Development Help
For help and support for the development of addons
515 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
I am almost complete a module that i have been working on for awhile, and am looking for a beta tester, to try it out on their site. - I am looking to see how it works with other sites - What you think of it - and any way it can be improved Message me here at phpvms or leave a comment below and ill message you! thanks
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
I'm not one to do scripting, so if I could get some help, would be great. I'll ask questions regarding what I'm doing in this post. First off, how is a module created that shows up in the admin area as well as frontpage? Next, how can I show only 1 of each of the aicraft in the fleet on a page? edit: All this is going to be in the same module
Last reply by BBuchanan, -
URL problem
by Jason- 1 reply
The problem i am having is when my module try's to open a .zip file for example or .css, the url is However because it includes the "Index.php" the website trys to find a module, instead of opening the file. Is there anyway i can do this so the website opens the .zip file instead of trying to find a module.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
I am creating a module and i am wondering if there is a way to only allow a specific group (admin) to use the module created.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 2 replies
I have been thinking about this for sometime now, Im not a coder. I think a poker run system would be great to have, of course it would have to be paid software, do to the technical coding that has to be done, But if anyone is up the the challenge I am willing to pay..... Regards, Allan
Last reply by Allan, -
- 3 replies
Hi, Is there any way you could put a piece of code into a page so someone could refer the VA to a friend? Thanks, Nathan Hancock
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 15 replies
Hi all, I currently have som spare time, and wants to refresh my PHP knowledge. I also want to have a nice frontpage showing new awards. So I need a lot of them. The deadline for the project is currently open. First question is that if this is build before? Second is I could need som input creating awards. I have pasted in the result of my brainstoring below, but need som input from the public. The system is a kind of inspired by FSX own award system. Hopefully it can contribute to an internal and friendly competition among your pilots. The awards must be based on objective data from an acars system. So the data must be there, and the data must be able to be extraced w…
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 8 replies
Hey, I love making signatures for some reason, and I thought there could be no better way then to help out the phpVMS community. Most of you already have awesome badges, but for those who don't, I'm willing to create one for you for FREE. This includes status badges for simpilot's paid service. So, if you want one, give me the following details, either by PM or by reply: - Dimensions in pixels (default is 500px x 120px) - Border (Yes/No) and if yes, what colour? - Image (You must provide your own background image) - Specific font, colours, style, text etc. I hope this will help a lot of VAs. Regards, Iain.
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 5 replies
"What! He's asking another question?" Yes. He is. Don't judge him, he doesn't know anything. Moving on. I came across this snippet a few days ago that will allow me to display recent flights underneath a map (GCMap), and it works like a charm. I sized it down and added it to the sidebar on my home page. Now, the question is this. And please understand that I do a lot of wingin' it when it comes to code, and while I can generally understand how things work and how to change them, I just don't understand this map thing quite yet. I have a list on my home page as well, that shows upcoming flights (pulled from pilot bids), and I want to display a similar GCMap to displ…
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
I have created a module to upload images for staff to use in forum posts and other areas of the site. What I want the script to do is echo out a html link for the file that was uploaded without actually parsing the code. I can get it to echo code and NOT parse it, but for the life of me I can not get it to echo the file name back to me. Can one of you experts take a peak at this for me? And please don't laugh. It was my first real true honest shot at a cool module. <?php $target = "files/upload/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ; $ok=1; //This is our size condition if ($uploaded_size > 350000) { echo "Your file is too large.&…
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Since we have pay adjust built in to phpVMS now, I am wondering if it is at all possible to create a cron job that will pay adjust pilot spay weekly. Like say for example, a hub managers pay is $5k/wk. On a set day, the cron would run and adjust the pilot s pay according to the weekly pay rate. Problem is, if you have many different jobs with many different pay rates, how many crons would be needed and how would it know who to pay what to? I have never been a cron job wizard. What I do not know about them can fill a book. It would be REAL sweet if we can figure out a way to pay the staff their weekly pay and then have it either send them an email or even an AIRMail t…
Last reply by mark1million, -
I have made a page on my site for each one of my hubs. I have it pulling stats and pilot info. Now I am curious if we can create a link or something that would work like the schedule search except it would only list the flights to or from that hub. It would be real nice if it knew the difference between the cargo, passengers, or charter flights. That way We could create a link for each kind of flight. Wishful thinking or doable?
