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Everything posted by DisposableHero

  1. Just a quick report ... Even with the default files ( create.blade.php , fares.blade.php , fields.blade.php , scripts.blade.php ) Stisla is not allowing showing the fares section upon aircraft select ... I checked the scripts, default and stisla blades, they are same (expect the styling), same div id's / names used and nothing changed to cause this problem. Also stisla theme is not showing the flash errors and/or the form field feedbacks, think that the problem is somewhere deeper in its core (which somehow blocks the script to run properly and blocks the flash messages) May return it later, simply I got bored while trying to fix something i did not broke in the first place
  2. Really laughed to be honest ...
  3. Will look into the Stisla problem, just need some time though
  4. Just tested the default blade, as soon as you select an aircraft the Fares section will be visible ... So if you are using Stisla theme, then this may be a problem of that theme.
  5. I think the problem here is that the manual pirep entry blade does not provide fields for pax/cargo entry while creating a pirep ... ( This may be technical issue 'cause the system needs to know the aircraft & flight and check its fares first ) While in acars we have that and for each flight we either use the auto generated values or enter them by hand. Possible solutions ; 1- Bid for a flight first, then from there fill a pirep (this will force the system to autogenerate pax amounts and use them for finances) 2- Prepare the pirep, save it (do not submit), then click edit and you will see the fares section (just between aircraft and route section) 3- Use vmsAcars for pirep automation I think second solution is the best for you @Baba
  6. APVACARS is not compatible with PhpVms v7 anymore, at least for now and author already stated that he can not give any times for an update due to personal reasons. So most probably no one can help you at the moment
  7. Thanks for the directions, I never thought to check discord to be honest Checked now, I have the latest dev build (7.0.0-dev+201102.a2de53) I reported this issues at GitHub too, will wait for a fix/reply.
  8. I was not sure of the version/build because I downloaded the so called "latest" dev version directly from below page and link (as requested by @Nabeel at 4 Nov ) https://docs.phpvms.net/acars/install-server As you can see there is no build number there, the link only says that it is 7.0.0.dev ( http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms-7.0.0-dev.tar.gz ) . So my only clue at the moment is what I see in my v7 admin panel, which is clearly stated above in my post. ( In case you missed it , here it is again : 7.0.0-dev+201102.a2de53 ) So if you have any suggestions about checking which dev build people are using kindly inform me, otherwise your reply is becoming useless @ProAvia If there is a version mismatch should I download the file again from the same link or should I download the entire dev files from GitHub ? Best wishes
  9. Screenshots I talked about are attached ... You can see the fare/subfleet/flight settings and the results at vmsAcars. Also another problem is the pax number mismatch, vmsAcars says I have 215 pax but the report indicates (and calculated finances with) 225 pax. screenshots.zip
  10. Well, I am not sure about my dev version ... This is what I see on admin panel 7.0.0-dev+201102.a2de53 , downloaded last week I think. So as far as I understand from your reply, system is designed this way (at least for now). To avoid any problems I can use only one Economy class fare and it will be same for domestic and international flights, which will not be realistic at all but at least it is a solution. I will open a GitHub issue for this, also I will provide some screenshots of the problem later, maybe it helps more. Thanks for your reply, best wishes
  11. Hi @Nabeel and all v7 testers, Found a strange behavior within vmsAcars. Will explain my setup and result, hope it help you to imagine the situation (or re-create in a test setup) 1. Created my subfleet (ex. A321-OHY) 2. Inserted some aircrafts to the database and assigned them to that subfleet 3. Created my fares as Economy - Domestic (YD) and Economy - International (YI) , assigned prices and costs to them 4. Returned back to subfleet settings , assigned both Economy - Domestic (YD) and Economy - International (YI) fares to the subfleet with defining max seat capacity (219) 5. Created two short haul domestic flights (SAW-AYT-SAW) with %90 load factor, assigned only Economy - Domestic (YD) fare to this flights. Setup complete, continue on test flight with bid/vmsacars 6. Bid flight (SAW-AYT) 7. Generate SimBrief OFP and check load route fuel etc. Export files as required 8. Start sim (X-Plane 11.50) , load the aircraft as per flight plan/bid 9. Run vmsAcars, search for my bid, select and load bid/flightplan, select aircraft (aircraft list shows the subfleet members as expected) At this point things does not seem right 'cause vmsAcars pulls the fare definitions only from the subfleet I think and wants me to fill both pax figure fields. Economy - Domestic (YD) 210 / 219 (210 was pre filled automatically) Economy - International (YI) 210 / 219 (210 was pre filled automatically) What I expect is to be able to assign multiple fares to a subfleet and use the ones defined in the flight, like in the real world. So it should check the fares of the subfleet and the flight, select only the matching ones. Here in our example it should be Economy - Domestic (YD) only. Anyway, vmsAcars does not allow you to put 0 to any of the fare types, so I edited them and made Economy - Domestic 209 and Economy - International 1 (total 210) ... Started my flight, landed to my destination and send my pirep. When I check the pirep details I saw that both fares was calculated with 210 pax ! So even editing the pax figures before starting flight does not solve things I checked the GitHub issues page for similar reports but found nothing, as this may be a design feature thus I wanted to write here in detail. Is this a bug ? Or was the fare/flight system designed this way ? Will wait your replies
  12. It was a brand new database, so yes it was empty ... I have no doubts about that, also after getting the error and before my next attempt I dropped all the tables, so it was again clear of tables/data.
