Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
We would like to inform you that a new project has been started. This is the VA Group which will give the chance to all of the virtual airlines to fly together. We will organizing common events in connection with all our members at the virtual organizations(IVAO and VATSIM).Then will help you to developed your new virtual airline and to exchange some basic knowledge about the administration of a virtual airline and many other. Everyone is able to suggest us things and then we will try to realize them. More information will be posted soon! Stay tuned....Please contact us via pm. On behaulf of the staff of VA Group Project Canceled
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 1 reply
Seeing that it is nearing Christmas and is December, here is a Christmas song for you guys.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Mark, i was sneaking on your site and i notiched that you made a direct link with vroute could you explain how you got this done. thanks in advance joeri
Last reply by joeri, -
- 15 replies
I have a question: What Aircrafts did you have in your VA? Eventually with an Link to the project (when this is coming from one) to help other new VA's to find the perfect Aircraft for his VA. We use the following Aircrafts: Fokker F28 Mk-4000 (Project Fokker) Fokker F100 (Project Fokker) Airbus A319-100 (IDFG - I think) Boeing 747-400ER (MSFS) Boeing 747-400ERF (MSFS) CRJ200 (Project Opensky) Boeing 737-800 Beoing 767-300ER Airbus 340-300 ATR 72-500 Cargo McDonnell-Douglas MD-11F And you? Regards Basti
Last reply by ACVA_CEO, -
- 0 replies
Hey there, I'm trying to get a 717-200 repaint going for FS9/FSX so we can start phasing out MD-83s in service at TexAir, but I've lost touch with the painter whom used to help us as he was quite busy. It needs to be a freeware model, either the JCA or HJG model will work as long as the necessary permissions are granted (I can seek these myself or the painter can do it, just let me know). I have two ideas in mind for the 717 - the first of which is to have the exact same paint scheme that our MDs have (mostly bare metal with some small designs), and the second is a new idea pitched by our COO of a white scheme with a Texas flag overlay on the fuselage. I've dabbled with…
Last reply by beachdarryl0202, -
- 2 replies
Hi. I'm working on creating and putting into a database all the routes for my VA. But I was wondering, how can I find out the distance from one airport to another? Simroutes doesn't have all the routes I have so I don't know what to do for those routes. Is there a formula I can use in excel? Or a better website than simroutes? Thanks.
Last reply by joe68, -
- 4 replies
I just wanted to wish my fellow PHPVMS users a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope your day is filled with blessings. Keith
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 12 replies
Hey all. I have been simming online for years but refused to ever fly at VATSIM. Well, I have had a change of heart and as we speak, I am logged on to VATSIM monitoring radio COMS. Anyone have any friendly advice for a Vatsim virgin? Are charts mandatory to fly there? I know how to use SIDS and STARS so it is no biggie, was mainly curious. Any advice I can get I would love it. I would hate to log on and get banned my first flight for doing something wrong. I have heard time and time again about how picky they are there. Thanks Ray
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Name is Peter and I hail from Cambridge, Ontario Canada. I've started FS in 98 then switched to CFS1, CFS2, Cfs3 and then switched back to FS and have not looked back.
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 7 replies
Hello, i dont know if this is the right forum and sorry my english, i will try to explain my idea. My idea is to share the tickets to other VAs. Let's say my last location is LPPT and i go to schedules to bid but no aircraft or no schedule avaliable at LPPT(in my VA). So the page(schedules)will show a list of tickets, not only from my VA but from other va's too (let's take easyjet va and someva) for example. That ticket list will show flights(in iframe or something), from my va, easyjet va and someva (and all others who share), i see the prices list and the most cheap ticket i purchase (someva). The money is taked from me (pilot) to that va (someva), and when that a…
Last reply by BastiDE, -
- 0 replies
It is with great pleasure that VATUK SCONI RTS and Scandinavian vACC present you you ''North Sea Hopper", with over 5hrs of continues ATC at Edinburgh (EGPH), Prestwick (EGPK), Oslo (ENGM) and Tromsø (ENTC). You can fly any route between these 4 chosen airports. Routes: EGPH-ENGM: GRICE P600 PTH UP600 SOTIR UZ16 SIG EGPK-ENGM: TRN UP600 SOTIR UZ16 SIG EGPH-ENTC: GRICE DCT FINDO UP600 FORTY UZ105 FLS UZ110 BDO UM609 SJA EGPK-ENTC: TRN UP600 FORTY UZ105 FLS UZ110 BDO UM609 SJA ENGM-EGPH: SOTIR UP600 PTH ENGM-EGPK: SOTIR UP600 BLACA ENTC-EGPH: BDF UZ201 EVD UM609 BDO UZ110 FLS UZ105 FORTY UP600 PTH ENTC-EGPK: …
Last reply by MaciejO, -
- 6 replies
I just was looking at a few details on my site and doing some tweaking. I went and vied the details for a schedule and I clicked the links that says Click TO View NOTAMS. It goes to here That example is KPIT. BUT no matter what airport I go to, I get Not Found The requested object does not exist on this server. The link you followed is either outdated, inaccurate, or the server has been instructed not to let you have it. Please inform the site administrator of the referring page. I was not going to add this as a bug since it is technically is not. I think that site is gone or they blocked us li…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
If you know how to fix this, please let me know.... With Windows 7 and my server is local like this "myserver.local". When i am running windows 7 ulmiate and when i was adding the domain to it with locally and it said.......... An Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for the domain "KYLE75675.local" could not be contacted. Ensure that the domain is typed correctly. What is wrong. My server is connected and on and running to the router and my computer is running to the router too. How can i fix this? Thanks
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, any ideas on how to get a type rating system. So that pilots can only fly a 737 for example if they have passed necessary tests. Nout
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 26 replies
Ok So, I am assuming this is an adolescent as I suspect a mature person would think first! This was received in my company email inbox not even the email for the VA! Seem's we have som enew kids on the block. Anyone else had anything like this? Just makes you wanna join doesnt it?
