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7149 topics in this forum
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Hello all, I am trying to develop a map showing the route generated by SimBrief inside the dispatch. Does anyone know how to do that? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by LHVirtualGroup, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I am trying to figure out how to show discord only to logged-in members. Right now it is visible on my front page. Here is my current code for the discord section. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If it helps, I am on phpvms PHP version is 7.2. <!--Begin Discord --> <div class="blueIce-block clearfix"> <div class="blueIce-blockheader"> <h3 class="t">Discord</h3> </div> <div class="blueIce-blockcontent"><p> <br> <div align="center"> <iframe src="" width="240" height="500" allowtransparenc…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 3 replies
We have phpVMS installed. When the MariaDB update came along recently (it was updated from 10.1 to 10.2), we lost a lot of our admin functions, and since then we have not been able to do any updates to our schedule, etc. Can you explain more about how this MariaDB update affected v5.5.2.72, and what is being done to correct it? Not being able to update our schedules, etc, is a real problem. David Reed President, Historic Airline Group
Last reply by Strider, -
- 5 replies
Hello. How do I center the rank image in my profile? Right now it runs off the page. I have been looking for a solution to this problem but have not found one. Thanks.
Last reply by cfitz619, -
- 1 reply
Hello. I am doing some testing because I want to create a virtual airline and I am using 000webhosting to have a trial domain to learn stuff. I am having this issue when installing phpVMS, using PHP 8.0. The error is: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Illuminate\Foundation\Application" not found in /storage/ssd4/917/18344917/public_html/bootstrap/application.php:13 Stack trace: #0 /storage/ssd4/917/18344917/public_html/bootstrap/app.php(7): include_once() #1 /storage/ssd4/917/18344917/public_html/public/index.php(17): require_once('...') #2 {main} thrown in /storage/ssd4/917/18344917/public_html/bootstrap/application.php on line 13 Thanks…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hey, I am not sure if this a smartCARS2 issue or a phpvms 5.5 one. But I need a point where I can start to find a solution I have set up everything to "feet", "nm" and "kilogramms". If a pilot sent a pirep via smartCARS2, the fuel used are totally incorrect. Here some facts: local.config.php of phpvms 5.5: As you can see below, we've all set to "kg". Config::Set('MONEY_UNIT', '€'); Config::Set('WeightUnit', '0'); # 0=Kg 1=lbs Config::Set('DistanceUnit', '2'); # 0=KM 1= Miles 2=NMiles Config::Set('SpeedUnit', '1'); # 0=Km/H 1=Kts Config::Set('AltUnit', '1'); # 0=Meter 1=Feet Config::Set('LiquidUnit', '2'); # 0=liter 1=gal 2=kg 3=lbs…
Last reply by pla031, -
- 12 replies
Good day does anyone know exactly to fix the add/ aircraft error as i am currently having this issue and because of this nothing is appearing in my smart cars.
Last reply by DDm, -
- 3 replies
Hi, When you visit 'admin' page, did you find that the website shows a '.tpl' filename on the top of the sidebar? (attached 'before.png') It did trouble me to find the reason. But finally, I solved that problem. That is what the sidebar should display. (attached 'after.png') You may find '/admin/templates/core_sidebar.tpl' which is a one-line file. I write the code below. <div id="sidecolumn"><?php echo $sidebar?></div> I changed the code into this. <div id="sidecolumn"><?php Template::Show($sidebar);?></div> Then the problem is solved. In order to help more admin, I decide to put the method here. Thanks for your rea…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 7 replies
I have no idea why I can't add aircraft to phpvms. Using ElaSkin 2018. I was able to add airports. Downloaded .csv aircraft and tried uploading and didn't work. Is there anyone that could go in and take a look?
