Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
by magicflyer- 0 replies
Last reply by magicflyer, -
Ok say I don't contact a airline that i'm going to use there logo and trademark but at the bottom i put a disclaimer would that be ok?
Last reply by Zishan, -
- 8 replies
No longer in service!
Last reply by AAG001, -
- 5 replies
Atlantic International Virtual Airlines (AIV) launch a new Marketing Ad on Facebook. As social media continues to grow, we have to find ways to attract new members, said Robert Sayles, Chief Executive Officer at AIV. Facebook and Twitter is a growing outlet and AIV will continue to invest on those social media markets and be visible to the community. Our Latest theme "Where dreams can come true", is a saying where your dreams really can come true at our Virtual Airline, said Michael DuPont, Chief Operations Officer. Its very possible to start off as a virtual pilot at Atlantic International Virtual than pursue your dream as a Real world pilot on day. Atlantic Internat…
Last reply by atlanticva, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hello to all of you, Have you ever though of joining a Virtual Airline Alliance? Why did you joined it or why not? What kind of (dis)advantages do you believe that there are? We are thinking of joining a va alliance but we want to know more about how they generally work... Servetas
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 0 replies
Opening Day is the day on which professional baseball leagues begin their regular season. For Major League Baseball and most of the minor leagues, this day falls during the first week of April. For baseball fans, Opening Day serves as a symbol of rebirth; writer Thomas Boswell once penned a book titled, Why Time Begins on Opening Day. Many feel that the occasion represents newness or a chance to forget last season in that the 30 major league clubs and their millions of fans begin with 0-0 records. Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, April 14th, 2012 at 20h00edt (24h00z) for our April 2012 Fly-In where we will visit some famous cities r…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 7 replies
Qatar-VA has commenced operations! 13.8.2014 Welcome to Qatar Airways Virtual. Our group is a non-profit virtual organization focusing on realistic airliner operations using PC based flight simulation software, also supporting high quality professional add-ons and internet-based real time air traffic control. Our Mission is to simulate real world day to day operations of Qatar Airways. We are open to any experience levels. If you are new to flying, we have our own training center see help you improve your flying skills.. If your are a veteran to flying we are always open for help. More veterans will allows fellow pilot excel. See you in the skies! ---------------------…
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 0 replies
Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots and virtual airlines to join us for our August 2012 fly-in where we celebrate our 3rd anniversary! Thanks to all our virtual pilots who have made Canadian Xpress the virtual airline that it is. So we urge you to spread the news and invite virtual pilots from all over to join us for this event. This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress SB Model Set can be viewed by visiting ww…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 0 replies
Boston ARTCC | Moncton FIR - The Fundy Rush Wednsday August 15th, 2012 - 19h00est-23h00est (23h00z-03h00z) Halifax and Boston have a long relationship in trade, disater releif and tourism dating back to Halifax's incorporation in 1749. From shipping and commerce routes, Boston's heroic and rapid dispatchof relief following the Halifax explosion and our Christmas tree tradition, to booming cross-border tourism and mutual support of Boston's sports teams, the bond between the these two cities is great. In honor of these close ties, the Boston ARTCC and the Moncton FIR are pleased to present The Fundy Rush that will be held on the VATSIM network. Halifax …
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 0 replies
Good Evening Ladies and Gents Im going to be making an airline called British Atlantic, You may think that name is familiar, if you are then your right, its a mix between British Airways and Virgin Atlantic. Im hoping this airline will become a success but for that to happen I need you, Yes you, No dont look away..... I want to know what you want the airline to have (serious ideas only please ) and what we shouldent have. Im going to be also looking for a few staff, keep it small at the start, I would be grateful if someone could make a logo and liverys for the airline. Would prefer people with experience in the airline industry. I will also be looking for pilots to i…
Last reply by moonpeach, -
- 0 replies
Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots to join us for our December fly-in on Saturday, December 15th at 21h00est (02h00z) where we will fly the Pacific fjords with its season’s weather as a bonus! Departing from Bellingham Washington (KBLI), we will head north to Ketchikan Alaska (PAKT) for a spectacular approach in probable heavy precipitation conditions! This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress SB Model Set c…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 12 replies
