think you got the skins confused. Dave has nothing to do with Fernado's skins
  8. Would look better if the top menu was the whole width of the background image. Other than that, really nice!
  9. For the ones who have a Wordpress and would like to have your recent post on your phpvms site. Here is how I do it. http://feed2js.org/index.php?s=build Than you will need to know your RSS feed url. http://example.com/?feed=rss http://example.com/?feed=rss2 http://example.com/?feed=rdf http://example.com/?feed=atom If you are using custom permalinks, you should be able to reach them through this usage: http://example.com/feed/ http://example.com/feed/rss/ http://example.com/feed/rss2/ http://example.com/feed/rdf/ http://example.com/feed/atom/ I am using /?feed=rss2. Make sure that you preview it first. Place the code where you want to display the post.
  10. make sure you are typing in www.sitename.com and not just sitename.com.
  11. Is this one actually going to work? There have been atleast 2 on here. They really never worked.
  12. are you putting the index in your skin named folder? Not in lib/skins. Put it in lib/skins/XXX
  13. do you have cpanel? What happens when you do the index?
  14. put a index in your lib/skins folder or block it from your host cpanel.
  15. General and Hub Stats are on the forums here.
  16. Send it over, Thats where I was leaning. What size are you using.
  17. Anyone have a suggestion where I can rent a TS3 server in the US?
  18. Try this <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { ?> Welcome Guest <?php } ?> <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { // Show these if they haven't logged in yet ?> <?php } else { // Show these items only if they are logged in ?> Welcome <?php echo $userinfo->firstname . ' ' . $userinfo->lastname?> <?php } ?>
  19. How much you paying for your VPS?
  20. That sucks!
  21. Your host has a limit. Should ask them to increase the size for you.
  22. http://fs-products.net/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/6-phpvms-modules/22-random-flights
  23. http://fs-products.net/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/6-phpvms-modules/22-random-flights
  24. subdomain
  25. That means they are not doing it right or putting in the wrong code.
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