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Everything posted by DisposableHero

  1. Sorry, I was just trying to give you some ideas about how it can be done ... The information you need (for both) is open to public via web, you can search documents and/or courses if you wish to proceed on your own, if not you can hire a freelancer to do the coding for you (but I am not that guy). Hope you figure out the best solution for your needs.
  2. Looks like you are trying to echo an array, you may need to do a loop in that array to get the results or implode it ... Solution depends on the array structure and contents, also your expected result. https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.implode.php https://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.foreach.php
  3. Looks like you do not want to read the basic guide with attention or skipped that part 'cause I think I was clear enough when writing exactly this about airports; So the answer of your question was yes and still yes Just read guides, you will set it up and not loose your va, it is not quantum science after all but without reading (docs and forum posts) you will keep asking already explained details when you encounter a problem. Which is a time loss for both you and the person trying to help you We all passed that first steps and that guides (and official docs) are the best way to overcome that period. Best wishes,
  4. Do not mind the date the link posted The contents of that link is always the latest build ... So that topic was posted (or the file entry to forum done) at Jan.27 but the contents you download when you click that link is the latest. http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms-7.0.0-dev.tar.gz http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms-7.0.0-dev.zip Latest dev is stable, that error you faced lived only a day or two days and was a little mistake to add some scripts to a wrong place Fixing it without an update was possible easily. Starting from over or just updating is up to you ... Both possible since you are at the beginning and trying to get it working and learning, but later your only chance will be an update So try updating first to get used to that (which is only uploading and overwriting though but may need some special operations depending on the update). PhpVms v7 is not yet published or released, this is why you have only some beta releases and the latest development build. You can of course stick with latest dev and do not update it for a long period of time, what you will miss is possible new features and/or bug fixes etc. And if you follow basic procedures, updating the application does not affect your changes and or theme. So why keep yourself from using always the updated latest build ? Anyway, just follow some guides, use theme duplicating procedures and have your own theme files and keep your visual changes safe from updates. This way you can easily update your core application without any hesitations. I am not here to force you to do some things, but believe me, importing data directly to database would probably give you more headaches and will lead you more bigger problems when you think that all is ok. This is the main advise, the main developer and us (users/3rd party developers), we give to new users ... Do not mess up with the database unless you really know what you are doing and what will be the results on v7 core code. I do not know how was the VAM data, if it is really in a shape matching all phpvms requirements then it may be fine, I do say 'may' because it is really risky What was the problem when you tried to import an airport, was it not found , was the icao correct, does that airport had all necessary fields in the csv file for import etc etc ? I kindly suggest importing flights though, phpvms v7 will add necessary (missing) airports to your database, no need to have all world airports there in the beginning. You can read my guides about this logic too 'cause right now I am just repeating myself about things I already wrote and all is open publicly. https://docs.phpvms.net/ https://forum.phpvms.net/forum/57-general-discussions/ ( 4 pinned topics there ) https://forum.phpvms.net/forum/64-disposable-hero-addons/ ( 2 pinned topic here too , even though you do not use any of my addons, that theme duplicating procedure explained there applies to all themes including default ) Hope you manage this out and have a working v7 copy soon
  5. Hi, I am not sure that you can re-produce this error on the demo site 'cause that demo site always uses the latest development build and the error you mentioned was fixed a while ago (around 24th or 25th MAY). Your version 210521.d3ec0f is from 21th MAY. So to fix it, you just need to update your phpvms to latest dev. And the second one, the APP_DEBUG message in red, is not an error, it is a warning for your applications (phpvms) and server's security. To change the debug options, you need to edit your ENV.php file, located at the root of your install. In that file you will see two debug options, just change APP_DEBUG=true to APP_DEBUG=false and save the file. From that moment on, when an error occurs on any page, you need to get the details from your logs (located under storage/logs folder) 'cause the pages will not provide you any debug or stacktrace info. For the last part, about adding your old data from v5.xx series or any other management software, I would kindly suggest you to use the built-in importers (for flights and fleet) and not messing up with your database (until you really get familiar with how v7 works in the background, how the tables and their data are connected to each other etc.) And if you have some basic questions and want to know v7 a little bit better, you can just spare some time and read the basic guides provided here at this forum. Hope this helps
  6. You did not mentioned anyone, but I do know that you are using my theme and modules, it was easy to get the message though Much appreciated mate, it was and still is a pleasure for me to be honest. Glad you all liked them, enjoy. Best wishes, Fatih