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 25 replies
Okay guys, and gals, I have been up, down, inside and out of this forum since I purchased PHPVMS from, and I'd have to say I have yet to see a post anywhere that asks or shows how people go about creating schedules to insert into the MyAdmin panel of php/VMS. I'd have to say that when we were using php/VMS on a free server, it was very hard to come up with an easier way to create a schedule. Included in this post is a link to the file you need to make this process alot easier for you to create hundreds or thousands of schedules at a time before you convert it over to .csv How it works: You need Microsoft Excel 2003 or greater to use this (as I'm sure mo…
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 0 replies
Add to pilot_public_profile.tpl(It is in public_html / Core / Templates) <?php if(!$pireps) { echo '<p>Sorry No recent flights have been found</p></div>'; return; } $flights = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, '5'); $string = ""; foreach($flights as $flight) { $string = $string.$flight->depicao.'+-+'.$flight->arricao.',+'; } ?> <p align="center"><strong>Pilots Recent Flights</strong><br /><img src="<?php echo $string ?>&MS=bm&MR=240&MX=685x360&PM=pemr:star10:red%2b%22%25I%22:white&PC=blue" /><br /> Maps generated by the <a href="http:…
Last reply by Rafael, -
- 3 replies
Hi Guys, What about an addon that all pilots can use to link a landing that they made to a youtube video. Example: You have an awesome landing or a landing in bad weather or something like that. You create a video and upload it to youtube. Then you go to the website and attach the link to the pirep. There is a possibility to add the video link to the comment section of the pirep but you need more time to create a video. So the best would be to add the link later to the pirep or to a whole different "Video" section on the site. Regards Lucas
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I'm from cloud virtual airlines. I've already did one post but still have no cleu of how to make a dropdown menu. At the moment I'm using the skin "detachable" could anybody help me with starting a drop down menu from the beggining I already researched for 2 weeks so please help me and don't point me to aother topic, because I already saw every topic with the word drop down menu in it. Vincent,
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 8 replies
To show your status on Skype simply add this lines in the /core/templates/frontpage_main.tpl (with crystal skin, but work also with all other skins) before the last </div> tag at the bottom source code. Replace YOURSKYPENAME with your own Skype name. You can see the result here Italian Virtual Pilots --- Gianni --- <p> <left>WebMaster attualmente <p> <!--Skype 'Webmaster is now' button><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <a href="skype:YOURSKYPENAME?call"><img alt="My Status" height="4…
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 5 replies
Hello could create an addon to show the statistic of the virtual airline on a certain page in the case would create a new page with the name "airline stats" to be accessed at / index.php / airlinestats. Thank you for your attention
Last reply by James142, -
- 8 replies
I saw on Mark's Site (easyjetva) he used google translate. Mark Could You Share the code and how to make it on the sidebar like that please? Thanks!
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I'm Vincent Peters website manager of Cloud VA: I'm finishing of the website but I want to make scroll down menus I did some research but did not understand it. I was wondering if there's anyone that would like to help me with making the menus? I now almost no php or CSS. Vincent
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
i need to create a drop down list of all the departure/arrival airports, aircraft outside of the system in an external page, the issues im having at the moment is how can i populate the drop down list with a list of all the unique airports? etc.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
Hey, Just wondering, is there a fuel planner for phpvms, Or like a fuel dispatcher. Lets us know J
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 2 replies
I have read the API's documentataion regarding sending variables to scrips using the URL. Like index.php/moduletest/pageone/apple/red Gives the varible 'apple' the value 'red' to the script function pageone However I wan't a module to remember the setting, while fetching an other variable, like /beer/isgood. Next time the page is loaded the scripts remember that the user already has seleced red apples, when the user select the option beer is good. Then can process a page based on these settings? I am gone use this for creating dynamic SQL's where the where clause might cange, in terms of value and number of criterias given. Eg, first click filters on pilotid, next cli…
Last reply by Wingthor, -
- 1 reply
Hey, I think this may came up but, I don't see anything in the forums for Hub Stats, so I'm requesting an module for hub stats. If anyone can create it, and We would be all be thankful!!!
Last reply by Daniel, -
Landing rates by month and all time
by Guest Stormchaser- 1 follower
- 16 replies
My pilots love the landing rate module and have had a few requests to do it by month instead for all time. I have pilot stats module and landing rates combined on one page. Wondering if there is a way to combine top pilot module and landing rate module into one so landing rate pulls by month. Not much of a coder before I started this but learning how to copy and paste pretty good to manipulate code. Just asking if someone has done this already save me a great deal of time. And by the way always like to say thanks for phpvms!
Last reply by Wingthor, -
- 1 reply
Hi again... I currently working with an addon which I think will have to 'explode' the raw data from the pireps table in the database. When inspecting the database it seems like FSPassengers pirep's raw data goes to the field log, while fsfk's goes to the table source. Where the free Xacars goes I don't know, does any one know? Is this a bug, which I can expected to be fixed? It is no big issue, but it is nice to know when coding the addon. Regards
Last reply by Wingthor, -
- 0 replies
Hi @ all, i find a easy solution to make phpVMS Pages (e.g. briefing page) printable. You find a code generator a informations at I tried out and works well! Regards Andreas
Last reply by Andy, -
- 1 reply
I am working on code to get the charts for the airports your VA arrives and departs from working, so you can always have in the schedule pilot brief a dep and arr charts. Take a look there, the code is simple. <img border="0" src="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/lib/images/charts/<?php echo $schedule->depicao?>.png" width="387px" height="594px" alt="No chart available" /> <img border="0" src="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/lib/images/charts/<?php echo $schedule->arricao?>.png" width="387px" height="594px" alt="No chart available" /> All that is required is for you to create …
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 1 reply
I was wondering if it possible to do a Airport Management system, instead of the airline management. It would be the same concept, however, im thinking that you create an airport, and add airlines, and a few other changes could be done. Please help, if you think this is possible, and how it could be done Thanks!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Picture in download section
by Guest Henrikkir- 3 replies
I do not know if this script have been here before, but i have having some problems with my download pages. When I in my adminpanel making af new download, there is a line "Link to Image" it's dossent seems to work. No pictures showing on download pages. Here is the script and guides: 1. Open "downloads_list.tpl" in folder "core/templates". 2. Line 33 insert: <a href="<?php echo url('/downloads/dl/'.$download->id);?>"> <img src="<?php echo $download->image?>"></a><br /> Save and upload to site. You can now se pictures, and you can also clik at the picture for downloading files. Look here for an example. http://danis…
Last reply by Txmmy83,