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Do you have thePilotShop addon working A OK?  

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  1. 1. Do you have thePilotShop addon working A OK?

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I use the pilot shop with phpvms and I want to know if it's possible to view on publics pilotes profiles the purchases.

Like that, a pilot can view the objects of an other.

If you know how to do, Can you give me an answer? or a php code

Thank You,



I think the author has abandoned this project yet one more time. He has not been seen around here for a long time now. He actually did not give a read me file with install instructions with the addon. He posted the install to githtub website or something like that and now the post is gone along with the install directions.

I would not even bother trying. I get rid of every link to it on my site. I would uninstall it and scrap it if I had the iunstall instructions to run in reverse.


I think the author has abandoned this project yet one more time. He has not been seen around here for a long time now. He actually did not give a read me file with install instructions with the addon. He posted the install to githtub website or something like that and now the post is gone along with the install directions.

I would not even bother trying. I get rid of every link to it on my site. I would uninstall it and scrap it if I had the iunstall instructions to run in reverse.

Yeah, that is too bad. A shop addon would be a great addition to a VA. Something to let you use your vCash on. Hopefully another PHPVMS developer will one day create a shop addon.


Or take this one and complete it. I believe if it is released as open source then it should be open for further development by other users as well as the original authors credits remain in places as well. It should be like phpBB runs theirs. So many good addons or ones with major potential are just getting wasted or going by the way side because no one furthers the script. It definitely is too dam bad.


Or take this one and complete it. I believe if it is released as open source then it should be open for further development by other users as well as the original authors credits remain in places as well. It should be like phpBB runs theirs. So many good addons or ones with major potential are just getting wasted or going by the way side because no one furthers the script. It definitely is too dam bad.

Open source is open source as long as one does not take credit for some one elses work or charge for it. Since phpVMS is growing so big, I really believe the whole addon thing needs to be looked at and come up with a new and improved game plan to stop this from happening.

AS I pointed out earlier, I can not even uninstall this because the install is no longer on the net. If a guideline was in place that says for it to be a validated release on this website, it must come with a read me and license agreement in the zip file. That way if a user wants to uninstall, they can simply by reading the read me file. Not having to rely on a page on another site that may or may not be there in a years time. And if it is made available only on the authors site, then it should be free to download without having to register on their site. That is just a way to up a websites user count courtesy of users from this site.

And another thing........<snip>...... Never mind.

Ok guys I'll shut up now and save this for another thread. I am very sorry.

And now back to the regularly scheduled thread already in progress.

  • Administrators

I removed ths from my test instance quite some time ago, but I think you can just remove it from your system by deleteing all the associated files from your install and the three tables that you created in your database. You will need to replace the core_navigation.tpl file from the admin side with a fresh phpVMS native one. Other than that I don't think there were any core hacks really.

  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)
Or take this one and complete it. I believe if it is released as open source then it should be open for further development by other users as well as the original authors credits remain in places as well. It should be like phpBB runs theirs. So many good addons or ones with major potential are just getting wasted or going by the way side because no one furthers the script. It definitely is too dam bad.

Open source is open source as long as one does not take credit for some one elses work or charge for it. Since phpVMS is growing so big, I really believe the whole addon thing needs to be looked at and come up with a new and improved game plan to stop this from happening.

AS I pointed out earlier, I can not even uninstall this because the install is no longer on the net. If a guideline was in place that says for it to be a validated release on this website, it must come with a read me and license agreement in the zip file. That way if a user wants to uninstall, they can simply by reading the read me file. Not having to rely on a page on another site that may or may not be there in a years time. And if it is made available only on the authors site, then it should be free to download without having to register on their site. That is just a way to up a websites user count courtesy of users from this site.

And another thing........<snip>...... Never mind.

Ok guys I'll shut up now and save this for another thread. I am very sorry.

And now back to the regularly scheduled thread already in progress.

As far as this goes, I agree. There should be a plugin manager via phpVms to let us install/uninstall. That would force the plugin writers to at least give us the opportunity to uninstall without the hassle of going back to a backup or fresh install.

The other thing is, dev's who remove their items from the web or access to it, should have their plugin posts here removed. Honestly, this entire thread, now that the plugin isn't available, should be deleted or archived.

Edited by BBuchanan
  • 1 month later...

Hi there..

good day.

Does anyone has a working copy of this module please? Will appreciate if anyone is willing to share since i have version 1.0 of this module.

