I just use a FTP client. But with bootstrap, I just use their CDN (using v3.3.7).
Just reference those in your layout.php file.
I'd look at getting Bootstrap incorporated into your site. It makes things a lot fresher, cleaner and allows you to make repsonsive layouts (ie. that resize dependant on broswer window size)
I can't just paste my code here as it will not work for you as mine has bootstrap classes assigned to it.
It's because you're not calling it from the database - try something like this:
<?php $pilotcode = PilotData::getPilotCode(Auth::$userinfo->code, Auth::$userinfo->pilotid); ?>
Sorry to hear you're closing down buddy. Come and join the gang at http://alaskairvirtual.com/. You'll normally find us in the Talkeetna Valley in Alaska. Not much beats flying Super Cubs, Beavers, DC3s in Alaska.
Hope to see you there.
You don't use the simbrief module by going directly to that URL. It's showing you those errors as nothing has been requested through the API and therefore no data to grab via the xml
Just a quick question - does anyone know what page calls the pirep view and route_map on /index.php/pireps/view/XXXX?
I am trying to change the layout but the routemap is being called from somewhere other than pirep_viewreport.php