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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Stuart, i like the country listing and grouped together which is good, if you every want to share the code then you can always get me on pm
  2. Also delete the local.config.php in the core folder.
  3. Take a look in your core_navigation.tpl in your skin folder you will get the gist of how to do it there.
  4. Stuart, How do you get the grouped listing i just copied the echo '<optgroup label="'.$airport->country.'">'; and as expected because its in the loop before each field the country is displayed, is there another modification somewhere?
  5. Joeri, Add some more classes names to your css then use them in the pilots page for the status, Pilots list, <td><div align="center"> <?php if($pilot->retired == 0) echo '<p id="success">Active</p>'; elseif($pilot->retired == 1) echo '<p id="pending">Inactive</p>'; elseif($pilot->retired == 2) echo '<p id="error">Banned</p>'; elseif($pilot->retired == 3) echo '<p id="holiday">Holiday</p>'; elseif($pilot->retired == 4) echo '<p id="resigned">Resigned</p>'; ?> That is what i use Sorry for hijacking this thread James.
  6. What i would suggest is to try to understand how things work with css, there are many skins on here so find one that roughly matches the layout your looking for then redesign to your needs. The hardest part is understanding the different classes and div names, for that you can use firefox to see the different areas.
  7. There is a module here for extract fleet usage already. Maybe this is what you need? http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1522-fleet-table/page__hl__fleet
  8. Take a look at those dive on line 3 and also below the map code you have an empty div there fir no reason, your right it is a div issue just finding the right one As a start get rid of that div id mainbox extra one so remove lines 3 and 4
  9. Ok i see, what looks to be happening is the content is being placed in the existing div, if you look it is centred according to the div its in. Try removing it or defining a page width.
  10. Sure send me a pm it will only take 5 minutes
  11. The best was is to use Javascript to validate what you need.
  12. No not with out a load of problems, these are auto increment when a new pilot registered. I changed a pilot id once and i had to go and change a load of other stuff, just isnt worth it on a live site.
  13. Hi the latest beta will include all other changes.
  14. This may help, http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3358-gcmap-great-circle-mapper/
  15. Hello, That is a php configuration error, speak with your host, if you have full control over your server then you need to define the session_savepath in your php.ini and give it full read write permissions.
  16. Yes, as soon as there is a flight in the system that will go away.
  17. Do you have filed flights in the database?
  18. Thats a permissions error, just check that the folder where your pictures are going has full read write permissions.
  19. Thanks Jeff and Nabeel for your help.
  20. Hi, I am writing a module to only display unique ICAO aircraft, this is what i have, /** * Get an aircraft by unique name */ public static function getAircraftByName1() { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT icao, fullname, weight, cruise, maxpax, maxcargo, imagelink, downloadlink FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'aircraft WHERE `enabled` = 1 '; return DB::get_results($sql); } That works fine, but when i try to add the range nothing is displayed so if i do, /** * Get an aircraft by unique name */ public static function getAircraftByName1() { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT icao, fullname, range, weight, cruise, maxpax, maxcargo, imagelink, downloadlink FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'aircraft WHERE `enabled` = 1 '; return DB::get_results($sql); } Not sure why but any help would be appreciated Thanks.
  21. lol, I muddle through with help from the community I am no expert, for that you need to be speaking to Nabeel and Dave. Joeri we love you xx
  22. Just check that the jquery include is present in the admin header.
  23. No, dont use cpanel thats what fu*ked my site up. If you need to edit then download the file and upload, i use winscp great program and above all its free and you can do live edits.
  24. Have you got a white space in the file? How is your settings on the ftp, i remember i have changed a setting by mistake once and it really screwed up the whole thing.
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