Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Hey guys, Just pondering the thought today and was wondering if (in the future) you were planning on releasing a version that doesn't require FSPassengers/ACARS to file PIREPs? Just a general question.. I think that'd be a nice idea as I know lots of people don't like to use ACARs/Passengers and just like to file the flightplan using a form. Just wonderin'.. Happy New Years, Austin.
Last reply by AustinWilliams, -
- 1 reply
Happy New Year!!! I had no idea it had been so long since we last corresponded. If you are still interested in lending a hand and I sure hope that you are then I am almost ready to go. I have finished about 90% of the flight schedule. I have to wrap up just a couple of routes, create crew and equipment layover schedules and I will be done. I am thinking mid January tops before all is done. If you wish I will be happy to send you the 90% so you can see what id done. What I am hoping for is if you would be so kind is to take a look at the data base I have created and then give me a guiding hand on what I need to do next. So if this sounds good please email me at coachred51…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone! I have been gone for ever it seems but it's only been days and I am WAY behind on the beta versions. Hell I am still on 22 and we are now up to 38 I see. I'm glad all the dam holiday stuff will be over here in a couple days and everything around my house can get back on track. Hope everyone got what they wanted/needed for Xmas and that you all have a very Happy New Year. And my resolution for this year is going to be to quit lying. Yes that's right. Every year I say I am going to do this or that and never do, so this year I am not even gonna lie about it at all. lol I am just simply not going to do anything or say anything about doing anything. ;D ;D ;D
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
Hi all! I am coding a custom ACARS program in C# for my va. The pilot login function will have the pilot enter their ID and password, then it will need to query a different Login.php (will be in the same folder, but named Login2.php). The different Login.php will need to simply take to ID and Password that is sent to it form the ACARS program, and send back to the program as true or false (basically, does the ID and password match up in the database, and does the pilot ID exsist). I need some help on what the new Login.php would need, as I have no experience with php. Can anyone post the php needed to perform a function like this? Also, if anyone knows what code is …
Last reply by coryb12, -
- 2 replies
I'm out of ideas, but the awards I have so far are: 5000 hours 10000 hours 500 pilots 1000 pilots I'm also thinking maybe 75% active rate after a month, and 60% after 2 months. Any other ideas?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
This topic has been moved to Skinning. [iurl][/iurl]
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone, when a user registers i have an insert statement taken from the create forum account that inserts a users ID and name in to my teamspeak db, what i currently have is this, // Insert a row of information into the table "ts2_clients " mysql_query("INSERT INTO ts2_clients (i_client_id, i_client_server_id, b_client_privilege_serveradmin, s_client_name, s_client_password, dt_client_created, dt_client_lastonline) VALUES('0', '1', '0', '".$code.$fname."', '".$pass."', '', '' ) ") So this inserts in to my teamspeak db Pilot ID and First name like this ABC0001Mark, what i am trying to do is put a space in between the id and the name so it inserts like this, AB…
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 7 replies
Before I kick it out the door... Review the list: Any last minute FIXES, no time for new things Thanks!!!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Merry Xmas to everyone ! PHPVMS has been a great software and thanks to Nabeel dedication to the project, I must admit that the future of PHPVMS is very bright ! So thanks to you Nabeel ! Again, merry Xmas to everyone !