I was able to create SQL tables successfully...but was never able to create type from the admin module

When i try creating a type, it simply says "The Type Has Been Added" but it is not. It does not update the SQL DB or it is not reflected on VIEW ALL TYPE section.

Thank you for your kind suggestions, much appreciated


Hi Sham. I do have a copy. Let me go dig it up real quick and I can repost. I have been modifying it and fixing a few errors in it. If I can find the file with the good modified files, I will give you that one. Will save much heart ache in the end. Please allow me a few hours to get this done. I have school tonight and wont be able to get to it for a while.



Hey upon further review, I only have the original copy. None of the files are fixed or modified, HOWEVER, a few of us got together here a while back and worked on it and updated some stuff.


That link will get you the pilot shop updated file. I modified it even further than what that post suggests, but as I said, I can not find the file right now.

I plan on working on this some more this weekend and updating it even further. SO have a go at it now, or wait until this weekend. The choice is yours.

Have fun!

  • 1 month later...

hey getting this error on the pilot shop

Fatal error: Class 'PilotShopData' not found in /var/www/vhosts/royles.eu/httpdocs/admin/modules/ShopAdmin/ShopAdmin.php on line 60


It has been a long time since I messed with this module any. I would need to know exactly what you are doing or are attempting to do to even come up with an answer. I know out of the box, it has a couple errors that needed to be fixed. I was in the process of at least making it work error free for everyone but I got side tracked. I was able to fix a couple errors as well as the sidebar problem in the admin area.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I have a problem with this addon and that he shows me this error:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/web290/html/bu/admin/templates/ShopAdmin/shops_overview.tpl on line 36

Maybe I could have someone to help eliminate this?

thank you


Those errors only normally come up when You have not created shops and types and all that stuff. I have a test install that I have been trying to update. Let me see if I can recreate this problem.

  • Moderators

Those errors only normally come up when You have not created shops and types and all that stuff. I have a test install that I have been trying to update. Let me see if I can recreate this problem.

Correct :)


I have been working on this mod again the past couple weeks trying to get it fixed up. I have fixed many problems with it and completely re wrote the install doc for it. I still have a ways to go though. I am working on supressing those errors and having it tell the person what is actually going on like sry you need to create a shop type or something like that. That mod is full of piss poor coding. It is almost a waste of time, but yet at the same time it is a good start on a great add on. I do give Kudos to the kid for trying though.

  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...

I have done some major work to this thing. One elusive problem that I have is when trying to do certain things in the admin panel, it looses all the css. The layout goes nuts. If someone can tell me how the admin templates are looking for a css file, I could most likely get it fixed. I messed with every file this past weekend until I was blue in the face and notta.


Sure thing Mark. Let me get all the files in order. I know I kept very accurate records of what I did and did not do. I will send them to you asap.



Hello All....

Finally made this module work on my site...the cause of problem was database prefixes

Now all seems well, expect the $$$ calculations....seems like there was some solution on how to handle the $$$ calculations, could someone send me the codes please? and let me know which files to be edited?

Thank you all


Hi Sham. Mark and I have been tinkering around with this on and off for some time now. I have edited all the files to use the new pay system and all. I am going to package up the files and send them by Mark so he can go over them and help us out too. Let me take a peak and see if I can find what you are looking for.


I dont have this on any more, can you send to me and i will have a look

Mark I haven't forgot about you. I got swamped with work and school. I am going to try real hard to get the folder to you tomorrow for sure. I'll drop you a PM with a link.


PM Sent. I am working on cleaning this up some more so I can let it go to public again. Right now it still has a few issues that need worked out.

Here everyone. This is the one I am currently using. It is better than the original. Please do keep in mind it still has much work that needs to be done. And the bug with the pilot does not have enough money to purchase is fixed as well as it will no longer give pilot cash back on recalculate.


Ok so apparently I can not attach a zip file? Really? As soon as I know what to do I will attach. Sorry

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Just wondering if you managed to attach an improved zip somehwere of this module? :)

I have not messed with this for a while now. I did attach a copy of it in another thread if I am not mistaken. I could be wrong though. Now that I am back to not working again, I will mess with it some and try to get an updated copy released. I do know I had some errors fixed with others to go. I'll let you know.


  • 1 year later...

I downloaded the latest version of shopp V1, the SQL sent to the server normally.

In the Admin Center, added one type and Shop

But when I click enter product the message

You must add atleast one product type before you can add a product!

I can not insert a product at the mall, Can anyone help me?

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