Hello all A new PIA Virtual Airline has opened with the Name: PIAS(Pakistan International Simulations - Virtual Airline). We have a really professional designed website. We have launched and now are accepting pilot applications. Website: Click Here to Open The following Management Staff Positions are currently available. Human Resources Manager (HR) Director Flight Operations (D.F.O) Director Events Events Coordinator Assistant Director Flight Operations Hub Manager Assistant Hub Manager Assistant H.R VA Promotions Manager (Advertising Manager) All interested staff job applicants can PM me there applications.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 9 replies
Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, February 18th, 2012 at 20h30est (Sunday February 19th 01h30z) for our February 2012 Fly-In where we will fly from Italy direct to Venice over the most famous Italian cities; Naples, Rome and Florence. Departing from Palermo (LICJ) in Sicily, we will fly to Venice Marco Polo International (LIPZ) for the Venice Carnival. We will then take a gondola and cross the Canal Grande to Venice S. Nicolò (LIPV) where we will depart and fly over the Dolomites to Bolzano (LIPB), a nice town in South Tirol. The Carnival of Venice is one of the most famous carnivals in the world and has very ancient origins dati…
Last reply by mseiwald, -
- 0 replies
We would like to inform you that Greece Airways Virtual organizes the Real Flight Operations Day Event at Rhodes airport(LGRP). This event will take place on Sunday 26th of June from 18:00(UTC) till 20:00 (UTC). Each pilot is able to book any flight he wants, using our booking system which was created for our event. The booking system can be found here. Please use all the information provided on the booking system. Everyone is free to join our event. If you are not a member on Greece Airways Virtual you can book any flight you want and you are able to use any callsign you want. Please notice that there are not a lot of flights for this event so if you are not able to …
Last reply by servetas, -
- 0 replies
What is going to happen at 26 of June? A day for your calendar. We will have a good time on the afternoon this day… Everyone will be able to join our event. This is an event organized by Greece Airways Virtual. Stay Tuned!!! Kind Regards, Servetas George Greece Airways Virtual Vice Chief Executive Officer vceo(at)
Last reply by servetas, -
- 0 replies
Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots & virual airlines to join us for our January fly-in on Saturday, January 19th at 21h00est (02h00z) where we start the New Year with a fantastic approach in Funchal Madeira! Departing from Faro (LPFR) we will head south west to beautiful Madeira (LPMA) where hopefully we can expect an approach for runway 05. This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More information regarding this event including operational details, charts, optional add-on scenery and the Canadian Xpress SB Model Set can be vie…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 2 replies
The 2012 Summer Olympic Games, officially the Games of the XXX Olympiad and also known as London 2012 as per their official logo, are scheduled to take place in London, United Kingdom from 27 July to 12 August 2012. Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our July Month fly-in where we celebrate this world wide event aimed at peace, tolerance, friendship and of course, achievement in sports! Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us where our goal is to make a massive arrival at London Gatwick International (EGKK) at the same time on July 14th 2012. You can depart from wherever you like, as long as you time your arrival around …
Last reply by James142, -
- 0 replies
It’s June! The birds are singing, the kids are finishing up the school year and most of us stare longingly at the gently swaying trees, overcome by cabin fever after having been locked away from the sun all winter. It’s time to dust off those fishing poles and the camping gear, hook up the boat or camper and head out into the wilderness. It’s time for a summer vacation! Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, June 16th, 2012 at 21h00edt (Sunday 01h00z) for our June 2012 Fly-In where we will celebrate the beginning of Vacation Season by visiting some of the most beautiful outdoor spots that the Intermountain West has to offer. This…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 1 reply
[August 03, 2011] - Seattle, Washington - Legend Air Virtual Corporate Offices The date has been set. On Friday, August 5, 2011 at 3:00 PM EST, Legend Air Executives will be meeting on the Teamspeak 3 server to discuss the budget as well as possible expansion. This will be a major step forward for Legend Air as a whole, and will hopefully provide all of our members with the chance to experience more destinations as well as get the chance to earn type ratings in new types of aircraft. Pilots and the general public are welcome to join the staff on the Legend Air Teamspeak during the meeting to be filled in about what is going on during the meeting. After the meeting the E…
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 4 replies
Hello all, I wanted to take a moment tonight to congratulate the members of Legend Air for collectively completing over 300 flights for over 500 hours! After a very slow start Legend Air has picked up in the new year and already has completed over 45 flights (our average was 22 flights per month). I am very proud of where Legend Air is heading, and I thank all of you for your support and help through the rough spots! Thank you for your time!
