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  1. I believe this is a problem with your PHP version, download Sim Pilot's 5.5 php version of phpvms
  2. Hi LH154, This could be because you are using PHP 5, change the extension from .tpl to .php and see if that works, if it does, do it for all files in the template. Regards, Myles.
  3. Yeah I have in the past. Pretty easy actually. Just as simple as porting a skin over. Then it's just customization
  4. Whats the URL?
  5. Interesting right @CapitalConnectVirtualGroup - this airline's va's got saturated very quickly.
  6. Don't take this the wrong way, its meant to be a testing question, why should i buy the schedules from you instead of say Zumeweb?
  7. Is there any plans to make a pro version of this? That'd be awesome
  8. delete localconfig.php in core folder
  9. Yeah you could do that. Alternatively, i'm pretty sure Vangelis does it as well.
  10. You could probably hire someone outside of phpVMS, but it will cost a lot of money.
  11. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8192-solution-strict-standards-errornew-php/
  12. Go to localconfig.php in core and open it and change the password in there to what it is now.
  13. Goto core/localconfig.php - goto app config, copy the bit in app config where it says you can either select phpvms or geo(something) and then copy and paste that into local config at bottom, and replace geo(something) with phpvms in the "". Sorry about it being vague, didn't have the file on hand.
  14. @tomatogeek yeah it does
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