  7. 13. Do i need to install all of your addons ? Of course not, every one of them is capable of working alone without others. So you can install only what you need. Only detail here is, once you have Disposable Tools & Widgets addon installed, it starts acting like the flagship for others. Mainly for helpers (like fuel weight conversions or other little helper functions/methods being used all over the addons including the theme). Even that flagship is not mandatory, you can have only the theme , or only Disposable Airlines module. 14. Will your addons work on a fresh installed phpvms v7 ? Sure, some features may not be visible until you have some flights, airports, pireps but they do work well on a fresh install too. 15. Are your addons php8 compatible ? Mostly, I believe so. Since php8 is not officially supported by phpvms v7, my addons follow the same logic. I expect them to work but if you encounter a strange error, please add your php version to the question so we can save time and focus on it instead of looking every other detail. 16. Will your addons work with imported data (from phpvms v5.xx series) ? Probably they will, but you may see some errors popping out somewhere due to the database differences between v5.xx and v7, mainly they will be related to missing airports or flights or users etc, just let me know if that happens so we can think on possible solutions. 17. Will your addons work with imported data (from any other VA management software) ? Not sure about that, this really depends on how the import is done and how much the source data is compatible with phpvms v7. No quarantees here, sorry
  8. Here you will find most common errors you will encounter during install/update/usage. 500 | Server Error This really means nothing and it is not helpful at all. So please do not message me or open a forum topic with just this message (or a screenshot showing that blank page). To understand what is going on we need more info about that error, what you can do; Enable APP_DEBUG in your env.php (by default it is disabled/false) and re-visit that page. There you will see the error in detail, you can post a full screenshot of that page. Check your laravel logs (they are located at storage\logs folder of your phpvms), the error would be recorded there will full details. Either you can send your full log, or just the part where the error is first recorded and afterwards. Without proper details, no one can help you. So in short, you need to help me (or us) to get help back. Call to undefined function Dispo_... You did not cleaned your app cache after installing/updating an addon One of your Disposable addons is out of date Your installation was not correct thus the function was not loaded You updated your modules, but one of your blades (pages) still trying to use a deprecated/deleted/non existing fuction (rare but can happen) Widget ... was not found You did not cleaned your app cache after installing/updating an addon Your addon is out of date but you are trying to use a recent version's widget Your installation was not correct thus the widget was not loaded You are making a typo mistake You updated your modules, but one of your blades (pages) still trying to use a deprecated/deleted/non existing widget (rare but can happen) Route not found ... You did not cleaned your app cache after installing/updating an addon Your addon is out of date but you are trying to use a recent version's route Your installation was not correct thus the route is not loaded You are making a typo mistake You updated your modules, but one of your blades (pages) still trying to use a deprecated/deleted/non existing route (rare but can happen) Not a valid Alpha2 key ... Use ISO 2 letter country codes for airports you have (this is phpvms v7 standard) Do not use country names while manually entering airports, instead use 2 letter codes or better use the built-in lookup function of phpvms v7 Do not import non phpvms v7 compatible data from 3rd party sources Do not expect me to not follow phpvms v7 standards and make modules work under every condition. "Trying to get property ... of non-object" or "Attempt to read property ... on null" Well, this literally means "I am trying to read ... from something, but that something does not exists". To better understand this, you need to check which line the error comes from, it may be many things but in theory the main referenced object is not there at all. Imagine you are getting this error `Trying to get property 'name' of non-object` and it refers to line 86 of a blade, check that line to see where ->name is used and identify the main object. <span class="badge badge-sm badge-info">{{ $airline->name }}</span> $airline <== This is the main object ->name <== This is the property So now the error makes much sense like "I am trying to read the name of an airline, but the airline is not there at all" When this happens ? It may happen when you delete something referenced by phpvms and considered as mandatory (thus no failsafe solution is defined) like a user Once a user sends a pirep, that user's id is used in that pirep and gets referenced in many areas. Same happens to an airport and a fare too, once a pirep is sent using that airport/fare, it's id is now referenced in that pirep. So if you delete that user and/or airport or whatever it was for some reason, than this error may pop-up in many different places (when code tries to read some details about the reference) Long story short, do not delete things if they are used/linked in somewhere else (mainly in pireps and finances) deactivate them instead. If you really need to delete them then you may need to handle all references to that object too. Either by adding failsafe solutions to each location they are being read or you need to delete the referencing object too (which may cause another and maybe bigger problems). Better before deleting things, think twice or more and ask for support if you are not sure what will happen after deletion. Can't DROP INDEX disposable_tech_id_index; check that it exists This is something I can not re-create and provide an automated solution, but some users reported having this (2 or 3 until today) while installing Disposable Basic module. So here is what you need to do; Open your database workbench (phpmyadmin or similar) Navigate to `disposable_tech` table and drop all indexes of that table manually Then rename `disposable_tech` table to `disposable_tech_details` Add indexes back ( id => Unique, id => Primary, icao => Unique ) Try visiting /update or admin > dashboard page again, migration should not fail now and module installation/update should be completed. Object of class App\Support\Units\... could not be converted to int This error is specific to development builds of phpvms released after 14 March 22 (Laravel9 update). Happens only if your duplicated blade is not properly updated by you and/or your theme developer. Check the default blade offered by Disposable addon carefully, either use it by deleting/renaming your duplicate or apply the required changes to your duplicate.
