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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Just put that code at the top of any tpl you only want logged in pilots to access. If they are not logged in then it will display them the login form, you can if you want create another login form to redirect them to the requested page.
  2. Roger just check that that template really does exist and its ok, it may be a corrupt file there.
  3. If not you can modify this code below to suite your needs. <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false) { echo 'Please login to view this page.'; echo '<br /><br /><br />'; Template::Show('login_form.tpl'); return; } ?>
  4. If you have created a page in the admin section then you have the option to make it public, ie logged in or not. Then just make sure there is no tick in the box and that page can only be accessed by members.
  5. Changing the alt tag wont do anything, you need to add width="250px" height="300px"
  6. Make sure your background image is owned by the www or root with full read write access, try different images ie png jpg gif. Also go back to the default phpVMS image see what happens when you regenerate.
  7. You should be able just to add them, i have never tried so it may not work, if not you can always directly update the database as a work around.
  8. When a pilot joins you can default them to their hub location, the code is in the original release thread to accomplish this.
  9. Seems as if his Net frame work is corrupt, if you sure he is running the application as administrator (not the shortcut) then get the exception from the debug box and paste in here, that will give more information about the exact problem.
  10. They are not getting generated, what happens if you manually generate then from the admin panel? Also are you using any other fonts or is it the default? Finally check all your folder permissions,
  11. I still think its a permissions thing,
  12. Is he running the application as administrator?
  13. You should re upload these below and forget about the template errors, [Checksum failed] /core/codon.config.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /admin/templates/pilots_details.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
  14. Ok let me dig out the code. Right i have a php file in the root dir containing the flight board code, i include that with a php include in the frontpage_main.tpl In the frontpage_main.tpl i have this at the top, <script type="text/javascript"> setInterval(function() { $("#fboard").load(location.href+" #fboard>*",""); }, 60000); </script> Thats it then just enclose that php include in a div, so, <div id="fboard"> <?php include 'path_to_your_file.php';</div>
  15. You will need to upload the install folder and run the checkfiles.php see if that turns up anything.
  16. How are your permissions set for that directory?
  17. Mr A yes, I Use a php include inside a div, the div is then ajax refreshed every xx secons so only the flight board is refreshed.
  18. The code for this is in Simpilots post for the screenshot gallery. Im out at the moment but if you still have not found it i will point you in the right direction when i get home.
  19. That's something i have not looked at to be honest, i know Jeff has though but he is a busy man. If i get chance ill try to get the results in that grid on my dev site.
  20. mark1million


    This is to do with your session save path and directory that php is using to store sessions, i would contact you host they will be able to sort that out, if its your own server make sure the session save path is defined in the php.ini file and it has write permissions.
  21. Hey guys, Im after some advise about the best way to go about rounding off the table headers with images. I have looked at jquery, javascript and css. I have started updating my site with images for the table headers but do i create 1 image the length of the table or individual cells as a block, still undecided but just after some ideas what some of you may have had success with. Cheers.
  22. No problem. Glad you got it sorted.
  23. Ok so where did you upload the files to on your webserver? All that message is telling you that the files are not there. You need to upload all the files to your root directory of your server, your server must also be capable of parsing php, ie have php installed.
  24. Cheers Kyle, its a pleasure to be able to help out.
  25. Are you using this on the admin side?
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