314 topics in this forum
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Hi, I have phpVMS set to email me with system notices which is just fine, however my VA CEO is also getting emails for every pirep submitted as well as me. His email is only entered in his user profile. Is this because I made him an administrator also ? Is there a way to stop him being emailed. regards Doug
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
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Im getting a strange page when i visit my VA site, has it something to do with my database?…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Hi, We were starting to copy over our History and rules but for some reason we cannot save much text in a page. Most times it is not even a sentence it just loses the pasted text leaving a short sentence. I have tried creating a test page and typing characters down the page but cannot save more than a line or two. Is there a limit on these pages or is there a system of entering or is this a bug. Check the pages on It is the same which ever skin we use. I have tried it on the demo site and it is the same, I copied the notice and asked it twice and it cut it down to one line. …
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
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Hi all, Having got things up and running we wanted to set up the roles so people could access certain area's without having full access to the admin area. I set up a series of roles for flights and airport and other area's, I then added them to various users, however those users do not get access to those area's. The only way is to give them admin panel access. Which means they have access to all the admin area which we do not want. I have tested this on a new user and unless I give them admin accesss they cannot edit anything. What am I doing wrong. I have checked Github but there is nothing in there. Using …
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
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- 4 replies
Hi, I have setup hosting with phpVMS and followed the installation guides. So I downloaded the phpVMS ( it is called phpvms-7.0.0-beta.4). I uploaded it to a directory called pnpvms I copied the public contents to public_html I ran the database wizzard as per the instructions When I go to my site I see theses errors Warning: require(/home/cyberair/public_html/..//bootstrap/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/cyberair/public_html/index.php on line 15 Warning: require(/home/cyberair/public_html/..//bootstrap/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /h…
Last reply by Dougjuk, -
- 0 replies
We added {{--<table class="table-condensed"></table>--}} <span class="title">{{ strtoupper(__('flights.flighttype')) }}: </span> @if($flight->flight_type) {{ $flight->flight_type }}@endif but we get a code "J" This is the file ---- lang/en/flights.php we want to add in the flight cards the flight type information, 'type' => [ 'pass_scheduled' => 'Passenger - Scheduled', 'cargo_scheduled' => 'Cargo - Scheduled', 'charter_pass_only' => 'Charter - Passenger Only', 'addtl_cargo_mail' => 'Additional Cargo/Mail', 'special_…
Last reply by macofallico, -
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- 8 replies
Hi, Just want to test PhpVms v7 beta on a subdomain (with vmsAcars enabled), downloaded latest version (beta4 from github) created a new database and assigned my dbuser to it with all rights ... Uploaded the file to server, unzipped and head on to the installing phase. All checks are ok (php extensions and requirements), put in my new database and user info, db test is ok too but then I get the below error during install ; #sql: "alter table `v7_airlines` drop index `airlines_iata_unique`" #bindings: [] #message: "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1091 Can't DROP INDEX `airlines_iata_unique`; check that it exists (…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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- 7 replies
Hi, I am trying to create a new database to later create a new module. Reading the documentation I must use "php artisan module: make-migration create_sample_table ModuleName" but when executing this instruction I get "In DatabaseServiceProvider.php line 88: Class 'Faker \ Factory' not found" This appears on to create a module or to create a database. Can hel me about this please. Many Thanks
Last reply by lorlandi, -
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In the previous version of PHPVMS (V5), each flight could be assigned a specific aircraft, but now I can only do it by subfleet. In our case for the Boeing 777-200 Freighter fleet we have 3 aircraft and now any of them can be selected for flight. As a cargo airline, it is very important to assign a specific aircraft to each flight so that the fleet has a similar use and avoid excessive wear of some of them and also to avoid the same aircraft flying at the same time on different routes. For now we have fixed that by assigning each aircraft as a subfleet, we have 22 aircraft and 22 subfleets. Each flight has been assigned to a specific aircraft. The flight_subfleet dat…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
How I can import Airports in my phpVMS 7.0? .csv data in the internet didn't work. Is there an alternative other than entering each airport individually?