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
Was digging through VA Central and was looking at most of the VA websites that are a member there. I must admit, I was quite impressed by what I saw. VA websites have come a long way since I first started simming WAYYYYYYY back when. All of the sites I saw were great! Makes mine look very very bad. :-[ Maybe one of these days I will be able to afford to have a skin made for me. My skills are so dam weak it is not funny. I can integrate mods and such, just cant skin to save my life. Anyhow, enough of my babbling on and on. Happy Holidays all and keep up the great work on your VA sites. Ray
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys, I'm in the process of finalising my site and operations, ( but I have a question about ticket prices for schedules. I've flown two test flights and suddenly my VA has got £16M in the bank ;D as much as I wouldnt mind my personal bank account to reflect this sort of amount, It seems I may have set my ticket prices a tad high. Can anyone advise what an average ticket price would be? My airline is based around Specialist Charters to parts of the Globe that are considered generally highly dangerous flying areas/airports. Obviously its easier to work out ticket prices for General Airline flying into holiday destinations as they can refl…
Last reply by bunoire14, -
- 4 replies
Hello all! I currently have a playlist on Youtube which has PHPVMS Tutorials (coding, walkthroughs etc.) i have been working on. All (nearly all) of them are in HD Link: Tell me what you think, Mitch (If you want a request send me a PM)
Last reply by AFVA | Mitchell, -
- 10 replies
Hi Folks, I was just wondering how many of you are using the live fuel pricing? If you are using it, how do you find it is working out? To date, I have been using a generic fuel price but would like to move to the live pricing. I just was wondering if it seems to be going alright at this point or what is there that I need to watch out for. Thanks, Chuck CYXU
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 0 replies
Is there any way to display all the awards earned on one page. Here is an example: I have a page that displays all the awards that are awarded at the airline. I'd like under each award to show what pilots earned that award. If you still don't have an idea what I'm talking about you can check out the below link. They have what I'm talking about. Thanks for the help!
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 2 replies
Hello Nabeel I have 2 questions At this point i have about 700 flight schedules but here comes the question I have about 300 done flights But I want to refresh off all the flight schedules on new year. Is this possible (read) will this affect any off the old pireps that have been send Example: Now TAY 256= ebbr-lfpg a flight has been done and stored in the pireps db After new year TAY 256= ebbr- eddw. Will this give an error or not because we are a real live airline and our schedules change every 3 months and if this can’t be done we need to ad so many schedules And that would we sad. Second If I want to start a second airline within phpvms is it possible tha…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys, Having never really dealt with Civillian VA stuff before... not in a big way... I thought ID take the opportunity of an empty private flight server, and unlimited web resources to run a Civie VA alongside my ongoing Military Project. I was hoping the illustrious community here could advise me what in the way of ACARS programs is the best way to go? Cheers in advance.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
SpringsAir Airlines is hiring for the following positions Website Designer(Must know php and html and css) Fleet Repainter( Already have design) click the link to APPLY Thanks for looking........
Last reply by Coolkid122, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, I've just dropped phpVMS onto my webserver after having a few issues with vabase! :- It seems this software is much more robust and has a much nicer cleaner feel to it... so I'm impressed LOL I need some advice/assistance on modding the system to cater more for a new VA project im working on. I want to be able to achieve the following things: 1. Switch the emphesis from Civillian to Military Flying, things like Hubs becoming Stations/Bases for instance. This seems easy enough on a basic level but im not sure how far into the system i need to go to ensure all references are changed. 2. I want to disable all finances options as they really have no bearing o…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
never used it, never knew it existed until I signed up here. Is it better or more stable than FSACARS and do flights show up on the map like they do with FSACARS? Recommendations for which ACARS is better?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 7 replies
Courtesy of Ohloh phpVMS Code Analysis A summary: 48,000+ lines of code (all written by me, except for the libraries) 11 person years @ 55k/year = project cost of $627,611 if you hired someone to write it 73% of the code is in PHP, the rest a jumble of Javascript, HTML, CSS 700+ code commits Thought it was some cool stats. Of course, it's mute without this community. Thanks everyone! More to come
Last reply by infidel, -
- 1 reply
I'm adding a percentage for monthly expenses - should these be deducted off of the gross revenue, or the total remaining after all expenses, etc have been calculated? I'll have to ask my girl but she's not around (accounting major haha), but maybe some of you have direct experience?
