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Everything posted by flyalaska

  1. Can you post the one you found?
  2. Thats page one for sure. The inactive is probably the reason. How do I show all pilots? Inactive included!
  3. Its a addon for custom kACARS
  4. I have noticed today that my Roster page is not showing the full list. The first person showing up first is AKA132, and there are people infront of him including myself that are not listed. Any ideas whats causing this. Same problem on my Status Badge page.
  5. most likely in the css
  6. Look in releases, called Flight Board.
  7. flyalaska


    I wish there was one for IPB
  8. flyalaska


  9. flyalaska


    not on IPB, I think Vanners made one for phpBB
  10. flyalaska


    I use IPB, if you don't want the cost, go with phpBB. Better support than SMF.
  11. I am interested.
  12. It was Delta about an hour ago.
  13. I agree it it pointless to start another VA when there is already a well establishment VA out here. Won't be too hard to make a better looking website...lol Most VA's around here that mimic the real world airlines don't have permission.
  14. You got no answer because probably never has done it before.
  15. Is it possible not to criticize everyone? Can't you just say "good luck"?
  16. tell them to check their spam box
  17. This what I used to show the newest pilots. You can alter it to show a welcome message. CSS - goes in your skins css file. .clean-welcome{ border:solid 1px #349534; background:#C9FFCA; color:#008000; font-weight:bold; padding:4px; text-align:center; } Place the code below where you want to display the message <div class="clean-welcome"> <?php $newpilot = PilotData::getLatestPilots(1); ?> Welcome Alaska Adventures Newest Pilot:<?php foreach ($newpilot as $pilot) { echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname.' ('.PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid).')'; } ?> </div>
  18. PM me your gamer tag and I will add you.
  19. I can't wait for GTA V to come out.
  20. Here is any idea. Global message to send a message to people flying. KInd of like what FSHost does. An admin can send a message through the admin center. Have the message scroll on their screen.
  21. Deleted
  22. I sent you a PM
  23. Which css file is being used for this skin?
  24. You link isn't link correctly. The DOLv.rar is conneted to the link. Works fine when I copy and paste.
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