  9. Hi, I am getting lots of private messages regarding how to install or update Disposable Addons, decided to write a simple guide for that ... Hope it helps 1. Where are your addons ? You can find them here at forum, check Downloads section. Also you can grab them directly from GitHub too, link to my Github Repositories is also here at the top of this sub-forum. 2. Which source should I use for download ? I do prefer using GitHub 'cause it is the main source for them and once you get used to downloading things and manually installing/updating your coppies, it would be much easier for you to follow updates. GitHub offers nice features to follow a person or a repository itself and once it gets an update, you will be kindly noticed by an email. 3. What is the difference between files hosted here and GitHub ? Technically nothing, main difference may only be the version. GitHub always offers the latest released version for download, forum files may be some versions back if I forgot updating them. 4. Ok, how should I install/update then ? Considering you downloaded a release pack from GitHub (please do not download source-code from github, they do contain lots of unnecessary git files in them, download only the release package from there) and not using phpvms module installer. Just extract/unpack the package contents and upload to your server, that's all. Package file names (and repository names) are also the directory names. File Name : DisposableAirlines.zip Folder Name : DisposableAirlines Content Location : root of your phpvms/modules/DisposableAirlines 5. When should I update your addons ? Well, this depends on your needs. I do update my own copies regularly when I make improvements and/or fix bugs. But if you are happy what you have at the moment, you can keep using them without updates too. 6. Why too much updates ? Because main/core code of phpVms is evolving, I need to keep my addons working and compatible with the core too. Also the addons are evolving with your feedback, some new features are being added, sometimes performance related improvements being done etc. And finally, I am not the best backend/frontend developer around, I do mistakes too and to fix my mistakes I need to publish updates 7. Do I loose my changes when I update ? Yes and no. This depends on the update you did and how you did it... If you follow duplicating procedures, then your edits (to blades/views the frontend pages) will be saved but if you choose editing addon files directly or if you edit an addons backend files (like controllers, providers, models etc.) then yes your edits will be gone on each update. 8. What is the so called `Duplicate Procedure` ? Simple, you download and install the addon. Then duplicate its blade/view/page files and do your edits there. Example for theme duplicating; Install Disposable Theme (or any theme you wish) Make a new folder under root/resources/views/layouts , name it MyTheme Copy theme.json file from Disposable Theme (or the theme you installed) to this folder Edit theme.json file as below "name" : "MyTheme", <== This is the folder name you created "extends" : "Disposable_v2", <== This is the folder name of the theme you are duplicating Save that file and go to admin -> settings ... There you go, you have a new theme called MyTheme, select it and save, check your site. From now on, you need to copy each file you want to edit from the source theme to your theme. While doing this you need to follow the exact directory structure too So if you want to edit flight details page , then you need to copy flights/show.blade.php from source theme to your theme with the same name and directory structure. Source : root/resources/views/layouts/Disposable_v2/flights/show.blade.php Target : root/resources/views/layouts/MyTheme/flights/show.blade.php This was "Theme Duplicating" , addon duplicating works a little bit different but in a similar way though. You can not duplicate the backend files but all Disposable Modules are ready for blade/view/frontend page duplication. I hope future addons developed by others will have the same ability. Here is an example for DisposableAirlines module, imagine you want to edit the airline details page, then you need to that blade under your theme folder too but the target will be a little bit different, as below; Source : root/modules/DisposableAirlines/Resources/views/airline.blade.php Target : root/resources/views/layouts/MyTheme/modules/DisposableAirlines/airline.blade.php Disposable Theme v2 has two or three pre-edited module blades, they are there just as examples with slight changes done. 9. Why are your addons are free ? People charging nice amounts for much simple addons ! There are some reasons for that, main ones are; I do not want to have "customer - dealer" relationship with you I never put money in front of everything in my life. I do what I like to do, so as long as I enjoy doing that, I do not need money for it That simple is my life. If you really want to give something