326 topics in this forum
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Hello, I built my own skin using Bootstrap but I'm having some issues using the PHP and language tags. I want the user's name to appear in the navbar header when they log in. I placed the tag {{ $user->name }} but it only works in templates that already come default with PHPVMS 7, for example with home, dashboard, etc. When I open one of the custom pages I have a 500 error. On the other hand, language tags also don't work when I insert them into a custom page. For example: @lang('common.profile'), does not appear rendered as "Perfil" ("Profile" in Spanish) but instead appears directly as "@lang('common.profile')". Thanks …
Last reply by Imanol, -
- 7 replies
Solved it was a Database conflict whit my home server and hosting Hy, my sincere apologies for my “bad English” I recently noticed when i want to add, for example an flight or an airplane that when i want to fill in the location it’s searching whiteout showing any results see image. yes i have a list of locations in the database and everything was working fine until now and I can’t figure out why it doesn’t work anymore. and i use the latest dev version. php version 8.1 Mysql version 4.9.7
Last reply by DanFlutter, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Is it possible to update only the phpvms files that have been modified, without having to delete the vendor file?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 4 replies
Hi, New users are getting prevented to access our phpVMS portal until they verify their email address, however no email is sent to them. I have personally checked this by creating a fictious account with different email addresses and no email mail is getting received, not even on junk email. Please advise
Last reply by VERTSPD, -
- 1 reply
Hello, where can i find the settings for auto accepted pireps in phpvms7 ?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 16 replies
Hi, We have more than 170.000 Pireps in the legacy table. After we imported to the new v7 table we become this error message. Is there a limit of 65k pireps ?
Last reply by SKD, -
- 0 replies
Hello, i will import my leagcy db to the new v7 db. I try "php artisan phpvms:importer ...." on the command line. We have 170k pireps in the leagcy db. After 12 hours later only 68k pireps are migrated. Every 3 seconds only 1 pirep will migratied. I try to set the batchsize at 1000, 500, 50 .... but still it will migrate the data very slowly. Greetings SKD
Last reply by SKD, -
- 5 replies
Hey, none of my pilots can register, because they can't choose a home airport. Any help is appreciated.
Last reply by nfinger, -
Last reply by Bushman, -
- 4 replies
Apologies if this has come up already. I ran a quick search and could not find any helpful answers. Say we purchased/downloaded the schedule package from a site of the likes of Allegedly, they provide the import templates for: Airports (this works) Fleet (this does not work) Schedules (this I don't know yet) So, I thought the aircraft template they used was out of fashion and downloaded the templates pack available in here. I copied all of the values in their rightful spot and tried importing once again to no joy. Same error: "CSV file doesn't seem to match import type" What am I missing? Thanks in advance
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 2 replies
Hello! I'm setting up phpVMS 7 for my virtual airline and I'm also editting some templates. I need the flight search results to show the days which each flight is operated. Is there any piece of code to do so? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Imanol, -
- 2 replies
Currently using Disposable Basic Pack v3.4.x on phpVMS v7 dev (latest as of 2 July 2023). After installing smartCARS3 I began testing all the connections. I can currently connect to our databases and make use of our databases with no problems. I can equally bit on flights and file PIREPS. That said, the only area I am detecting a fault is on the website's live flight map. It does not show the active flight. I can see it on VATSIM, and on the smartCARS map, but not on the website. I checked the settings page to see if I was missing a setting with no joy. I checked the TFDi forums and noted that smartCARS3 now natively supports phpVMS7. I would appreciate any gu…
Last reply by RedKingOne, -
- 3 replies
I am in need of some guidance when it comes to enabling the SSL certs on the site. I feel like I am missing a step. Currently using Disposable Basic Pack v3.4.x on phpVMS v7 dev (latest as of 2 July 2023). In phpVMS v5.x it was just a matter of changing two lines of code in the local and global config.php files from HTTP to HTTPS. Based on the instructions during the setup of v7 it stated that the env.php file has the same capabilities as the config files from v5. I don't see a related option in the file and after looking around the documentation, I could not find any relevant materials. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 5 replies
I am trying to create a schedule bidding system for my VA but I am unable to find any documentation that explains how to work the flight bids process in phpvms. Can someone help? Thanks
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
Hello everyone, Now i encounter a real problem during the select VA procedure. I made a screen of it because i don't know what that means lol. Hope that someone can solve this problem for me.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 4 replies
