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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Sure, we would be willing to test.
  2. Currently live fuel prices only work with in the USA.
  3. I agree he made me one, http://youtu.be/hD3L7IXcIZs
  4. You can use the external database function, when a user created an account you can pass the username and the md5 password to another table in your database, you can then get ipb to look at that and use its own api to register users.
  5. This is good talking to yourself Right yes that was the error....... Next question is can i change the code in the file to accept the /images/xxx.png instead of the full url path, example <?php echo SITE_URL?>
  6. I have just deleted the background,png and reuploaded, then regenerated. Same problem but there is no rank image... As im typing this i think i know what the problem may be, i shortened the rank images from the full url to /images/xxx.png. I will let you know if that's the problem
  7. Hi, For some reason this has just started to popup on my site when accepting pireps, Warning: imagecreatefromstring(): Empty string or invalid image in /core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 1016 so i went over and deleted all the signatures and recreated them all from the admin side, that produced the same error but the images are being created, any ideas what is causing this? Generating signatures... Generating signature for Mark Grant Warning: imagecreatefromstring(): Empty string or invalid image in /core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 1016. Those lines are here # Add the Rank image if (Config::Get('SIGNATURE_SHOW_RANK_IMAGE') == true && $pilot->rankimage != '') { $cws = new CodonWebService(); $rankimg = @$cws->get($pilot->rankimage); $rankimg = imagecreatefromstring($rankimg); <--- This is 1016 if (!$rankimg) { echo ''; } else { $r_width = imagesx($rankimg); $r_height = imagesy($rankimg); imagecopy($img, $rankimg, $width - $r_width - $xoffset, $yoffset, 0, 0, $r_width, $r_height); } } Nothing has changed that should have effected that, any clues would be appreciated.
  8. Ah that's no problem, just glad its working, great addition there For the Notams, the code is in the forum here for that all you need to do is modify the code and create a new filename and include the variables for this page. Infact here you go its easier just to paste it here seeing as were all in a sharing mood today . <?php $stream = "http://www.ourairports.com/airports/$name->icao/notams.rss"; $file = new CodonWebService(); $contents = @$file->get($stream); $xml = @simplexml_load_string($contents); $out = array(); $i = 1; if (!isset($xml->channel->item)) { die("Sorry Nothing Found"); } foreach($xml->channel->item as $item) { $data = array(); $data['title'] = $item->title; $data['description'] = $item->description; $data['link'] = $item->link; array_push($out, $data); if ($i == 1) { break; } $i--; } echo $data['title']; echo $data['description']; $i = 2; if (!isset($xml->channel->item)) { die("Sorry Nothing Found"); } foreach($xml->channel->item as $item) { $data = array(); $data['title'] = $item->title; $data['description'] = $item->description; $data['link'] = $item->link; array_push($out, $data); if ($i == 1) { break; } $i--; } echo $data['title']; echo $data['description']; $i = 3; if (!isset($xml->channel->item)) { die("Sorry Nothing Found"); } foreach($xml->channel->item as $item) { $data = array(); $data['title'] = $item->title; $data['description'] = $item->description; $data['link'] = $item->link; array_push($out, $data); if ($i == 1) { break; } $i--; } echo $data['title']; echo $data['description']; ?> Place this in your active skins folder, then just include it where you want it.
  9. Ok i now have that working but with one change, instead of calling out to Google im using the existing file in the system So, <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('/lib/js/acarsmap.js');?>"></script> <br /> <h3><?php echo $name->name;?></h3> <script type="text/javascript"> function initialize() { var mapDiv = document.getElementById('map-canvas'); var map = new google.maps.Map(mapDiv, { center: new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $name->lat; ?> , <?php echo $name->lng; ?> ), zoom: 14, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE }); } google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); </script> <div id="map-canvas" style="width: 100%; height: 500px"></div> Get there in the end...
  10. Still got no map mate but managed to add a NOTAM info to that page, Here
  11. Yes Same problem here, im just trying to debug with ff.
  12. Thank-you Stuart, this is a great addition to any VA.
  13. Ok guys i can see both sides here so am locking this thread, i am also removing the release until it can be verified where the source has come from.
  14. Ah come on guys this is not good, although the module is excellent people shouldn't be ripping off sites.
  15. Check install and db is in the www.yoursite.com/install/ folders
  16. Is the file there? /core/templates/touchdownstats/touchdownstats_index.tpl"
  17. This post is over a year old, I wouldn't hold your breath for the source.
  18. Are you installing the beta a fresh? If so try to stable release and then update to the latest beta.
  19. Ok just start over again, delete the database and files then reupload.
  20. That you have mate, just got to say you have a cracking site there, I would even go as far to say the best layout and graphics i have ever seen for a phpVMS site
  21. Ok have a look at your site in firefox or chrome, you can see the different divs and how your page is made up, this will greatly assist you in your troubleshooting
  22. Stuart, i like the country listing and grouped together which is good, if you every want to share the code then you can always get me on pm
  23. Also delete the local.config.php in the core folder.
  24. Take a look in your core_navigation.tpl in your skin folder you will get the gist of how to do it there.
  25. Stuart, How do you get the grouped listing i just copied the echo '<optgroup label="'.$airport->country.'">'; and as expected because its in the loop before each field the country is displayed, is there another modification somewhere?
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