back to support the development or just for saying thanks, you can send some gifts to me. This may be an addon or a gift coupon from a sim software store (like SimMarket, Aerosoft Store or X-Plane Store or any others you use and I am not aware of). Direct money donations are of course possible too but makes life harder for me 'cause most of the known platforms are not working in my country (like PayPal, BuymeaCoffee etc). So either you will pay some fees to a bank or me, or we will both pay. Why make already rich people richer for just saying thanks Also as the last and main resort, you can always say a honest "Thank you", believe me it works. And if you are a religious human being, you can pray too. Or make a donation to a humanitarian organization, charity in behalf of me (and you together). 10. Do you work as a freelancer ? Can you make me a special addon ? (or any other personal work) No, sorry. That is not even thinkable Why ? Check the above question and you will see why. Also I "normally" do work for an airline as a flight dispatcher and I do work in shifts, most of the time I am not even in my country/home and travel aboard to do base duties. So this simply means that I have not much time for simulation and/or development of things. Of course my notebook travels with me, but believe me when you are in a different country with lots of work related things to do, opening that notebook and spending some time in front of it for fun is not always possible. You are getting lots of updates and core code changes by me 'cause due to covid restrictions worldwide, I am at home but with the vaccines going on around the world and people getting ready for holidays, this may change soon and I may start working back. And i really hope to work back this summer. 11. Should I read the readme files ? Yes, even after reading this forum post, that readme file may contain some specific information too. Please just have a look, this forum post mostly covers the basics but that readme file will be that module/addon specific. So again. yes read it. I do not want to use that famous abbreviation (RTFM) but it is really true, that file is for you to read not for me 12. Why are you rude and not being nice to people ? Am I ? Really... Unfortunately text does not have feelings and our main communication is done via text messages (discord, forum, email, telegram, whatsapp you name it) Even though I try to use the emoji icons in my messages to express my current mood I mostly forgot to add them and honestly I never want to hurt people's feelings, it is just not me. If I really believe that I will somehow hurt your feelings or be rude against you, I just stop communicating with you. And for some people I just block them that's it. So when reading my questions or replies etc. keep in mind that I just ask a question, in a moodless way, neutral. A plain question, it is not asked to blame you or to make you feel bad, it is just for me to understand the matter more clearly so I can think about it and offer some help if I can. Maybe it is my job or my brain works just like that... Simple questions, simple answers, simple solutions. ---------------------- I think this is all (for now), if you have any more questions or if you need any support (for non documented issues) please do not hesitate to ask. While doing this please make sure you are using the latest version of the addon and please use the proper forum topic Best wishes, Disposable
  10. As far as I understand, you want to display some phpvms v7 data (fleet, flights, statistics or whatever) in some other (outside of application namespace) area ... Like another page (or landing page) of your virtual airline. Or you want to display them inside the namespace but in a combined way (like displaying flights and pireps in the same page) There is no defined or pre-built way for this. You can read from data directly from the database with an external script and display the contents where you wish and how you wish. (Needs php + mysql knowledge, you will loose Laravel capabilities) Or you can use a module (to keep laravel support and all built in methods functional) to read the data and display the results in a page (within application namespace) without a navbar, then you can iframe that page to anywhere you wish (Needs php + laravel knowledge, you will loose some styling and blending capabilities due to iframe)
  11. Which version of phpvms you are using I do not know, but user fields are working fine ... For phpvms v7 dev builds, go to admin -> users -> profile fields and add what you want there. Example; Name : VATSIM ( No spaces here, it will generate errors ) Description : VATSIM ID or VATSIM CID Required : Optional Show On Registration : Optional Private : Optional Active : TRUE Below is from my live site; Displaying it depends on the theme you use, older versions of default theme had a problem regarding their display... Fixed a while ago, also I am not sure about beta4 if you are still on it.