  13. The database was empty and it was for PhpVms7 only , at least I wanted to use a new database ... I also have v5.5 installed at a different subdomain but it uses a different database . Anyway after couple of tries, I decided to use the already built database ,which was also another test install but that db was shared with a different application, I moved that apps data to another database and achieved my goal with a different approach. I am all ok now, but still wondering why I did got those errors in a completely new db and in a fresh install, same server same settings same rights for users/directories/databases etc. I can install v7 on main domain but can not complete it on subdomain somehow. Thanks for your time and suggestions, if you want me to do another test with a new dev build just let me know. Best wishes
  14. Well ... Just gaved up and tried another approach to continue working on v7. As I had another working install on the main domain, I used its database ... Had to configure some files manually of course but it seems ok right now. Will delete the files from main domain and continue using that database with the latest dev + acars on the subdomain. If there are no acars license activation restrictions for subdomains , I can easily create another one for installation testing and transfer my data manually (via sql or csv imports) if required. Best wishes
  15. Hi again @Nabeel Laravel log is below [2020-11-05 09:09:25] dev.INFO: Testing Connection: mysql::u9681834_vadba:<hidden>@;u9681834_turksimva [2020-11-05 09:09:25] dev.INFO: Connection string: mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=u9681834_turksimva [2020-11-05 09:09:31] dev.INFO: Testing Connection: mysql::u9681834_vadba:<hidden>@;u9681834_turksimva [2020-11-05 09:09:31] dev.INFO: Connection string: mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=u9681834_turksimva [2020-11-05 09:09:47] dev.INFO: ENV setup {"_token":"2YqcX9DSe82no2IrQcVbDiWkUnUczLrxpRXQiMho","site_name":"TurkSim","site_url":"http://vms7.turksim.org","db_conn":"mysql","db_host":"","db_port":"3306","db_name":"u9681834_turksimva","db_user":"u9681834_vadba","db_pass":"","db_prefix":"v7_"} [2020-11-05 09:09:47] dev.INFO: Testing Connection: mysql::u9681834_vadba:<hidden>@;u9681834_turksimva [2020-11-05 09:09:47] dev.INFO: Connection string: mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=u9681834_turksimva [2020-11-05 09:09:47] dev.INFO: Connection string: mysql:host=;port=3306; [2020-11-05 09:09:47] dev.INFO: Detected DB Version: 10.3.24-mariadb-cll-lve [2020-11-05 09:09:47] dev.INFO: Detected MariaDB, setting DB_EMULATE_PREPARES to true [2020-11-05 09:09:47] dev.INFO: No extension detected, using file cache [2020-11-05 09:09:47] dev.INFO: Redirecting to database setup [2020-11-05 09:09:48] prod.ERROR: Error on db setup: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1091 Can't DROP INDEX `airlines_iata_unique`; check that it exists (SQL: alter table `v7_airlines` drop index `airlines_iata_unique`) Still stuck at same position But with the latest dev, installer reverts back to database setup screen beta4 was just displaying the error and stopping. As it happened I checked the logs and saw the same syntax error about the airline table index. Best wishes laravel-2020-11-05 (1).zip
  16. Thanks for the reply Nabeel , I used the docs but did not gone that far and was following the first installation section (the one at the top, for phpvms install) Anyway, dev is downloaded ... Will try to install now, hope it goes well. Will supply you with any logs needed if things go worse. Best wishes
  17. Hi, Just want to test PhpVms v7 beta on a subdomain (with vmsAcars enabled), downloaded latest version (beta4 from github) created a new database and assigned my dbuser to it with all rights ... Uploaded the file to server, unzipped and head on to the installing phase. All checks are ok (php extensions and requirements), put in my new database and user info, db test is ok too but then I get the below error during install ; #sql: "alter table `v7_airlines` drop index `airlines_iata_unique`" #bindings: [] #message: "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1091 Can't DROP INDEX `airlines_iata_unique`; check that it exists (SQL: alter table `v7_airlines` drop index `airlines_iata_unique`)" If I close the page and head on the subdomain root, PhpVms seems like installed but the database is empty ... I checked it from phpMyAdmin , see that all the tables are generated but nothing more as expected (like basic data, indexes etc). Any ideas or solutions. PS : I have another copy installed on the main domain (so my server setup must be good to run it) , do not want to use it on main domain and can not take the risk to delete it now either During the install on the main domain, got a timeout error at the last phase but it seems working ok (with all required data in the tables, indexes etc). Do not want to activate vmsAcars on the main domain, 'cause i need v7 beta working on the subdomain. Best wishes
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