Last reply by joeri, -
hello gents i am having a wierd error on my site if a pilot wants to register i first let him pas the rules page i made then ad the end is a button that will go to the registrationpage. but this button won't work in IE8,yet it is working in all other common brouwsers(firefox,opera,chrome). can any shoot a fix at me
Last reply by joeri, -
- 7 replies
Okay this is going mostly to Nabeel but also to all the others, providing this project with new addons.. Id like to thank everybody for what they did and for what will come.. When i started my virtual airline Pan American Airways, i had to decide what to use. It took me some days to figure out, that there arent lot of such systems. Finally i had the choice between vabase and phpvms. Now I was one of those guys who thought that payware is always better and so i bought vabase. This was a big mistake because they dont have a good support and everything has to be customized and it would take weeks to get it even running in a decent way. Then i tried out phpvms which was t…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 2 replies
For conversions... I suck at these... // Convert units from gallons to lbs if(self::$unit == 'lbs') { $result->jeta = $result->jeta / 6.4; // 6.4 pounds per gallon $result->lowlead = $result->lowlead / 6.4; } elseif(self::$unit == 'kg' || self::$unit == 'kgs') { $result->jeta = ($result->jeta / 6.4) * .45359; $result->lowlead = ($result->lowlead / 6.4) * .45359; } Basically I start with the fuel price, per gallon. Then to convert to price per lb, divide by 6.4. To KG, I convert to lbs, then multiply by .45 to get to kg. This correct, seems rig…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 28 replies
Hey guys, I'm new to most of this stuff I am really starting to enjoy website creation. I've been learning CSS and the use of Divs. to me I love the designing without tables. I drew a website up tonight the background is a slight gradient and I'm trying to have a transparent content box. My problem is the gradient It cant Repeat-Y because the backgrounds wont match. And I tried making a .Gif but it didn't work, and I hear some browsers do not support .png's right now. Here is the start of my design, what is the best way to make content boxes like I am attempting to do? I've seen it don't with 5 Divs, top, bottom, left, right and center. Mine only had 3 top center and…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
I've never been that much into the financial stuff of a VA, but it occurs to me there is one form of expense we don't have. One that is a percent of the gross revenue...for taxes and the like. I'm not sure, but I don't think it would be a major coding problem.
Last reply by TennShadow, -
Hello Nabeel Somewhere in the forum i was reading that you wanted to put all the airports in the dropdowns for filing a pirep. Is this done or not because the error I am having ( Won’t let me upload the schedules to vacentral. And I think this error is because we did some charters using xacars flights that aren’t in the database(airports). So if all the airports would be in the dropdown or so I could put them all in the database. Gr joeri
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
Hello, i'm wondering about one thing .. example: PILOT001 and PILOT002, they are in the same airline, both are using FSAcars reporting system .. the PILOT.ini file is the same except "PilotNumber=PILOT001" so, if PILOT001 will change his .ini file to "PilotNumber=PILOT002", he will send his report to PILOT002 account .. am i right? I find line "passwd=" and "Password=0" Please give me sollution, how and where to configured their own unique password. Step by step if possible Many thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Hi Nabeel or anyone that knows. I have a ton of data that needs to be brought over from VAFS. I've got everything in Excel so I will be able to format it as needed. I have over 200 aircraft, 500 airports, and 3400 routes. I really don't want to do this manually if at all possible. I did find the route csv template and I'm working on that but I'd like to know if there would be a faster way to import the aircraft and airports? Perhaps in one quick swoop. Maybe somehow through the DB? Thanks, Keith
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 5 replies
I have 2 questions about the phpVMS API and about using it with VB applications. First of all is it possible to use the API to view things like previous pireps, schedules, etc but also submit PIREPs via it (plus adding comments) and view/alter the pilot profile. Also is there ways to also use admin functions and control everything which you can via the admin panel. The reason is I am considering making an application client for my virtual airline so the pilot changes everything in the app, instead of online. Its mainly going to be made for experience as I am planning on making another application, but this will be a little practise and I am mainly doing this because ther…
Last reply by Nabeel,