58 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
You can now purchase a license to be allowed to remove the "powered by phpVMS" from your site. It's a one-time, $45 fee, which applies towards one VA. The link to the cart is here.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi all, phpVMS Hosting is now available - it's going to be through my other site, called 'fivedev': I've spent alot of time tuning this server, and I've set a cap on clients, then I will buy another, to keep it speedy for everyone who's on there. It's in Washington DC, with low pings to everyone. I've priced two plans: Standard - 15GB Space, 50GB Bandwidth $10/monthly, or $100/year £6.68/monthly, or £66.77/year €7.42/monthly, or €74.23/year [*]Mini - 8GB Space, 25GB Bandwidth $7/monthly, or $84/year £4.67/monthly, or £56.08/year €5.20/monthly, or €62.36/year While it might not be "unlimited" as some hosts have (…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 52 replies
I will be offering VA hosting shortly, along with nav-data updates with the upcoming 2.1 release. Pricing hasn't been decided yet, but the web-hosting will be completely certified to run with phpVMS, including support for the new phpVMS maintenance cron files, FTP support, and any other pieces which are required for phpVMS to work - including command line access, and access to tools such as mysql and git on the command line. It will include scripts to install phpVMS directly from the command line, using git (which the move to was just completed). I don't have a timeline yet, but it will be sometime soon, I'm in the process of setting things up. Navdata updates will also…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Recent Downtime 1 2
by Nabeel- 43 replies
Hi all, As you've definately noticed, phpVMS and vaCentral have been down. While I'm still tracking down the cause, I believe it to be malicious in nature. As of now, avatars and forum attachments are unavailable, until the backup recovery completes. The documentation above is also unavailable until some certain pieces of data are recovered. I don't have an ETA on the completion of recovery. But, over the next few weeks, I will be bringing back online vaCentral and the main phpVMS site - while I'm not sure of any data loss, I don't believe there to be any. I will keep you all in the loop of far as the progress. Thanks all for your patience.
Last reply by Julianaconnect, -
- 40 replies
vaCentral/phpVMS now have an official FSHost server, kindly provided by Mark Grant of easyJet VA. The hostname is "", and the IP address can be got from the vaCentral homepage at Your VA is welcome to fly, along with the over 200 airlines which are currently participating in vaCentral. Hope to see you online!
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 15 replies
I've made the decision that as of 2.1, FSACARS won't be supported anymore. The connector and code will still be there and working, but there are just too many issues to continue wasting time on kludging it to work. The client has not been in development for years. However, there is a free alternative - kACARS. It's an excellent ACARS app, very stable, and in active development. phpVMS 2.1 will include the ACARS connector piece, so all you have to download is the client. You can view the kACARS thread here, the documentation here. Thanks!
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 15 replies
Hi everyone, Without any notification or warning, my live fuel price provider has blocked me from getting updated fuel prices. This really affects US airports, so for now, live pricing will not be available for now, until I work out and figure out exactly what's going on - sorry all. I've changed the API to refer to the last updated fuel price, so they may be off (they were updated last week). I will be adding an airport import/export so that fuel prices can be updated en-masse, as with schedules. This will be available soon. Again, my apologies Nabeel
Last reply by clsard, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
A small patch to fix a security flaw has been released; it applies to version 2.1.934 and below. It doesn't apply to any of the beta versions. Replace the admin/index.php and admin/action.php files. Thanks for Jacob Axford for finding and bringing the flaw to my attention. The updated version is now 2.1.935. Nabeel
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 14 replies
Hi all, I've updated the download to 2.1.936 - basically to null the file where I believe the exploit is coming from. I looked through the other files, and I think they look OK. Please update as soon as possible - really the only updated file was core/lib/php-ofc-library/ofc_upload_image.php. Instead of deleting it, I patched it, so then it will get patched on an upload. Sorry for all the trouble guys! Please be sure to look through your server and account very carefully - if you see something suspicious, delete it, or rename it to add a .txt extension so it can't be found, until you can verify if the file is safe or not. Thanks!