Last reply by James142, -
- 16 replies
Thursday night, 11 August 2011, the Legend Air website became the target of an unknown hacker. Unfortunately, the website visually started to deteriorate and as of last night has been inaccessible to anyone without a "Malicious Content" warning appearing on the screen. Please do not attempt to pass this page as you will put yourself at risk of infection. If you have already passed this page, please make sure to run your anti-virus programs immediately. Currently, scripts are running against Legend Air servers and have made the pages of our site impossible to view. I have not been able to look yet but our coding even looks to have been altered. The databases are unharmed…
Last reply by BMI Baby HR, -
- 0 replies
Legend Air has some exciting news as well as a few candy shots for the public! For a few weeks now, our new webmaster has been working on a true masterpiece that will be released in the next few weeks! Rumors have been going around to what this surprise actually is, but today some of that information will be released. Here is what we have been working on behind the scenes: A custom website that will have countless features/add-ons to make the pilots experience even better! Our custom IFS system has been developed and finished, it is only V1.0 and will have updates later. However SkyOne Entertainment V1.0 looks very nice! Our very own flight tracking program is bei…
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 8 replies
[May 11, 2011] - Seattle, Washington - Legend Air Virtual Corporate Offices It brings me great pride to announce the release date for Legend Air's new beta site. During the afternoon/evening of May 26, 2011, Legend Air executives will be releasing the new site to the public as well as all of its features. The new site will bring the following to the new face of Legend Air: New, realistic, clean website layout customarily designed to perfection. New, clean, fleet v2.0 sporting the newest Legend Air baremetal livery that has only been seen in a few pictures. Legend Air's SkyAcademy to train pilots of any skill level as needed. SkyOne's standalone "IFS" application wi…
Last reply by hollinst, -
- 0 replies
A Snowbird is a term used to describe Canadian citizens who enjoy spending the winter months of the year in warmer climates. It is well known fact that a great contingency of Canadian citizens migrate to Florida in the winter months and when they first arrive are usually pale, this why they are called Snowbirds. Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, March 17th, 2012 at 09h00est (14h00z) for our March 2012 Fly-In where we will transport the Snowbirds back up home. Departing from the Sarasota Bradenton International (KSRQ), we will bring back our passengers to Toronto Pearson International (CYYZ). This is an open invitation to all pilots…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 0 replies
From the Pyramids to the Acropolis, we cross centuries of history through the Mediterranean Sea. Our History and cultures were marked by those two ancient worlds and still is today. Just think of the Papyrus and the Olympic games. Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday, May 19th, 2012 at 09h00edt (13h00z) for our May 2012 Fly-In where we will depart from Cairo (HECA), capital of Egypt, to Athens (LGAV), capital of Greece. Although not required, we highly recommend that you install the add-on sceneries in order to truly appreciate the beauty and the landmarks of both countries. This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what you…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 0 replies
GOOD MORNING/AFTERNOON, FEDEX VIRTUAL AIRLINES is new to the simulation world for carrying cargo with the best utilities and software that can be given. We have worked for months on our site and software upon opening we have included many features that is explained below and images on what your profile will look like when logged into the system. The current tracking software that is being used by our site is smartCARS 2 for easy bidding, tracking, and the use of "Jetstream Radio" at your own leisure. We have also added a crew center to make things easy on our members so you can view or add bids on flights whether you be on your computer or your smart device…
Last reply by smokey68, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone This VA is with my own custom name "BIRD VIRTUAL". We use XACARS,KACARS,FSACARS,FS Passengers & FS Flight Keeper to record your flights. We prefer all our New Pilots to use KACARS. Hubs OMDB CYYZ EGNX OMAA WMKK OPKC OPLA OTBD And new hubs are being added. Our Fleet ATR42 B737 B747 A380 B777 A321 Staff We highly need a FSAIRCRAFT repainter. Positions available Repaint M.D Members Manager Schedules Manager Fleet Manager PIREP Moderator Website: Regards CEO Bird Virtual
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
BudgetAir is a virtual airline focused on creating a fun & relaxed atmosphere for enthusiasts of Flight Simulation software in which they can enjoy their hobby. Many virtual airlines will be direct replicas of real world airlines, flag carriers and the like. They will be tied to the aircraft fleet, hubs and schedules of their real world counterparts. Our operations here at the BudgetAir are based on real world scenarios but as we exist only here in the virtual world we are free to use, extend and explore the whole world, creating a fleet that serves the diverse preferences of our pilots, schedules that encompass the very best in available scenery and destination…
Last reply by ncd200, -
- 0 replies
Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our November fly-in on Saturday, November 17th at 21h00est (02h00z) where we will fly to Paro Airport which has an elevation of 7,300 ft. With surrounding peaks as high as 18,000 ft it is considered one of the world's most challenging airports and as of October 2009, only eight pilots in the world are certified to land at the airport. Departing from Indira Gandhi International Airport (VIDP), we will fly to spectacular Paro (VQPR). This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network. More i…
Last reply by CXA001, -
- 0 replies
The Montreal FIR and Moncton FIR are poised for what will be an epic crossfire event between the Montreal Trudeau International Airport (CYUL) and the Halifax Stanfield International Airport (CYHZ). As FIRs staff their respective airports from the ground up for this four hour event, all virtual airlines and pilots are invited to pick their favourite departure airport (CYHZ or CYUL) and fly to the other. Your pilot skill level doesn't matter! Your choice of aircraft is irrelevant! Your carrier of choice is up to you! Join the skies over Eastern Canada, challenge the skills of the controllers and score a point for your favourite departure airport!! Hope you see you on No…
Last reply by CXA001,