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
well this is what I did frame and interface upload to /public_html/core/smartCARS/ smrartcars 755, frame a interface 644 permission. Now , where is my web script ???? have no ideia . How to add frame.php to the end of my script location URL? dont know where my script location is!! thank you
Last reply by DDm, -
- 17 replies
Hi!, i'm working on the VA system for my VA, and when i add aircrafts it gives me the error "There was an error adding the aircraft" (same thing editing the aircraft) but this is my form (it appears in blue because the other times was the same problem, so it's easier to me, i added it from de database directly but i can't still fly with the aircrafts, when i book my pirep i can't select the plate of the aircraft, i tried to add the aircrafts on a .csv, but it doesn't work (,it returns this text, " The import process is complete, added 0 aircraft, updated 0, for a total of 0! ". I searched on the forum but i didn't …
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I' trying to modify the search function to not only have '<' or '>' distance, if not between 'distance1' and 'distance2' too, and by flight time. I have not gotten it to work for me, I don't know if I have to modify something else, or how to implement it in the existing code. My phpvms version is v2. Thanks! So in SchedulesData.class.php Line 19: class SchedulesData extends CodonData { /** * A generic find function for schedules. As parameters, do: * * $params = array( 's.depicao' => 'value', * 's.arricao' => array ('multiple', 'values'), * ); * * Syntax is ('s.columnname' => 'value'), where value c…
Last reply by ARV187, -
- 17 replies
Hi there, Im trying autoselecting the registration code from DB after select aircraft in a dropdown menu. But I don't know why not work. Simbrief plan set an auto registration to selected airplane. At the moment I coded this: Input name values that simbrief form get are: "type" to aircraft, "reg" to registration. <?php require_once ("/Connections/db.php"); mysqli_select_db($db, $database_db); $resultSet = "SELECT icao, registration FROM phpvms_aircraft"; ?> <select name="type" id="typo" onChange="upicao()"> <?php $resultSet = mysqli_query($db, $resultSet) or die(mysqli_error($d…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Sorry if this is the wrong category to ask this, or if it's been answered already, but I couldn't find the answer when searching the forums. I guess recently VATSIM updated their prefile api and when using the VATSIM Prefile button on my VA's site within the generated SimBrief, it no longer populates the remarks field on the VATSIM prefile site. Here's the code we were using before for the prefile button on the simbrief page. <?php $info->vatsim_prefile = str_replace('<input type="hidden" name="11" value="RMK/POWERED BY SIMBRIEF">', '<input type="hidden" name="11" value="RMK/POWERED BY SIMBRIEF/VISIT US AT FLYUVA.ORG">', $info->vat…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
Hello can anyone help me fix the live map it not showing i added google api kys for map and it still not working can anyone help thanks My discord Shane#2321
Last reply by Strider, -
- 16 replies
Hi everyone, Since last week my virtual airline can not receive flights reports because the PIREPS function stopped working by surprise (manually or through smartCARS). I tried reinstalling the PIREPS module, the classes files and the whole site using the last version of phpVMS available but it does not work either. I contacted my hosting provider and after some tests they told me it could be a problem compatibility with MariaDB. Last Wednesday they updated their servers, including MariaDB, since then I have this issue. Here you have more details: SQL: 10.2.8-MariaDB phpMyAdmin: 4.7 Apache: 2.4.27 + LSAPI PHP 7.0.22 Could be this…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 6 replies
I use php 5.6 nginx debian 10 phpVMS: latest version of phpVMS_v2 ( The following error appears on the registration page: Warning: file_exists(): File name is longer than the maximum allowed path length on this platform (4096): /var/www/phpvms//lib/skins/crystal/<h3>Registration</h3> <p>Welcome to the registration form for PHPVMS. After you register, you will be notified by a staff member about your membership.</p> <form method="post" action=""> <dl> <dt>First Name: *</dt> <dd><input …
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello! Just a quick question, what does the Reset Pilot PIREP count actually mean? Does it mean to update it to 0 (zero) or just readjust them to be right?
Last reply by Daniboi, -
- 10 replies
Hello everybody! I hope you are well. Could you help me? I am trying to place the route map (CreazyCreatives) and another of the online flights out of the installation (phpVMS) and it is not possible that it appears visible. I've tried various things and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have the google map API KEY included. Does anyone have a code to help solve this problem? Thank you so much.
