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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Just update to the latest beta release then run the install/update.php you will then be able to log in.
  2. You can create a new page outside the core, include the codon config, you can then include a custom header and footer if required then get your module to output to that page.
  3. You could do what i have done, created a page that displays all of the news since the VA has started. <?php MainController::Run('News', 'ShowNewsFront', 1000);//change the 1000 to what ever ?> Would you mind sharing the facebook like code, its something i was meaning to implement but never got the time to do yet
  4. Seriously!!!!! Please check your facts before posting rubbish. There is nothing wrong with kACARS and windows XP, Vista or 7, i have loads of users running it fine. The most common problem encountered is that they do not run the application as administrator. If you don't do that it will give you an error.
  5. schedule_result.tpl Change from, <strong>Equipment: </strong><?php echo $route->aircraft; ?> (<?php echo $route->registration;?>) <strong>Distance: </strong><?php echo $route->distance . Config::Get('UNITS');?> To, <strong>Equipment: </strong><?php echo $route->aircraft; ?> (<?php echo $route->registration;?>) <strong>Distance: </strong><?php echo round ($route->distance) . Config::Get('UNITS');?> You can also use that on your signature cash as well function is round ()
  6. Welcome back, your site is looking good if you can keep that crisp look as the header about it.
  7. You can format that with the round function in php
  8. Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com'); All you should need there is Config::Set('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS', 'smtp.gmail.com'); Because you define the port is will use ssl.
  9. Have a quick look over at the pilots stats, that aircraft chart gets its data from the same place if i remember right
  10. You would be better off posting on Vatsim or IVAO, most of us here own and create VA's.
  11. Ah dont worry, just answered my own question thats pretty good, just add to the array and presto it appears
  12. Nabeel, How do you add another group, is it just a case of adding to the config file or is there somewhere else it has to be created?
  13. It shouldn't be displaying since php ie 1970 lol, you can use javascript to add to a dropdown, like ^ he said, its in the forums here. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2225-toppilot-beta-10/page__view__findpost__p__29144
  14. Thats it yes, you will see where th other js included files are listed, just add it under there, you may need to do some testing first just to make sure it doesnt mess anything else up but should be ok.
  15. Ok cool, If you want to add to the admin side then just add the script include to the admin->lib->layout->header.tpl if your using the other layout then it would be admin->lib->layout_dark->header.tpl
  16. They say copying someone /thing is the highest form of flattery Saying that it does p*ss you off though.
  17. Admin panel? I would mess with that side of your site. Thats just personally speaking though.
  18. What days are they enabled for? If they are not all enabled for a Sunday you wont see them
  19. Yeh thats the code im using but its not working, i think Nabeel broke it in the recent beta Only kidding, but it doesnt work
  20. HI for some reason i cant remember why now but i changed the code in the profile_main.tpl, clearly this is not the right statement to get the next users rank and current hours as they are not showing up. <tr> <?php if($nextrank) { ?> <td colspan="2"><p align="center"><strong>You have</strong> <?php echo ($nextrank->minhours - $pilot_hours)?> <strong>hours left until your promotion to <?php echo $nextrank->rank?></strong></p></td> <?php } ?> </tr>
  21. Remember guys these releases are Beta's not for general usage and thing sometimes wont work. If you want a stable version then roll back to a general release.
  22. Current month is good. Not sure about some of the stats though. Total Flights: 1654676, i think thats a bit high
  23. Ha good one Joeri I have ad some requests about how we carry mixed loads just like the real airline, maybe something for the future to look at.
  24. The only real issue i have come across is the pilot pay in the finances, previous months are 0.
  25. Hi Chaps, Is it possible to mix pax and cargo on the same flight?
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