Last reply by MAT, -
- 0 replies
Hey fellow CEO's! is about to have our one year aniversary on Oct 9, 2010! We will be doing a quick event, that will fly from KJFK to KCLE! We will depart at 01:00 GMT from KJFK. We currently have the VATSIM ZNY ARTCC and the Cleveland ARTCC that will provide Air Traffic Control services during our event, so we would like to invite as many Virtual Airlines as POSSIBLE! If you would like to attend, just let us know here, so we can tell the ARTCCs in about 2 weeks on what to expect from the PHPvms VA world! Ada
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 2 replies
Hello!Does anyone has white paint kits for aes?? Thank you very much, George
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 1 reply
When i got IP Board and i been looking around the Admin CP for a while to stop this thing doing it to me If you know how to disable this annoying thing in the image. Like i want to submit a post then it does that like the pic and goes back to the page. I don't want that annoying thing to show up. Just submit a post and go back to the board., please let me know. Thanks.
Last reply by Kyle, -
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I was wondering if it would be possible to have an option to include different ticket prices for different classes of service and if you could also include some sort of codesharing option where you could codeshare with other virtual airlines running phpVMS? Just a thought, Jamie
Last reply by jamlava, -
- 6 replies
not a real airliner just a made up fancy name?
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 10 replies
Guys Guys Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just saw this that Microsoft is releasing a new Flight Sim. Here's the link, also wacth the video too!!!!
Last reply by giorgi, -
To Jamie Trueman whatever ya name is, If you ddos me or dos me I will rip ya balls out and feed them to the kids in Africa, i will hack ur computer and get your ip and report it to the police to track you down and get ya. you might think your funny but your not, calling me a *****r over my brothers msn aint gonna happen, Like i said I will continuesly send pings and packets to i know your server ip so shush. I will get my friend to hack your little crappy bmavirtual. your a bunch of noobtubers so shush. Touch my computer and I will crash your site and i KNOW HOW TO :@
Last reply by MAT, -
- 1 reply
Dear PHPvms users, I have to say, wow to this Virtual Airline system. Just these past days, my staff and I have been doing a bit of research, and has passed many other American Airlines Virtuals in the Virtual World! I have to say, this would not have been possible, without the help of Nabeel, SimPilot, Jeff and many, many more. Kudos to everyone! Regards Ada
Last reply by MAT, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have set my ranks where the minimum hours at 0, 1, 2 and 3 and so I wanted to ask where I can manually set my pilots ranks. Also, how can I have it set that when you click on the signature it automatically links to the VA site? Cheers, Nout
Last reply by Nout - Zon Executive, -
- 2 replies
I know there have been other posts about this topic, but I'm wondering if it is possible, and how, to have my schedules updated automatically by a feed, since they change weekly. I run a Southwest Virtual. Does anyone know where/how I could find, access, and use it? Thanks!!
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 12 replies
Ok, when i am on FS2004 and when i am at CYYZ and i was taxiing or landing and taxiing or while i am at CYYZ, then what happened is my Video Card stopped working and it recovered, but it still stops working again while i'm at CYYZ. But it does not do that to me at any other airports. My FS2004 version is 9.1 And my video card is a ATI 2040HD XT I do not have anything downloaded or add-on secnerys in my FS2004. Any solutions for this?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I have a question. Does it matter who you use to host. And what all should I know before installing phpvms into the site. I am new to this and am trying to learn everything I can to have a successful virtual airline. I understand that you need Apache and MySQL. I am looking at Vertigo Serv. If somebody can give more info on what I should learn and know to create a good virtual airline. Thanks Jaecy
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, I'm having problems with my ATI Radeon 2600HD, it's been messing up my FS. Every time i play FS, my video card dies and recovers it good. It's bothering me for a while and I'm feel like i will break my video card in half . So can anyone recommend me a good one for FS2004? and will never die again. I'll will have to upgrade my power supply though but i'm looking for a 1000 WATT one.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 9 replies
Hey, i need a little techie help, I have windows 7 in my hard drive installed and i want to go back to windows XP, is there a way i can do it? Any help would be great......
Last reply by Kyle, -
To whom it may concern. It has come to my attention that a gentleman that was on my old VA website "borrowed" some rank images from another airline who is a member of this website and he did not have permission. I am taking these ranks down tonight after school and I will replace them with new rank images that I DID get permission to use from the VA owner of another VA not affiliated with phpVMS. I sincerely do apologize for this and I can promise that it will not happen again. I will not mention what site they came from or who the guy that was with my airline was that did it. No point in crying over spilled milk this late in the game. If there is anything on my site t…
Last reply by brreclark,