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  1. Hello, we are already in test, but all seems working well. Fly for VA$ and sometimes you can change your Va$ into Amazon or Itunes Coupons ;-) Take a look on Fly4Bonus.com and look how it works...
  2. is it possible to show the vaCentrlal Live Map instead the acars map? i cannot find any code for the vacentral llive map...
  3. nobody knows?
  4. is it possible to correct it?
  5. i want to run this module again :-) i take a look in my pireps table now, and yes the landingrates are negative numbers.
  6. ahh ok .... iwill try. thx parkho
  7. somebody knows how to set up a cronjob for resetting acars? i have in my phpvms folder a maintance.php but i dont use it,because i dont know what this file exactly do with my database. i see something inside "reset hours" and so on....that is not what im looking for. i only need to reset acars....
  8. lol...at this moment nothing counts anymore. i give up. htx parkho
  9. I installed the latest phpvms on my server. which PHP version should i choose? i can choose: 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 5.5, 5.6. 7.0 and 7.1 momently im running on 5.3
  10. i solved the problem to show my aircraftstatus on my fleet...but now the next problem. first time all working fine, then i solved my problem with autopirep...now the autopirep is working. but now my aircraftcond is not working anymore..??! financial balance is working but now not the cond auf the aircrafts. one problem solved and the next is here... :((( i dont know why....
  12. SOLVED at this moment. idont know why, but with the file from user vangelis its working now: PirepAcData.class
  13. thx parkho, same code i tested...not working in my VA. you right, xacars dont log landingrates, i only testet, because im getting on each pirep a bonus.in my case, it doesnt matter is a landingrate inside the log or not... every pirep a count a bonus, also from FSacars. :-(
  14. please help
  15. please help
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