Last reply by polirom, -
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- 4 replies
Hi folks. I am new to phpvms and my php knowledge is next to nothing. I am testing phpvms on localhost before going to a live server. I have managed to install everything but now I get the error below: * * * * * cd C:\Program Files\Ampps\www && artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1 There was a problem running the cron; make sure it's setup and check logs at storage/logs/cron.log. See the docs. I click on the docs to go to this url: but the page is not found I have absolutely no clue as to what to do. Apologies for this. Regards, Dmitri
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 2 replies
A few days ago finally a have installed Version 7, but in the last two days several register were made by address auto generated, for example " .ru " Is a installation problem or some missing step for my side. Thanks for help
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
I am trying to install PHPVMS v7 on my local MAMP PRO system. 7.0.0-beta.4 [1] I created the database in Mysql OK [2] i went to MAMP folder and htdocs and created my folder for PHPVMS i.e. Flightiva [3] i pointed the browser to http://localhost:8701/flightiva/ and saw the message that PHPVMS is not installed head to the installer Right on point 3 the PHPVMS logo is missing from the header [4] I clicked the head on to the installer [5] get error message Not Found The requested URL /flightiva/install was not found on this server. Is there a problem in using MAMP PRO with PHPVMS I am running…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I Have change my domain from to In Config File i have new Domain but i have an Error See Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 3 replies
Hi All, I am setting up phpVMS on a Lightsail LAMP instance, following the installation guide I have managed to download, setup a Vhosts, opted to 'Copy to the Public Directory', and created the database. After this I restarted Apache. An initial test results in ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED if I try access? Virtual Hosts is in /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/vhosts (phpvms-vhosts.conf) phpVMS files in public have been successfully copied to /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs I have not yet configured a domian name (if this makes a difference)? phpVMS version - 7.0.0 PHP version - 7.4.7 MySQL - 8.0.20 AWS Lightsail LAMP inst…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 3 replies
Hi all i.m looking for the function that users can change the avatar to the own. But i can see it. Not in the userprofilepage and in admin panel. is that right? Thanks for answer and help
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
I get the following error in the logs when mail is trying to send. Can someone tell me if this is a host problem or something I have set up wrong. [2020-08-13 16:56:09] prod.EMERGENCY: Error emailing admins, malformed email=proc_open() has been disabled for security reasons Thank you
Last reply by Cloudpanda, -
- 4 replies
I'm currently the technical lead for what is currently an X-Plane only VA. We currently support Mac users by using XACARS. Our current VA system is custom built. We were looking at expanding our VA to support more than just X-Plane. During that process I started taking a look at phpVMS as a potential replacement for our current custom built solution. I'm pretty happy with the evaluation of phpVMS 7 so far. When it comes to XACARS logging I did run into an issue that I assume others have seen and I'm wondering what the best approach is to solve it. The way I have things configured is that XACARS talks to a few php pages outside of phpVMS. I the…
Last reply by XTerminator24, -
Hello everyone first congratulations to those who developed this software, let's get to the point i just installed this management system on my aruba web apszio, but i have a problem with the initial configuration, everything works but when i enter the administration i always get this message "There was a problem running the cron; make sure it's setup and check logs at storage / logs / cron.log. See the docs ". Now my domain allows me to create only Scheduled tasks which can go at minimum intervals of 30 minutes and ask me which file of the domain should load in that interval. Could you please show me how to solve? I looked at the Guide but honestly I don't know w…
Last reply by ecpcs, -
Hi there. I got a random fatal error from Lavarel: "Call to a member function toArray() on array (View: /home/estafeta/phpvms/resources/views/layouts/default/flash/message.blade.php)" I don't recall messing with any important files so I'm not sure if this is a bug or something I broke. Assistance would be much appreciated
Last reply by HSOrion, -
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- 6 replies
Hi there! I have gotten phpVMS 7 set up and was trying to get the automailer to work however I can't get it to work, I have tried MailGun and Sparkpost but all result in the following error "Expected response code 220 but got an empty response" and "Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport::assertResponseCode:445 vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php:445" I can't find the .env file either?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 3 replies
Hey guys! I wanted to pick your brains about possibly getting the pireps to display based on the pilots hubs. I'd like to have it so you can go to a hub and see the pireps its filled. I am unsure how to do this the clean way! I know I can perform the following @if ($pirep->user->home_airport->icao == 'KCLT') In doing it this way I lose any pagination features as it's just filtering through already gathered data. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 3 replies
When I try to view other created pilot profiles, I am getting the following error (attached). I can view my own profile just fine. php 7.3 and vms7 B-4 Anyone else seeing this?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 15 replies
Got everything installed. 2 problems when trying to upload a avatar it gives me an error "PHP Fileinfo extension must be installed/enabled to use Intervention Image." which I assume is installed as I am using VMS hosing. I am using php 7.3. Secondly the cron job is doing my head in, "There was a problem running the cron; make sure it's setup and check logs at storage/logs/cron.log. See the docs" Mind you there is no log there. I assume this is the correct format when creating it in cpanel: blusquar php /blusquar/phpvms/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
Last reply by Cloudpanda, -
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While in the database setup screen, I have put all the information required. When I click "test database" I am getting error in a red banner reading "Failed! Could not find driver" If I try to skip testing and try to proceed, it just cyclels back around to database setup. Only information I could find was related to PDO, but nothing with phpsvms. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Last reply by Cloudpanda, -
- 8 replies
After unzipping files and trying to access site to install, I am getting the following error (screenshot below) Not a free host and running php 7.3 Any direction would be helpful. Thank you all for your time. I was able to obtain these logs from host. [Mon Jun 01 12:04:23.336119 2020] [:error] [pid 660262:tid 140165602744064] [client] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'openssl' (tried: /opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/openssl (/opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/lib64/php/modules/openssl: cannot open shared object file: No such file or …
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Just a question, i want to add "Airport Expenses" per flight, here in argentina are called like Airport Taxes, is a fixed amount per flight according the type of airport we are using (CAT I/ II / III ,, etc) the problem is that the system aplies to the flight alll the AIRPORTS listed in System. Does not aplies the expense to the particular pirep flight for the destination/departing airport. maybe i`m missing something
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Hey does anyone have some knowedlge on getting a custom module to talk with the UserRepo? I created a module, added the Repo as it was add on the frontend users listing. But I am getting nothing. When I try to print the array it comes back as php memory exceeded, however I do not believe its a php memory issue. My code for the module controller is: <?php namespace Modules\Staff\Http\Controllers\Admin; use App\Contracts\Controller; use App\Models\Enums\UserState; use App\Repositories\Criteria\WhereCriteria; use App\Repositories\UserRepository; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; use League\ISO3166\ISO3166; use Prettus\Repository…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 3 replies
Hello everyone, I have searched the forums with no luck on an error that is presenting on APVcars V2. I have attached a screenshot of this error. It occurs after bidding on a flight, and trying to populate the Pilot Bids in acars. Here is the error. Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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- 14 replies
one could lend me a hand on installing phpvms7 in a subdomain we are currently using VAM in our airline, it`s working fine but its quite outdated. i want to keep using our main domain for our virtual airline and install phpvms in a subdomain. keep getting the internal server error or a corrupted index page. Thanks
Last reply by LuxuryCEO,