Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Quick question, Im making a repaint (project opensky 737 paintkit) and in photoshop it looks good but once i put it into fsx it looks blurry! Its ment to be saved in a .bmp format but how do i make them good quality? Thanks - IF you need images of it, ask and ill upload them and give the link EDIT: Never mind, i was saving it as a dxt3 file..
Last reply by joeri, -
- 8 replies
Anyone here ever attempted to use the time tables from Ultimate traffic for their airline? My test site is a mirror of a real world airline who has since been taken over by another airline. I used Ultimate traffic to generate time tables for all of their flights as of 2003. Now that particular airline only had a very small number of aircraft and a very large schedule system. I am trying to figure out how in the hell they could possibly pull off that many flights per day using 12 of one type of aircraft and 9 of another type. I know some of the routes were out sourced. The time tables I got were figured without any partner airlines though. Was just curious if anyone ha…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 0 replies
I post this here since it doesnt suite in support board at least in my opinion is it possible to add money to a VA via MySQL database since I find it bit unrealistic to start 0 v$ or 0 v€ does that make sense? Best Regards Thomas
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I am now at the point where I would like to create a repaint for my VA. For which I would like to use Photoreal to get a good fleet. My question is does anyone know where I might find a step by step guide to creating a repaint. Or know someone who would do it for me.? Here is a repaint I done which for a first attempt I thought was ok. It took me around 5 hours to produce this and I know it is not great, hence the reason for the request. Anyway take a look let me know what you think. VA Repaint Cheers Scott
Last reply by joeri, -
- 18 replies
I was wondering if anyone out there could teach me how to paint aircraft. My graphics skills have never been good and I am not real good at images. I do have adobe photoshop 8 and adobe photoshop elements as well as paint shop pro 9. I have tried to do aircraft before but never could figure it out. If anyone wished to teach me that would be awesome. Oh I also have some converter that you have to have to do it as well. I even tried to follow along with the tutorials at Not sure what I could ever do to return the favor as I am a broke college man with 3 kids to take care of, but I am always good for something. Let me know. If not that's cool too.
Last reply by James142, -
- 2 replies
I'm new to the web site business, having previously hosted a web site at iPage, the web hosting site for dummies. Now that I'm moving our web site to FiveDev/PHPvms, I'd like to learn more about hosting the site. For example, what is an SQL? How do I access my database? My question here is, what would be a good reference book for learning basics like these? David Reed Historic Airline Group
Last reply by reed0427, -
- 1 reply
Wondering if anybody knows how to connect a MYSQL db to VisualBasic? I reseached that you need to download and import a file from and I did that but it isnt working... Does anybody know??
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 14 replies
Fellas, I am in a world of hurt here. I am taking a class on VB and personally I hate it. I have a project to do that has to do with using constants, functions and sub procedures. It is due by tonight (Tuesday) at 11:59 pm EST If there is anyone at all who knows VB and would not mind helping me out, I would REALLLLLLLY appreciate it. The project is all over the net, but the code to me is useless because I do not know if it is right or wrong and if I do not name my buttons and such exactly like they did, the code will not work anyhow. I am in a real bind here and rarely to never ask for help doing my school work. Taking this course on VB made me realise something REAL …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Hi all. I read a while back that someone has on their site a live ACARS stats on their home page much like the newest pilot banner on top of the home page. I have searched and searched and can not find it. I think with old age setting in on me my search skills are starting to slip on me. To be exact, what this code did was give a list of everyone who is actively doing an ACARS flight on the VA website. Not Vatsim or IVAO or anything, it was just who is connected to your site via an acars device. Thanks for helping me in the right direction. And feel free to give me a virtual slap for slacking on the search skills.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I'm looking for a program for video cards. What I am specifcly looking for is some kind manageable program so I can manage my video card, like for exmaple, if my video card is too hot, I want the program to turn up my fan. I just don't want to get out my Flight Sim and turn up the fan while flying. Does anyone know of those programs, Free is best. Thanks.
Last reply by Kyle, -
2nd Attack
by RogerB- 21 replies
Kesuk was attacked again yesterday evening by the same code. I talked to a gentleman yesterday and he thinks the registration and contact forms could possibly have vulnerabilities, what do you guys think. Would anyone be interested in helping me check my site? I really could use it.
Last reply by RogerB, -
- 11 replies
I had one yesterday under the name "Baegwedd Baegwedd" which google confirms is false, and another today "Caehildad Caehildad" (clearly the same person) Watch out for them!
Last reply by Tom, -
I had my provider run a malware scan on my site, they found nothing. I joined a malware site that my host uses and they are saying much of phpvms code is malware.....Anyone else run into this?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 2 replies
Hello there, We have a system where pilots can submit schedules that they wish to add to our databases. They are then validated and added by one of the admins. Given that I know the pilot's ID is there a built in function/class that will allow me to send the pilot an email with i.e. "Hi there, your schedule request was accepted and added" Of course, there is the long way of sending an email with PHP, but phpvms has so many built in features, I am wondering if a mailing feature is also present. Nout
- 9 replies
Hey everyone here at phpVMS, HAPPY NEW YEAR OF 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last reply by piot757, -
- 7 replies
Hello, Sorry if I make this claim, but found no answers or tutorial somewhere I turn to companies that have a Team Speak server or 2 or 3 equals ... My question is: Some of you know how to create a TeamSpeak Server as its own drivers? How to Fly EasyJet VA or Ireland or other VA ... Thanks in advance and sorry for the question!