  12. Good news, enjoy flexibility of Laragon and phpvms7
  13. Before uploading latest dev; * Delete your current vendors folder (optional but highly recommended for some updates, and this is one of them) * Clean your cache (by deleting everything inside root/bootstrap/cache folder) Upload and/or unpack latest dev Visit yoursite.com/update That’s all you need
  14. Just do not use the default/provided root folder ... Create a new folder in your drive like My Projects, define it as your second Document Root, switch to that document root from laragon menu (needed just once) then under that document root, create another folder like phpvms , then click the reload button from Laragon main window. It will instantly recognize it as a new virtual host, and you will be able to access that project folder like http://phpvms.test , that will also let most of the features of phpvms work (like airport lookup, weather updates etc) Hope these tips help,
  15. I use Laragon (the full version if that matters), works just fine ... Tried and installed multiple php , apache and mysql/maria versions (for development testing) . Even you can install phpvms 5.x series with proper versions What i needed was to update the composer it has (for v7 composer install of vendors, which is an optional thing). It can run v7 without any changes, out of the box (but works better when you have full control over it)
  16. When you export from Database, you should import from database too ... Exporting from A and then trying to import it from B does not work, cause the data format is different. Just a simple example for flights: Export/Import from admin : Airlines are exported/imported with their icao codes Export/Import from database : Airlines are exported/imported with their id numbers Export/Import from admin : Flight days are human understandable like 12345 Export/Import from database : They are masked values Export/Import from admin : You can import/export subfleets and fares of flights Export/Import from database : None of the above would be possible (unless you are really good at sql querries and excel etc) You can export from database, then work on the file to make it compatible for admin side import, this will take time and needs upmost attention to detail.
  17. I had similar errors with XAMPP, thus used WAMP first (with virtual host configuration) then switched to Laragon (which is much faster and capable of things compared to XAMP and WAMP). Though i saw some friends using XAMMP for their local tests but I never asked how they managed to get it work. If possible try Wamp or Laragon.
  18. Check FontAwesome website and look for the icon gallery (or something like that, i forgot the name of that page). Hope this helps
  19. Upload your own logo to your server... Then edit the blade files to use your logo files instead of the pre-defined / default ones. Original Logo (example) <img src="{{ public_asset('/assets/img/logo_blue.svg') }}" class="rounded img-mh50"> Your Logo (example) <img src="{{ public_asset('/myfolder/myanotherfolder/mylogo.jpg') }}" class="rounded img-mh50"> or <img src="{{ public_asset('/myfolder/mylogo_big.png') }}" class="rounded img-mh100"> Commonly, editing app.blade.php of your theme would be enough to apply your logo to all other blades. ( This depends on the theme you use, default / disposable / stisla uses the same logic but others may be different )
  20. This is not v5 so do not expect them to behave the same It works as I described above, sorry if it does not fulfill your expectations or needs but it is how it is developed for v7. "Live" Map will not show completed flights, that setting description may be a little bit confusing, i understand that (i thought the same way at first, and set mine to 0, then I realized how it works and how it got related with cron etc and set mine to 1).
  21. This is something not developed yet, unless you build your own module and interact with aircraft state directly, all members of your fleet will always be available for flight regardless of their current situation.And as you pointed out, aircraft location will be updated according to the last valid pirep recieved. Also a similar thing happens when a diversion occurs, which is harmless but knowing it may prevent surprises. Flight from a to b , diverts to airport c , both pilot and aircraft will be placed at airport b (but there will be pirep field entry about the diversion destination) Hope both gets developed soon.
  22. It is how it works, it is a Live Map They will show up when the pilots starts the flight and will be gone when the pirep is filed (flight finished). And when an error occurs and flights got frozen, like acars crash, sim crash, dropped connection etc then the Acars Live Time kicks in (with cron) and removes any frozen pireps from the map according to your settings. If it is not acting like above, for example if the live flights not being shown on the map or being invisible suddenly (during cruise or so) and then being visible again, it may be related to your server though (or the api calls between acars client and your phpvms). I faced a similar behaviour once and realized that there was a server update ongoing (which i skipped to add my calendar/reminder) thus the connections was being dropped etc (not related to phpvms)
  23. Admin -> Settings maybe ?
  24. DisposableHero


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