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 12 replies
Recently, the latest version of phpVMS was released. With this new version, there have been over 120 installs, bringing the total install base to over 250 VAs. While not all are active, most have deployment plans for the next 4-6 months. This all brings the future plans of phpVMS to a head. Now that there are financials, this beings the next stage - a virtual airline economy. Designs are underway, to link every phpVMS install to a central stage - bringing everyone's profits, finances, passengers, loads, all into account, to a central area for ranks and more, to build a virtual airline industry. This is has all begun in the planning stage, and details are being worked ou…
Last reply by Kimis, -
- 11 replies
Hi y'all... vacentral will stay up until Dave's server goes down. I'm not sure when that will be (supposed to be today, I think). It's not going away forever - just temporarily. The main problem is that this server (with the forum) is running PHP 7.1, and that runs on PHP 5.3 Instead of updating it, I think I'm just going to leave it "off" for now, until I can figure out a migration plan that leaves compatibility with phpvms 2.x and the upcoming 4.0. There are a lot of components to it, so it would take me a while to figure out how to do the upgrades and all. I have to re-do the main phpvms page, since I haven't moved that over yet either.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Sneak Peak
by Nabeel- 10 replies
A sneak-peak of the new admin panel, just to get your juices flowing Alot of your requests have made it in - deleting PIREPS and 'retiring' aircraft. Oh, and FSACARS can pull the latest bid now and fill in the data . Most importantly, the entire thing is noticeably faster, I spent a lot of time optimizing. Still a few more things to do, so I don't know when it'll be out just yet. Still have a buncha testing to do, as well as baking in a few more cool things! Happy New Years! sneak_peak.png
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 10 replies
Hi everyone, I'm proud to announce that version 2.1 is now available! This release has a ton of improvements, including an upgrade to Google Maps v3, and a complete overhaul of financials and ACARS (more customizable!), and a multitude of other improvements and bug fixes. All-in-all, there are over 100 different changes and fixes. You can see all of the details here. When upgrading, it's important to read the changelog! There were a lot of changes to the front-end templates, and the affected templates are listed there. And to further celebrate the release of 2.1, use the coupon "21GO" on fivedev hosting ( to get 90% off of your first month of hos…
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi all, I apologize for the sporadic downtime in both vaCentral and phpVMS - I'm working on a few server issues which have been cropping up. Thanks for your patience
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 7 replies
After a long, long wait, over 150 revisions, phpVMS 2.0 has finally been released! In this version, you'll find a ton of enhancements and bug fixes, with most of them coming from you, the community. Check out the changelog for full details, but some features now include XAcars and FS Flight Keeper Support, groups for the admin panel, and an enhanced financial and add-ons system. This version also enabled support for vaCentral, which is the upcoming virtual airline stats and ranking system. Now your VA has to compete against other airlines in the virtual world. more details about vaCentral will follow, it's currently in open beta, and anyone who uses 2.0 can participate.…
Last reply by G-NEWC, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi everyone! The 2nd alpha version is available for people to test and play with: Download: Docs: The biggest changes are that PHP 7.1 is required now. There are tons of bug fixes and extra features, which are documented in the changelog, and some things to make things easier, based on feedback. Bugs, etc, should posted in the issue tracker on Github. The next release will be a beta version, with finances working, and hopefully finalized all features for a major release. No, I don't have a timeline *NOTE* ATM, there are no ACARS compatible. The API won'…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi all, I've released phpVMS 7 beta 2, you can download it here: This is mostly feature complete, releasing it now to help with testing for bugs and glaring omissions. Thanks!
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone, The forums, as you can see, have been upgraded to IPBoard. I will skin it soon, but for now it will stay on the default skin, until I can work all the little kinks out. All your posts, etc should be intact. Your old password also should just work. Thanks!
