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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. Is there any way to make the maps smaller, ie 700px wide?
  2. Thank you , i have been up and down that file for 2 days now with firebug, just cant seem to find the setting.
  3. Yes and for the life of me i cant seem to find the setting
  4. HI Roger a bit of help if you can, i have heavily modified your latest creation for a new VA im starting but for the life of me i cant seem to get the menus on the left to move over,screen shot attached, any help would be mostly appreciated, Excuse the freehand arrows lol
  5. From lessons learnt recently download the update and run, /install/checkinstall.php then sort out your problems listed there
  6. OK i have fixed my problem, after moving hosts something got screwed up so i downloaded the latest stable release over wrote everything and done another check All is now OK. the world is good again......
  7. OK Database is OK but check install i get, Logs doesn't exist because i get an error and deleted the folder for the time being. I have just changed hosts so all of my own doing here somewhere i believe.
  8. Anyone else had problems with a blank screen upon registering? Also im getting the following error about cant redeclare logs in the admin modules after this update.
  9. Nice work man, cant wait. thanks
  10. Im in the middle of setting up another va and this skin would be perfect
  11. Roger any new on the release of this new skin?
  12. Excellent Cant wait for that one
  13. Hey Roger Excellent as usual, i really like that. May have to have that for mine
  14. You can always put your database somewhere else and connect to it from your host, thats another thought...
  15. Finance is good monthly stats not so good, ticket raised
  16. Classic!!!! Always reliable with the addons. Thanks for your work....
  17. Great Stuff! Thanks for that. Saves me doing a static page
  18. NO problems at all on either. Uploaded fine.
  19. Im on shared and a dedicated box, if you need anything over this side of the world.
  20. Thats exactly what i do I have 3 installs on the same database, server in US, UK and upstairs in my office.....
  21. Ah sorry, from an added page in the pages folder, <a href="http://grantsva.com/index.php/routemap/hubmap/egkk" title="EGKK" target="">Gatwick</a>
  22. <?php class RouteMap extends CodonModule { public function __construct() { CodonRewrite::AddRule('routemap', array('maptype', 'hub')); } public function index() { if($this->get->maptype == 'hubmap') { // Show hubmap $params = array( 's.depicao'=>$this->get->hub, 's.enabled'=>1 ); // Show only 20 routes $allschedules = SchedulesData::findSchedules($params, Config::Get('ROUTE_MAP_SHOW_NUMBER')); if(count($allschedules) == 0) { echo 'There are no departures from this airport!'; return; } $airportinfo = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($this->get->hub); echo '<h3>Departures from '.$airportinfo->name.'</h3>'; } else { # Get all of the schedule $allschedules = SchedulesData::findSchedules(array('s.enabled'=>1), Config::Get('ROUTE_MAP_SHOW_NUMBER')); } $this->set('allschedules', $allschedules); $this->render('flown_routes_map.tpl'); } }
  23. This is something that i never seem to get round to but i have the following error with my hub / routemap, Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'RouteMap::hubmap' was given in /home/mgrant/public_html/grantsva.com/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 292 I posted about a year ago and Nabeel posted a line of code to add, is this still relevant? Im on the latest beta but its never worked now or ages
  24. Hi Nabeel, Got a couple of problems with the latest beta, no map showing or financials, pilot route map also throws up errors, grantsva.com//core/templates/flown_routes_map.tpl" doesn't exist in
  25. Nabeel, I have just uploaded the core folder again from my test server and that seems to have fixed what ever was wrong with it. Strange..... Thanks for your help.
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