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Everything posted by Lebitek

  1. much appreciated, 🙏
  2. I would be very grateful if someone can help me insert the map on the external page (main page) so that visitors can see the map and flights online. wingovirtual.com
  3. I really appreciate your help, we have a personalized map and it was working with the VAM Manager system, that map was created for us by a Webmaster that I hired, but we do not have a webmaster in our VA and I do everything related to our website. I would like to know how the process would be so that the traffic can be seen on our map. If you want to see the code, hopefully I can make that map work on the external page
  4. Versión phpvms 5.5.2 Versión php 5.5 MySQL Wingovirtual.com This is our home page, our own design of the initial page, we had a map which showed the visitors the flights in real time, the phpvms design that we use is Skyblue and that is only shown as a crew center, once logged in . We would like to configure our map to show the flights in real time.
  5. I really appreciate your help, but I think I'm a bit lost on that topic. Could you explain to me how it is or what codes should I aim for?
  6. My apologies, I will create a new topic.😉
  7. Good morning, we have recently migrated from VAM Manager and I need a little help, we have a Home Page that is outside the 'PHPVMS' folder of the installation, I have managed to make the Pilots Markers, N ° Flights, Routes etc. work. . But the custom map we have needs to show the Live Flights of our PHPVMS installation and I don't know exactly what codes I should change and where the Custom Map file should be, if I can help someone I would be super grateful.
  8. Good morning, we have recently migrated from VAM Manager and I need a little help, we have a Home Page that is outside the 'PHPVMS' folder of the installation, I have managed to make the Pilots Markers, N ° Flights, Routes etc. work. . But the custom map we have needs to show the Live Flights of our PHPVMS installation and I don't know exactly what codes I should change and where the Custom Map file should be, if I can help someone I would be super grateful.
  9. Good morning, we have recently migrated from VAM Manager and I need a little help, we have a Home Page that is outside the 'PHPVMS' folder of the installation, I have managed to make the Pilots Markers, N ° Flights, Routes etc. work. . But the custom map we have needs to show the Live Flights of our PHPVMS installation and I don't know exactly what codes I should change and where the Custom Map file should be, if I can help someone I would be super grateful.
  10. Lebitek

    skyBlue v1

    Good morning, the template is beautiful. But how can I make the template responsive? from the small screens it is not shown complete it only allows scrolling or it is shown complete using the desktop function from the mobile browser, I would appreciate your help http://www.wingovirtual.com/phpvms/
  11. Good morning, could you help me to connect the flights live on our personalized map that we have on the home page external to the phpvms installation, it is within the same domain but I cannot get the map to be displayed and when I address it by url it does not show the live smells
  12. Good morning, I would like to know if I found the solution, I have a personalized home page, outside the phpvms installation and it does not complete see the flights online, I would appreciate help. thank you
  13. thaks captain
  14. the truth I have looked for information about the MySQL version but I have not found anything in the Hostin, currently I have paid Hosting in Hostinguer.es, it is in this same Hosting that I have another domain of our Wingovirtual.com Airline and it works perfectly (in VAM ). The truth is that I do not know, I followed all the installation instructions but I do not know what happens, no acars shows Altitude, Longitude or Latitude bone (0,0) shows in the acars tables. in the phpVMS system. I am in Xplane 11 and I have Xpuipc installed and I have tried cacars, kacars free and ccftracker free and in those acars if it shows the positions although they are not in Decimal format, but those Positions do not reach the phpmyadmin tables from what I see
  15. please need help, no acars shows latitude, longitude or altitude. I am in version with the crystal skin that comes by default and the icon of my airplane in flight remains in latitude or longitude or the altitude in 0 also, php 7.0 and I have tested in 7.1 and 7.2 and it remains the same, I have bought the tracker position module thinking that this fixes the error but I still don't have the position of the real aircraft in flight. please help me
  16. Yes , versión id phpvms_5.5.2.72 , PHP 7.0 and MySQL . I just bought the crazycreative tracker position module thinking this was the problem, but I'm still the same. does not send the altitude and neither latitude nor longitude, the plane icon remains at lat 0 long 0. I don't know what the truth is, could you help me please
  17. good morning, change the value 720 to 2 and that does work. But I get the same error, the plane icon is not on the route, it does not move from position, I have tried with cacars, Kacars, CCFtracker and none of them send altitude either
  18. Thank you very much for helping me, I tell you I have tried taking off several flights but I see that the position of the airplane icon is always in that position, is there a possibility that the icon remains in the actual position of the flight? I mean while flying that shows where the plane is going at that time. Thanks for the help, I will change that data from 720 to 10 or maybe 2 minutes so that it only shows the active flights.
  19. Help position map live
  20. good afternoon, i just installed phpvms, i find the error that when we are recording a flight the position of the aircraft is not shown, i have checked the acars tables but it shows latitude 0 longitude 0. My accommodation is at Hostinguer.es, it is paid. php 7.1, I would greatly appreciate if someone can help me, I have tried different acars, cacars, Kacars and ccftraker but I encounter the same error.
  21. I love this skin Ela and I installed it on my new website, we are starting in phpvms with version 5.5.2 and we still have to add the routes of our website wingovirtual.com that we are currently on VAM. We are preparing the entire new website in phpvms and from what I see this template is not complete since there is no sample list of pilots, routes, best landing, flight hours, it would also be possible to add them together with the list of pilots the IVAO status bar since this is required for certified certifications, another detail that I would like to focus on is for example in my case he added 42590 airports and when he clicks on the page to make an observation or reservation it is very fast In loading that list a lot, it would be great on that page to be able to search the route through the ICAO of origin and destination. Another problem that I saw with cACARS and CAVacars is that an icon with an airplane appears in the "Live Map" but it is very far from the route, I don't know if this is someone else's mistake. Looking forward to the next release of Administration Center
  22. Me encanta este skin Ela y lo instalé en mi nueva web, estamos empezando en phpvms con la versión 5.5.2 y aún nos queda agregar las rutas de nuestra web wingovirtual.com que actualmente estamos en VAM. Estamos preparando toda la nueva web en phpvms y por lo que veo está plantilla en si no está completa ya que no muestra una lista de pilotos , rutas, mejor Landing , horas de vuelo , sería posible también que podamos añadir junto al listado de pilotos el status bar de IVAO ya que esto es exigido para aerolíneas certificadas , otro detalle que me gustaría que enfocara es por por ejemplo en mi caso he añadido 42590 aeropuertos y cuando pulsa en la página para hacer una observación o reserva está tarda en cargar mucho esa lista, sería genial en esa página poder buscar la ruta a través del ICAO de origen y destino. Otro problema que vi con cACARS y CAVacars es que en el "Mapa en vivo" aparece un icono con un avión pero está muy lejos de la ruta, no sé si esto es un error ajeno. Deseando ver el próximo lanzamiento de administración centro
  23. Good day , how to download apvacars compatible with phpVMS 5.5.2 please , thanks
    good morning and thanks for this great design, I need your help please, I have installed this skin and I get the following image error, but I don't know how I can solve it. I would be very grateful for your help.http://Wingovirtual.online
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