Last reply by VIELMA16, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello all! Having an issue where I'm trying to display a pilots current location based on their last PIREP, however on any page that calls for the location from their last PIREP, it still displays their hub. For example, on my profile page I'm using: <?php $lastreport = PIREPData::GetLastReports($userinfo, 1); if(!$lastreport) { $location = $userinfo->hub; } else { $location = $lastreport->arricao; } ?> <?php $airport_info = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($location); $airportname = $airport_info->name; ?> <li><strong>Current Location: </strong><?php echo $location; ?> - <?php echo $airportname; ?>…
Last reply by Dyl1103, -
- 1 reply
Is it possible to limit searches to a pilot's airline in phpvms 5.5? I found a solution for what seems to be a previous version of phpvms, but it will not work with my version of schedule_results.php. Any help would be appreciated, monty
Last reply by monty, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I have code that will post to a MYBB forum for pilot events that are initially the following -: [A]. New Pilot [B]. Pilot promotions If anybody can tell me where I need to insert my code as follows -: When a new pilot joins at the point they become a registered pilot is where I want to put my code , which module/php does PHPVMS make a pilot "LIVE". Likewise as in a pilot promotion at what point does a pilot get promoted to a new rank. , same here where do I put my code in which module /php file We are running v5.5 7.2 version Thanks If I get help on this I will post my …
Last reply by LesJar, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I'm trying to load the page, but it shows this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /storage/ssd4/490/17158490/public_html/core/modules/Weather/Weather.php on line 17 And this is the line 17 of the weather.php file curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['X-API-Key: '.WeatherData::$api]); I've tried to delete the [ but it shows me another error. Hope you can help me Regards.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Whenever I try to add an aircraft: I had this problem before and I fixed by replacing a user file, anyone knows how to solve it? Everything else works perfectly, I tried some post from the forum but no one solved it I think the solution could be, someone with this same settings could attach /core/common/ OperationsData.class.php php Version: 7.2 sql Version: 5.7 skin: StislaSkin 2020 phpVMS version: phpVMS (ProAvia) Note: This is not working with default skin
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 5 replies
When I install a skin this happens It happens with everyone!
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 13 replies
How do I fix this function? StatsData::<?php echo PilotSircraftflownCounts($pilot->pilotid); ?> When I type this in, The output is the word "array" I am running phpvms 5.5.2 and TFDIdesign is the host. I do not know nothing about php, java script, I know basic HTML. Can anyone show me the script I need to add to this function to make it work? Thanks.
Last reply by Ricky310, -
- 0 replies
Hi, i just moved to VPS and hosting php with my own server. Using Simpilot 5.5.2 version and my php version is 5.5. When i try to visit my admin panel, they are loading very very slow. No idea why. Loading the crew portal works fine as normal. Any one knows why admin panel loads long ? As a result, when i edit any jquery, it will also take long time to reflect on my admin side.
Last reply by PikoSim, -
- 1 reply
Hello my friends, good morning, I have been trying to solve this problem for days, my map pulled to an external page, the skin layout works perfectly, but I must be missing something, because it pulls the table, just do not pull the image and data ! Olá meus amigos, bom dia, estou tentando resolver esse problema há dias, meu mapa puxei para uma página externa, no layout do skin funciona perfeitamente, mas devo estar faltando alguma coisa, pois puxa a mesa, apenas não puxe a imagem e os dados!
Last reply by vFAB, -
- 1 reply
hi, sorry in advance if that is wrong place, but is this website correct? I need to calculate 10kg to lbs and i'm not sure if this outcome is good
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 4 replies
Hello About 2 years ago we upgraded to PHP 7 from PHP 3 (i know that I waited a long time to ask) .However we are still running phpVMS 2.1.936. Ever since upgrading we have been running into weird database issues. Basically if you try to delete a route a few (few because I don't know how many sometimes 2, 3,7) days later the routes will come back. Same thing when trying to edit routes. Edit the route say you want to make KLM 1234 go EHAM-EGLL instead of EHAM-LOWW. I edit it all is good, a few days later KLM 1234 is back to EHAM-LOWW. Just this past weekend i also noticed this same issue when trying to delete PIREPs I can't for the life of me fig…
Last reply by NWA1999,