I am attempting to install PHPVMS7. Completed the first three steps to where it states Database Setup Completed. I then pressed "Continue" and got the 500 Server Error Using PHP version 8.2 MySQL All PHP extentions were saved. Most recent version downloaded from discord. Not sure what is going on. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone. Yesterday I installed the latest phpVMS for my website. i'm busy with setting things up and so far all is going just fine, as far i can notice. I made subfleets and added aircrafts to it, airports are implemented and now i'm working on the flights. There i come to my first problem, they don't show up on the flights page or the inbuild search engine, so they don't excist for the user. Type ratings, ranks, fleet and assignement are set. I did read something about a Core map but in phpVMS V7.0 I can't find a Core map, and i don't want to mess around in your hard work in those files. Is there any sollutions on l…
Last reply by Charlier, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I'm tryng to create a new expense listener for hard landing events, by adding a new file at /app/Listeners, but it's not working. I have this Laravel error: This is the code I'm using: <?php namespace App\Listeners; use App\Contracts\Listener; use App\Events\Expenses; class ExpenseTouchdown extends Listener { public function handle(Expenses $event) { $expenses = []; $amount = 250; // Do your check here, return an empty array if it is ok/below your check limit (no expense needed) if (abs($event->pirep->landing_rate) < 500) { return $expenses; …
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, I have a little problem with the deleted old expenses that remain in the drop-down menu. I have created an expense in the Listener file, but the Lavarel log tells me that it does not Cannot declare class App\Listeners\LandingRate_ChargePilot, because the name is already in use {"userId":6,"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\ErrorHandler\\Error\\FatalError(code: 0): Cannot declare class App\\Listeners\\LandingRate_ChargePilot, because the name is already in use at /home/jacquesm/phpvms/app/Listeners/ExpenseListener.php:0). Is there a file to modify somewhere ? or to delete ? Sorry but the site does not take my screen shot
Last reply by Skytraveler, -
- 12 replies
Hello everyone, I'm not sure this is the right place or not, but I was wondering if there is any way to use smartCARS with phpVMS 7, or is there any plane in the future? Thanks in advance Regards, Vahid.N
Last reply by akersbrian0777, -
- 5 replies
During a new install of Version 7 of phpVMS, after the database is created, the installer stops on Step 3 (install/step3?) with a "500 SERVER ERROR". This is my second time trying to install with the same issue. Versions PHP Version: 8.0 Database versions: MySQL, MariaDB phpVMS Version: 7.0.0 Dev Appreciate any help. Thanks!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I would like to add a contact file to our site based on phpvms and the DisposableHero addons. But only with a CSS button for the link. My question is I have a html css file, what would be the most logical place to add it to the site or should it create a wiget or a blade in the theme. Thanks to you
Last reply by Jbaltazar67, -
- 13 replies
hello, im stuck in the installation of phpvms version 7 please someone can help me install this. i will give him symbolic payment for the helping. please pm me.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
hello, I use the 737 PMDG in FS2020. none of the aircraft's lights are recognized by acars. All appear as off (false) in the Debug Window , beacon, taxi, landing light... Thank You!
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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I want to add the ACARS.ZIP to my website in PHPVMS7. I cannot see any option in ADMIN to MAINTAIN a downloads section. Anybody set this up can you please give details thank you.
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Good day to you all I seem to be at a crossing where I have imported 22 pages of flights in with a default aircraft ie 737-800 now it shows up in all thoose flights, but when I add a new subfleet or aircraft it seems I have to manually edit all the fligths to add the new aircraft for the other pilots to choose from on all the flights, is there an easier way to do this ? otherwise if you have a massive schedule you have to edit each flight to add the aircraft, and to be honest im not looking forward to doing that. cheers Wazza
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
Attempted to install my crew center using InfinityFree, got all mySQL database data put in, then was met with a database error. Please provide a fix as able.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Recently kACARS, when I run a CHARTED flight, drops off and disappears. I am running quite a few add-on programs on my P3DV5 setup and wonder if it could be an over-load of FSUIPC 6? It does not do this for regular VA flights. Thanks for any input. Jim
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Dunno if theres a bug report form (sorry if there is). this happened to me twice in the newest sim update of MSFS ACARS version 1.0.7154.34714 Thanks Velocity
Last reply by velocitynotvs, -
- 3 replies
I have set the default ground handling fee to zero, as I use the Dispo Special version with Expenses. Unfortunately, they both still show up on the Pirep Finance page, but the default is just blank. Is there a way to not have the default version show up?
Last reply by DisposableHero,