Last reply by caribbeanflyboy, -
- 6 replies
vaCentral has been updated, and still ongoing with improvements (I've got a pretty long list, but this is a start!). Let me know if you have any trouble or issues.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 6 replies
A topic has come up about basic security for phpVMS files and folders, to prevent the theft of your template files. It's important to read this in the documentation. The documentation link is: And the thread is: Thanks to all those who brought it up. I'd recommend applying the .htaccess file immediately, or if your host has .htaccess files disabled, how to go about securing those files.
Last reply by skymx, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, phpVMS and vaCentral will be down tonight, around 8pm EST, for upto 2 hours, for a migration to a different datacenter. This will hopefully allow live fuel prices to resume, and improve connection speeds for everyone. Edit: Migration has been completed Thanks
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, I'm aware of the site's sluggishneses lately - vaCentral has been blowing up! It's a great thing. With that, I'm in the middle of rewriting vaCentral, based on nodejs instead of PHP, along with optimizing a ton of things, and a new design. It's tough finding time in between my 70+ hour work weeks, but it's in progress, and I haven't abandoned y'all
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 5 replies
After thinking about it for some time, I have decided to change the license for phpVMS to the much simpler BSD 3-clause license. Development has pretty much stopped as my work schedule gives me almost no time for side-projects, so hopefully this fosters more forks and development, which I will be happy to merge back into the mainline branch(es). Nabeel
Last reply by jazz, -
A new section has been added with tutorials, more will be added as they are created: If you can create video tutorials, I will post them up, especially if you understand some aspect of the system Roger is working on skinning, I'll do a skinning tutorial as well, and also a tutorial on how some aspects of the systems work.
Last reply by wrenchca, -
- 4 replies
As I'm sure many of you have noticed, phpVMS has been without a logo, due to my lack of artistic skills. I know many of you are creatively skilled... so I though it'd be nice to have a competition going... Requirements? None really. Just a super high res copy with layers in either Photoshop or Fireworks. It can include the phpVMS text (shown in the header). A modern look, "Web 2.0"-ey (I'm sure you know where to get inspiration). Then we can vote (or I'll decide, depends ). Something orangy/blue, that goes with the theme of the site. I figure about two weeks is a decent time to run the competition. Winning gets your name in the about for credit, and a free copy of.....…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 4 replies
I'm slowly moving the documentation and updating it to the new tab called "Resources" on top. IPB has an add-in called IP-Content, which rocks in how it can be customized. I like having one system for everything, and with this I can start condensing everything into one more manageable system (rather than the now 3 separate pieces of software setup), and this is what I was looking to do for the docs anyway. Especially now there are comments allowed, so everyone can pitch in their two cents I need some docs written, mainly on sections in the admin panel. So if you consider yourself an 'expert' in some part, it would be great if you can write up an article. I'm creating al…
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, Live fuel prices for US airports are back online, for now. Nabeel
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, With Hurricane Sandy on her way, there is a possibility of phpVMS and vaCentral being down, with the datacenter being located in New Jersey. If this happens, ensure that your site has the VACENTRAL_ENABLE set to 'false' in the local.config.php, until the site is back up. Let's hope it's just the weatherman being wrong! Nabeel
Last reply by ATAvCEO, -
- 3 replies
I was planning on keeping this under wraps, but the first few flights using FSPassengers have been logged ;D So...I am proud to announce that phpVMS will have official FSPassengers support in this next update! Same as FSACARS, just download a config file and drop it in. FSPassengers (for both FS9 and the new FSX version) supports exporting your pilot reports to a VA, and using phpVMS, this makes its easy for both you as admins, and for your pilots. The only downside is that there are no status updates, but hopefully that will be something added in the future, to dot track your flight along on the ACARS map. Along with basic financials, this next update will be an exci…
Last reply by Wayne, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, I've just released a supplemental update for 2.1 which fixes a bunch of bugs people have found. It's available right now. Thank you everyone for your patience! -Nabeel
Last reply by Tom,