Support Forum
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7147 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hello, The ACARS Map must be configured to show the flight? As if you do it if my pilots fly on IVAO? Thanks!
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
Hi, where are the data file could be the color of the letter of signature / background.png?
Last reply by joeri, -
by Connor1994- 10 replies
Hi all, posted previously about how to go around getting something like this: Never really got a strong response, Nabeel suggested something like: <table> <tr> <td>flight num</td> ... <td>deprt city</td> <?php // We are gonna loop each day of the week for($dayofweek = 0; $dayofweek < 7; $dayofweek++) { // echo our column opening echo '<td>'; // Check if $i (the current day of week) exists if(substr_count($schedule->daysofweek, $dayofweek) > 0) { // there is a flight…
Last reply by Cor, -
- 8 replies
When I go in and add airports through the admin panel or add them in with a CVS route group the airports wont show up that I have added for hubs and what not. There Is nothing there. I cant edit them for hubs because i cant see them. Any Ideas. I have 3-4 hubs and they dont show up.
Last reply by NSX665, -
by Guest kva- 5 replies
I don't know whether I have posted this in the right place but anyway... On my website, I don't want the ReCaptha dialog on the registration page. Is there any way that I would be able to remove it? Thanks, kva
Last reply by Strider, -
- 4 replies
Hi When we create a schedule with the FSX in-built flight plan utility, we submit the .PLN file to admin and this is stored in a folder on the webspace. Now, when a pilot goes to view the schedules, we check the flight number to see if there is a matching .PLN file for it. If we have it, we put PLN File in the column on the right above Details etc. I want to use the4 If ... Then to place a link to the file that the user can right-click and save to prevent them having to look for all the points in the plan but i can't stop the error message thqat an unexpected < has been found ... if (file_exists($filename)) { <a href="<?php echo url('/plns/'.AVA'.$padd…
Last reply by, -
- 5 replies
I want my pilots to be able to buy things from my download center, using the virtual money they have earned from flying. How would i go about doing that, so it deducts from their profits. Thanks
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys. Just recently installed phpVMS to replace VABase & have to say I'm mightily impressed (especially with all the great add-ons the community is developing!) Anyway, the problem at hand... I've manually imported the fleet from myPHPAdmin and re-optimised the tables, cleared the cache etc. I'm trying to import the current schedules we have (I've changed the data to match the phpVMS formatting) using the Admin function and it's successfully picked up all the airports & populated that table but it keeps throwing up an error for every entry that "Aircraft xx does not exist! Skipping" (xx is every a/c number I have in the table!). Needless to say it's not pul…
Last reply by Chaz, -
- 0 replies
Some (not all) Pilots have the error: "You must be logged in to acess this feature" when they want to login. I dont know what they can do, to fix it. The search have with this error no results. Have one a idea?
Last reply by BastiDE, -
- 10 replies
Does anyone know where I can get a code to read when a pilot is in fight on vatsim?? Thanks in advance! Regards Allan
Last reply by Allan, -
- 2 replies
Gday Guys This may have come up already, but i did a forum search and could'nt find anything similar to what i was looking for, my aim, is to integrate the vatsim network statistics with my live to show all pilots on my live map, im aiming to get something similar to this site: anyone know how to do this, has it been done already? if so can someone please provide some instructions and source code. Thanks Tylor Eddy
Last reply by Tylor Eddy, -
- 6 replies
Gday Guys Today i added a few test schedules into my website, i noticed that as with the aircraft in the admin panel, the schedules were also not showing, but no big deal, i could go into the tables directly to edit them, but after adding the schedules i went into the pilot center to view them, and only one shows up, they are all enabled, and are all inserted into the tables, so they are there, but only one of them shows for some reason, any help with this bug would be great ! cheers Tylor Eddy
Last reply by Tylor Eddy, -
'Passenger' ticket price
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello, well so far 5 days into phpvms, awesome backbone, just skinning and setting up all the different things, I've ran into a little ******.. right now my company is losing money because each passenger is paying "0.00" pounds. Example: FLIGHT DETAILS Gross Revenue: (184 load / £ 0.00 per unit £ 0.00 Fuel Cost: (2133.24 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit) This may be a complete newb question, but how do I change this 0 value to something else? like 70 pounds. I've looked in local.config.php, FinanceData.class.php (I thought I was onto something in that file, but php beats me.) and of course the tpl that it's outputting to.. so how can I change the price of a unit? Thank…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
hello friends I have a question, you can change that by adding to Schedules are to choose the type of aircraft, since apparently touches to the route for each aircraft while on the serious type that is easier to add the Schedules for all B737-700 and not per registration. Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I have a problem .... why do not you see the airport, scheduled flights, pilots, etc. ... by the admin panel? Optimize Tables I tried but nothing happened .... You can solve this problem? My site is: Thanks!
