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Everything posted by Strider

  1. The only thing I can think of is trying to see if you can get Jeff to do an upgrade with the username and password fields left blank, and then force all pilots to download the new version, and then have to put in their pilot id and password.
  2. I am paying €480, but that is due to it being increased in size and ram. I also have a few other sites linked to it.
  3. Need more info of where to put this. What line, or does it matter.
  4. Sorry to hear you are closing Kesuk. I know how it feels to be the sole person running the VA from previous VA's I had.
  5. This happened to me, and I got them to increase the allowed memory size, but it kept happening, so I went to a VPS, so I have control over what size to use.
  6. To put all these posts going around saying to untick a certain tick in a box. CHANGE YOUR PRIVACY SETTINGS!!!! It is not hard, and it works way better.

  7. Why am I getting the name XL virtual airways, and a blurb about Virgin Virtual Group?
  8. There is code on the forums, that detects a spammer and rejects the application before it even gets into the database. It uses the stop forum spam api as far as I know. It can however reject actual people wanting to joing you VA, has happened to my VA a few times, but I rarely if ever get any spam registrations now.
  9. Had my pictures taken today out at Dublin airport for an article in the Irish Daily Mail about my plane spotting club.

  10. Are you sure you are not on another page of the roster? Also do you have it set to hide inactive pilots? If so, have you been marked as retired/inactive?
  11. What is more, I doubt Nabeel is checking every site to make sure we aint using it badly, like how can you use it badly? Apart from having a bad VA, but that aint exactly against any rules. Also what are those rules that we VA owners must follow, I have never heard of them, nor seen them.
  12. I think it is the old API key, which you probably just kept copying over without thinking too much about it.
  13. Possibly in the layout.tpl file, or header.tpl if you are using the old style templates. Could also be in the core_htmlhead.tpl.
  14. Run a checkinstall and checkdb, sounds like you may have some corrupted files or an error in your DB.
  15. <script type="[url=""]text/javascript[/url]" src="[url="view-source:http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=ABQIAAAASk9UOLkN7J1sfTeYyS92ERTJHRHAGbfvAuNReGOVJPUWTmIr5RQglXm4oCvrYNQp0PbWb9ud2FqJRA"]http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=ABQIAAAASk9UOLkN7J1sfTeYyS92ERTJHRHAGbfvAuNReGOVJPUWTmIr5RQglXm4oCvrYNQp0PbWb9ud2FqJRA[/url]"></script> I had a look at the code for my va acars map, and I dont have that line, and it works fine. Maybe try commenting it out, or cutting and pasting it into a different file, and try your acars map without it, that way, you can always return it if something goes horribly wrong.
  16. I think the recaptacha code is in the registration module, I suggest not trying to remove it, as it just is a pain in the back trying to figure out which part of the code and where to start and stop deleting.
  17. The firewall maybe your problem. It maybe blocking certain requests.
  18. Just edit it in the database itself.
  19. You forgot to add the line in bold to your code. Imnemina.
  20. What s***ty weather tonight is

  21. Try setting it to a default font, also try forcing a refresh in your browser.
  22. As long as the co-ordinates are fine, it will show in the correct place, regardless of the change.
  23. Strider


    If you are going to use a bridge, the database must be in the same one as your phpvms is installed into. The forum itself, the part members see, can be in a separate and needs to be in a separate folder/subfolder, as the index.php in the smf forum, will over write the index.php that comes with phpvms, and it will break your VA up.
  24. Some fonts styles are small regardless of the size. When making a change to the sig, make sure to do a sig reset in t he admin panel. As it sometimes runs off a cached version.
  25. Anytime you make an edit to a template, do not upload it to the core/templates folder, as that gets over written in an update. Always upload edited templates to your skin folder.
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