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FlightDeckES last won the day on June 17 2019

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  1. thanks for your help here's something on this topic,but is outdated for a PHP version https://forum.phpvms.net/topic/22395-pilot-profile-recent-flights-on-google-maps/
  2. thanks for your help but it still doesn't work used this code in the pilot_public_profile.php <?php MainController::Run('Pireps', 'routesmap'); ?>
  3. Hi, it was the first thing I checked here, some screenshots https://ibb.co/zFdz33q https://ibb.co/dbpT744 used this code in the pilot_public_profile.php <?php MainController::Run('Pireps', 'routesmap'); ?>
  4. hello thanks for the help, I have it inserted local.config.php for some reason is not working
  5. hello thanks for the help, for some reason is not working
  6. Hello thanks for the information, I have edited the flown_routes_map.php but I don't know how to limit the last 10 flight registration. https://ibb.co/5RYwHGc Modules/pireps public function routesmap (){ if (!Auth::LoggedIn()) { $this->set('message', '<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissable">You must be logged in to access this feature!</div>'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $this->title = 'My Flight Map'; $pireps = PIREPData::findPIREPS(array('p.pilotid' => Auth::$pilot->pilotid )); if (!$pireps) { $this->set('message', '<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"><center>No hay vuelos archivados todavia</center></div>'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $this->set('allschedules', $pireps); #deprecated $this->set('pirep_pilots', $pireps); $this->render('flown_routes_map.php'); }
  7. Hello I am trying to add that the last 10 routes flown are shown, I have not been lucky thanks for the help this is the Module / Pireps code public function routesmap($pilotID,$limit='') { if (!Auth::LoggedIn()) { $this->set('message', '<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissable">You must be logged in to access this feature!</div>'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $this->title = 'My Flight Map'; $pireps = PIREPData::findPIREPS(array( 'p.pilotid' => Auth::$pilot->pilotid,$limit )); if (!$pireps) { $this->set('message', '<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissable"><center>No hay vuelos archivados todavia</center></div>'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $this->set('allschedules', $pireps); #deprecated $this->set('pirep_pilots', $pireps); $this->render('flown_routes_map.php'); } with this code all <?php MainController::Run('Pireps', 'routesmap'); ?> thanks.
  8. Hello good afternoon I'm trying to put this in the profile_main there would be some way this works with a single click when you delete the reservation. Thanks for the help. https://prnt.sc/o97vo1
  9. Hi,could you put all the changes needed in one post? thanks
  10. Hi, thanks for the help with this code I solved the error but now it gives me another. Here it works right with comments. http://i68.tinypic.com/6z95wm.png here it does not work without comments http://i68.tinypic.com/zl7l0i.png code: <!-- Comentarios --> <div class="card"> <div class="card-title"> <i class="fa fa-commenting-o"></i> <span class="caption-subject bold uppercase"> Comentarios </span> </div> <div class="card-body"> <?php if(!$comments) { echo '<p align="center"><strong>There are no comments for this PIREP</strong></p>'; return; } ?> <div id="dialogresult"></div> <?php foreach($comments as $comment) { ?> <p id="row<?php echo $comment->id;?>"> <strong><?php echo $comment->firstname. ' '. $comment->lastname ?>: </strong><?php echo $comment->comment; ?> <hr /> </p> <?php } ?> <form action="<?php echo url('/pireps/viewpireps');?>" method="post"> <textarea name="comment" style="width:100%; height: 100px"></textarea> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="addcomment" /> <input type="hidden" name="pirepid" value="<?php echo $pirep->pirepid?>" /> <input type="submit" name="submit"class="btn btn-primary btn-block" value="Añadir" /> </div> </div> <!-- Comentarios -->
  11. Hello I need your help please I am trying to make the comments visible in the pirep_viewreport I am using this code <?php foreach($comments as $comment) { ?> <p id="row "> <strong><?php echo $comment->firstname. ' '. $comment->lastname ?>: </strong><?php echo $comment->comment; ?> <hr /> </p> <?php } ?> http://i65.tinypic.com/2zibvut.png but I have this error thanks for the help thanks
  12. Hi, Good afternoon Would need a graphic designer / repainter to paint our fleet.
  13. hello please link dead thank you
  14. I am also interested on it! thank you
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