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Everything posted by shakamonkey88

  1. Don’t think that Google maps couldn’t do this. You just need to change the gestureHandling variable in the google script. Google maps is a LOT more powerful than people think - most just don’t know how to use it fully. See here for more information - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/interaction That being said, everyone should really move over to OSM using leaflet.
  2. Our site has gone through a lot of upgrades since this - but back then, we were using this to populate that table: https://www.crazycreatives.com/downloads/flight-position-tracker/
  3. Just be wary, it’s illegal for them to sell some of the payware modules that they use on iCrew. Just double check what you’re getting for your money.
  4. Why don’t you just use the FREE skin - you’ll basically have that design for free. https://forum.phpvms.net/topic/25373-skinfree-icrew-lite-skin-2018-designed-for-phpvms/
  5. Your Google API key comes in two parts - an access key and a secret key. Sounds like you're missing one of them.
  6. You don’t need a tpl version - it is built for phpVMS 5.5x
  7. Check the browser console and look for error(s)
  8. <?php echo ACARSData::getLiveFlightCount(); ?>
  9. Just watch out on how much stuff you have on each page Jim... 😊 https://gtmetrix.com/reports/seairtransport.net/WIdjbjsy
  10. Have you got information populating in the "rawdata" column in the pireps table of your db?
  11. Check the errors in your browser’s dev tools.
  12. Change the file extensions for all auto accept files to .php and change all references within those files to ".tpl" to ".php"
  13. Check that those files actually exist on your server.
  14. Exactly. That’s what I meant by stating that it applies to ANY organisation with personal data of people that reside in the EU. Basically, it applies to 99.999% of people!
  15. No, it applies to ANY organisation that stores, deals with, or somehow processes/has possession of other people’s personal data that reside in the EU. It doesn't matter how big you are or whether you provide a paid service. If you store personal data of others, you need to be GDPR compliant. My VA is now GDPR compliant and have sent out a GDPR notice to all our pilots and I suggest that everyone should at least send something out. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
  16. It’ll be easier just to post the details here buddy. You’ll get more of a response that way.
  17. grab the original from gihub (from the phpVMS version you are using) or paste the contents of your contact.php here so we can fix it
  18. Check line 24 of the contact.php file. You have a "<" that is in the wrong place/shouldn't be there. Failing that, reupload the original contact.php file. This is why people should utilize git for ease of rolling back commits.
  19. https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-AirMail There’s a readme included.
  20. This has been posted in the v7 part of the forums. Are you after an answer with regards to this feature in v7 or legacy?
  21. flyalaska is saying that you need to be running phpVMS 5.5.2 - he wasn't talking about your php version on your server.
  22. Ah yes - it's pulling that line from my local stack
  23. Does the php-skins.com know that you are distributing their payware work within your free skin? You also seem to be breaking the copyright law of the admin template you are using. The developer of ElaSkin has stated: "ElaAdmin is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Which means that you can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the final products. But you always need to state that Colorlib is the original author of this template."
  24. Yup, just as I said - you have an extra space in the script. Look carefully 😉
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