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys, I have a question about the "mod_rewrite" in phpVMS. I'm not sure if I can call it exactly that, because I know that Apache's mod_rewrite makes refer to I was wondering how the URL system in phpVMS works such that i.e. refers to Furthermore is there a way to manipulate this such that i.e. has the same effect as Cheers, Nout
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
To save bandwidth and save others leaching from your server see,
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 3 replies
I am making a virtual airline (Alaska Virtual Airlines) and will be setting it up with phpvms. I want to use the logo and name of the Real World Alaska Airlines/Horizon Airlines on my site. What should I do so someone doesn't come knocking on my door?
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, I've taken down the JIRA bug tracker. Too many resources on the server, not worth it. Right now, all bugs should be reported here: vaCentral bugs can go in the vaCentral forum. This should make it easier to also track what's fixed/ what's not yet. I'm trying to centralize things a bit more to github, so perhaps people can participate in the modifications a bit more. That is my hope, at least. Thanks!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Hi Nabeel, I am not too sure how else to make contact with you except through this forum. I wanted to use your codon framework to create a website of my own, I downloaded the versions from github and copied them over to my local testing server. I change teh local.config.php file accordingly and try and view the site. Unfortunately there are quite a few errors, I correct as what I go along until I finally reach the following: Fatal error: Call to a member function Set() on a non-object in /opt/lampp/htdocs/xxxxxxxxxx/core/classes/Template.class.php on line 71 This line simply reads as follows return self::$tplset->Set($name, $value); I have set a database ent…
Last reply by selwynorren, -
form validation problem?
by Guest simy202- 0 replies
I'm making one form using php, so validation is using PHP too, I m posting the value in the same form and then trying to insert into mysql..look below.. I encountered the problem --------------------------------------… <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1"> Name : <input type="text" name="t1" id="t1" /> Contact : <input type="text" name="t2" id="t2" /> <span class="err" ></span> <input type="submit" name="s1" id="s1" /> </form> <?php if(isset($_POST["s1"])) { if($_POST["t1"] == "") { $err = "Enter Your name"; echo "<script language=javascript>" . "alert('Enter your name')…
- 3 replies
Hey Guys, I now that you can use mysql_num_rows but with phpVMS theres the custom mysql connect syntax that makes everything a lot cleaner. i.e. DB::get_results($query) How do I count rows? (i.e. count the number of schedules with B747-400 departing EHAM) Cheers, Nout
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, To run FSX, i am thinking about this system... what do you think?? -CPU: Intel Core i7 950 3.06ghz 4.8GT/sec QuadCore -Optical: LG Dual Layer DVD burner 22x GH22NS -Nvidia GF GTX460-1Gb -550W 2cm in LCpower -HDD: SATAII 1TB (1000Gb) SEAGATE 7200rpm -MEmory: Micron Elixir 6gb DDR3 1333Mhz Tripple channel -Mobo: Asus P6T-SE Intel X58 Extreme Chipset -Gbit Lan / 2x PS2 / 6x USB 2.0 / 1394 IEEE firewire / 6x sata intern / -2x USB2.0 front met audio (hoofdtelefoon & microfoon) front / 1x E- sata express extern -7.1 Digital Sound (6x audio)/ Spdif / Digital in-out - 6x Sata 300, Raid
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 2 replies
I own a virtual airline (Historic Airline Group). I want to bring FSACARS to our airline, as well as bringing some sort of flight selector for pilots to use and an improved way to submit pireps. Right now we do it the old fashioned way: I get an email and post it by hand to the web site. Time to move into the 21st century! Problem is, I have no idea what I'm doing. I downloaded all the phpVMS & FSACARS material. I then opened up "phpvms For Dummies" and tried getting started. Took about two hours to realize I am in way over my head. I need someone to help me set this up, someone who knows what they're doing. We'd even throw in some compensation. Anyone up for the c…
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 1 reply
Messing around with a test install v.934. The only extra thing added is VA Forum 2. Having issues adding airports today. Can add one then instead of clicking the link to add another, I have to literally click on add new airports then click add airport. If not, then when I go to look up info it sticks and fetches no airport info what so ever. Not a bug I am quite sure so am posting here just a general inquiry if anyone else is having issues today.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I have built a flightplan parser that does all sorts of things including reading airways and breaking them up into their constituent waypoints. To do this it directly references the X-Plane waypoint databases. Must easier than sending tons of queries to MySQL. Now I have it all working in parser.php but want to include it into a template file so that it neatly fits into my VA site. The database file's don't seem to be found even when i reference them with i.e. '' Basically how do I integrate the stuff I have into the Codon interface? Cheers, Nout
Last reply by Nout - Zon Executive, -
- 3 replies
Hello. I am working on setting up and organizing my VA. The name is FlyAmerica Virtual with headquarters located in Philadelphia. I was wondering if there was anyone here who would be willing to pain our fleet. I am unable to pay for the work but the livery I have in mind should be fairly simple.The fleet consists of 6 aircraft: Posky: 737-600, 737-800W, 767-200ER, 767-400ER, 777-200LR, 777-300ER. If anyone is interested please let me know here or at my e-mail: Thank you. I forgot to mention the time frame for completion is very extended. I would like to have all the aircraft painted in a 3-4 month period. I don't want to put a big load of work on someo…
Last reply by jake, -
- 2 replies
hi there got my new virtual airline up; based in the channel islands inbetween UK & France. i need these aircrafts repainted in our livery: livery is similar to Jet2. Aircraft: Text on livery: Colours: Cessna Grand Carvan FlyJersey Commuter with a big J on tail Red/white bold British Norman Trislander FlyJersey Commuter Red Tail big white J Red/white Bold Twin otter Dh6 FlyJersey Commuter Red Tail big white J Red/white Bold Dash 8 q-400 Fly Jersey red tail big white J …
- 3 replies
Hope you all have a great one, and an awesome new year! Thanks for making this a great year for phpVMS.
Last reply by CPC900,