Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
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Working on a custom Pilot Center Public Profile Page and I am wondering if there is any way to show the pilots status. For example, Active, or Retired/Inactive. I am sure there is, I just am overlooking the proper code. I have tried until I was blue in the face today and so far no good.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Hi I have just had a new skin for my site, however i need to place a link to /pilots When i do this the link doesnt work, someone told me i may have to enable the page so people can see it as it may have been locked. I have checked and double checked my coding and it is right i have had another guy check it and he says its right. its just not making an active link can anyone help as if i had any i would be tearing my hair out.
Last reply by shaun105, -
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Hi, my members cannot register to the website, it keeps staying on the same page. Can someone help us out? try for your self.
Last reply by simpilot, -
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I spent about 1 1/2 weeks creating this website template using html coding. Now im wondering if anyone is willing to change the template into a skin for free? Thanks for your help and support, James
Last reply by James142, -
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I am creating a template, and am needing someone to test it out on another system. If you are interested please reply... All you need to do is install the template, and see if everything is working properly Thanks!
Last reply by M-Queiroz, -
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Hey all, I have been working on learning how to skin vms and I got one working so far. I am going to town on it every day. BUT I have an issue on my ACRS map. Look up at the links on the map on the upper right. I am thinking it is css related. I have tweaked and prodded and poked everything an no such luck. Any ideas? I can't really link to the site since it is on my local host server. I would need to leave it run on my pc all night.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Ok here is my issue. If you look at the site click here! you will see there is a news update and at the beginning it says "test Posted by Tyler Johnson on 10/16/2010" I want to make it so it has a picture there instead. like i have a press release header i would like ot put on it at the top of all my news. instead of default posted by stuff. Thanks in advanced
Last reply by tylerj, -
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hi, i want to know how I can install the css drop down menus? obsessblue currently use the skin, I would like to know what is the name of the file that I go to install the css drop down menus? please do not just need to know the name of the file, also need to know how to install it step by step. here I send in attach the css drop down menus that I want to install to have an idea that can help better. agradesco the help they can give me
Last reply by El Macara, -
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Hello all coding guru and not only ! Recently i had finish my skinning work for my virtual airline based on phpvms and now I ask your kindly to say me you opinion about it. A link can be found here: Also be careful it works completely under Firefox, Safari, Opera etc. except Internet Explorer (due to the drop down menus). If you check my drop-down menus you will notice that at the last menu of every sub menu item there is no the border gray line the css is the following: .dropdown li a { background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF; border:1 none; color:#777777; display:block; height:25px; line-height:25px; margin:0; padding:0 0 0 3…
Last reply by dimitris, -
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Does anybody know what file is causing the problem! it is not properly aligned thanks
Last reply by Daniel, -
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Hi every one I just inistal PHPVMS for my VA but i dont like its templet some one can help me how to design my own templet or is there any templet for me to download?
Last reply by mehdi289, -
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Ok, I am thinking of updating the software but i wonder if someone could help me out. When i replace all of the core etc what will i have to fix in the template? I am using Obsess Blue. I have edited some of the files in the core will i loose them? And what about the local.config file will that be the same so like Auto retire etc. Thank you Very Much Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
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Found this page about one mans opinion of web site design, he calls it the html hell page. He includes Design Hell, Content Hell, Style Hell, and Extension Hell. I don't endorse it, although I agree with a lot of it, I just found it interesting and felt it gave a point of view for designers to think about when designing web pages.
Last reply by Kyle, -
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ok weirdly my news module is weird when using firefox. On google chrome it is normal. any help would be great thanks Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
by Guest soundchok- 2 replies
hello i have the Obssess blue skin, and i would like how how to translate the signature, for the website it's done. thanks you for your help My link
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i downloaded that ObssesBlue skin and installed it thing is its not working when i try and select the skin from the admin its not there only crystal is there and ive been tryin for the past 8 hrs and its now 6:00am here can you please help there is no light at the end of my tunnel atm thanks michael Eurojet VA
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Sorry i'm new to PHP and phpvms. However i get the very basics. I am using obsess blue skin and i want to change the color of the table's in the pilot list and schedules from light blue to cherry red. How do i do this? What files do i edit? Thanks In Advance
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
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I am developing a new VMS site. I don't want the "echo $page_content;" in my layout.tpl file. But want to pont to an other tpl file. As it is stated in the 'Editing Template' page in the PHPVMS homepage documentation (, it states that I can put a template dir under my lib/skins/[template), and call it by the fuction Template::Show('whichever.tpl'). I have made a 'test.tpl' file under my skins templates directory directory, and added (Template::Show('test.tpl'); to the layout.tpl file in skin root directory. This generated this error: "Notice: The template file "/phpvms//core/templates/test.tpl" doesn't exist in /phpvm…
Last reply by Wingthor, -
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Can someone pass me the code map of the last flights of the VA and the Pilot please? I find no place in not one, thank you. Equal to that at low!
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
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Hello, help me understand how to align all the pilot in a single table? I want all the rank,flight and hours with the same allignement Here my pilot list My link Thanks
Last reply by Tom, -
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I got a quick question. Not sure if I have a skin issue or what. On my live site, I have a recent bids block and it shows like this: N839TA-CYVR to PANC Now the N839TA is bold. On my test website, I added recent bids block and nothing is bold, all the text is real small and it reads like this: 7 - MEP401 - KBWI to KMKE I used the same exact code from my live site. So I know why the text is small and not bold. It is the .css . What I am curious of is where in the hell is the 7 - coming from? And it will only show one recent bid instead of the 5 like I have it set to show. Not quite sure what the hell is going on.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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how can i create a website template for PHPVMS?
Last reply by Mark J, -
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When a module is requested and it does not exist, it puts up a error page. I edited one page but it did nothing. Maybe it was the wrong one. Can anyone tell me what tpl file that is? I tried core_error.tpl but that did not do anything.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Hi guys, I have been looking round to see if I could add an image to the background of site, I have been reading the skinning forums but I think my eyes have gone funny as I cannot see any links, This is from the style.css from the top of the page. ===================================================================================================== body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial; background-color: navyblue; /***This is the entire site background color**/ } img { border: 0px; } .size { width: 950px; margin: 0px auto; ==========================================================================================…
Last reply by 5SA CEO, -
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I recently wanted to change my background because my last one was plain grey. This time, I want a blue/white gradient with a small shadow on the actual page, as you'll see on my site (click my signature). I have already tried got this: body { margin-top: 50px; padding: 0; background: url(; text-align: justify; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px; color: #000000; } But you'll see that on my site, it repeats itself vertically (repeat-x), but it's not in the code. I basically want a shadow around the top and sides of the page against the blue/white gradient.
Last reply by freshJet, -
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Hi Guys, Does anybody know of anywhwere I could get a custom phpVMS skin for cheaper than at as I am a little reluctant to spend $100 on a phpvms skin. I would be probably be looking to spend $50 max. Thanks, Nathan Hancock. Frog Airlines
Last reply by nathanh12, -
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Hi there I recently created a template for a new VA im trying to start up. However I do not have a clue on how to slice it to make my phpvms core fit into it. If anyone can be so kind as to help me. Thanks in advance for any advice
Last reply by iafhq, -
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Guys, Is there a way to create a skin for phpVMS without coding? Thanks, Nathan
Last reply by mark1million, -
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Never mind! Stupid question! Sorry! Murray
Last reply by AAG001, -
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How do i change the color of the Obsess Blue like the MENU box etc.. or can I?
Last reply by ace92nd,