Last reply by Blu-Express VA, -
- 7 replies
Good Day, My site is In home letter à - è - é - ò is � Why? Is possible delete �?? Thanks!
- 3 replies
Hi All, I was wondering, Is this the right way to go about calling whether the pilot has flown a flight or not to display a notifcation? <?php if ($userinfo->totalflights<1) echo "You Have Not Completed A Flight Yet Please File A Report To Avoid Being Removed" ?> Help Appreciated Jon
Last reply by Kyle, -
Pirep viewall help
by Guest willykamp- 0 replies
Hi any one can help me, to the pirep viewall.tpl show only last five pireps, or how to delete from the pilot public profile Thanks a lot
- 4 replies
hello all i have something strange here i was helping a friend installing vms installation went great checkinstall and checkdp also ok homepage shows but when i pus anny link or try to login i get this error No input file specified. annybody seen this or am i the first
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
Right, having prob installing VMS onto new server and 1and1. All details entered are correct but I get this error when choosing next step after DB details/location fields.... Be grateful for any suggestions. "Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Access denied for user 'db354046472'@'' (using password: YES) (1045)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000><b></b></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in /homepages/41/************/htdocs/core/classes/ezdb…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
In my site I have this code: <ul class="login"> <li class="left"> </li> <li><?php if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false){ echo 'Olá Visitante!'; }else{ echo 'Olá ' .PilotData::GetPilotCode(Auth::$userinfo->firstname, Auth::$userinfo->firstname); } ?> But they show: What changes should I do to remove the four zeros ?
Last reply by mix, -
- 0 replies
Is there a code to display the pilots fights for the month?? Regards, Allan
Last reply by Allan, -
Help Boarding Pass
by Guest willykamp- 0 replies
Hi friends, Anyone can helpme to build a form for a virtual pax buy a tickets? I mean, a form to use the schedules_boardinpass.tpl for passengers to buy virtual tickets, such as using a search schedule and that is this an option to purchase a ticket without being registered user, and the passenger's name appears on the boarding pass previusly get on form LIKE THIS Thanks for u supporting Best Regards
- 4 replies
Hello, always were interested how to do recaptcha that would work with phpvms on "Cutstom Pages", were trying to do something this morning, but i think its still to hard for me, if anyone has done it could you please share it or guide a bit? Thanks for help, Maciej.
Last reply by MaciejO, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, I got an error when I am in editing a pilot's profile and I got the error as it's shown in the image What can be the cause of it? Thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Hello i installed phpvms on my local computer server it worked fine. but when i tried to put it on my website server it doesnt work could any one help me fixing this problem PLZ
- 9 replies
When I add a route I get wrong image when looking at it on a map. I get 'fix' img for a VOR and 'vor' img for a FIX. In file app.config.php following is stated: define('NAV_NDB', 2); define('NAV_VOR', 3); define('NAV_DME', 4); define('NAV_FIX', 5); define('NAV_TRACK', 6); But in the navdata table in MySQL a lot of fixes has type 3 defined and some VORs has mixed type 3 and 5 depending on airway. Is the definition in app.config.php correct or is the fault in the MySQL table navdata? Is this navdata.sql keept up to date? /BR Benny
- 13 replies
HI guys, When you delete a pilot from the admin I want to be able to edit that code to also update another field in my database, basically what i have is external authentication switched on for IPB, I have pilot id and the password and the account creation for the fourm, i also have a further check retired=0 so when i delete a pilot that has never flown i also want to update that field to retired preventing forum access. So to finally get to the point where does that code live and can i just reference it to the pilot id and update the retired column? Thanks.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 2 replies
I am trying to get the total number of awards for a pilot. How can I count the awards of a specific pilot? I am looking to rank pilots based on the number of awards that they have. The awards have a separate table for those awarded and I cant figure out how to count them based on the pilot number field. Any help you can give would be appreciated.
Last reply by kbohme, -
- 4 replies
Dear Nabeel hi need urgent response on this i have installed PHPVMS for one of my VA name virtual airblue and from 3 days now somebody hacked it changed removed my ID posting wrong things on site changing site details how he breeched access into admin cpanel plz help URL
Last reply by simpilot,