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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Well I dont think it is respectful to call someone dude, bro or bra if you are paying someone for a service. They have a name, use it. If they are your best friend, then ok, but if you don't know someone, don't use those words.You do not need daily updates of something that is being done. If you think you need daily updates, you have trust issues. If you want to learn more about respect and what it means, read a dictionary.
  2. Looks great, I am gonna edit it a bit for the use of MVA, few things I would like to change for MVA. It will not be released my edited version.
  3. The problem was with my local.config file. I do not know why, or what happened to it. But it is solved now. I even found the problem with the local.config file. I had edited the amount of routes to show in the routemap, and had a o instead of a 0.
  4. Tell the pilot to install it to the documents folder. That bypasses having to set it to run as an administrator. never install kacars to program files (x86)
  5. Only errot i can think of was setting url_rewrite to true. but i switched that back to false. that should not cause my problem
  6. I am in a bit of a muddle. I am pretty sure I have a db problem. I have tried to run the checkdb, but it just loads blank. Everything else works, the forum, the blog, html files work fine. http://malaysiava.org. Does anyone here know how to fix it? All I did before this happened was edit the app.config file and local.config file, did nothing with the db connection part. I wanted to see if I could get the url rewrite thing working, I uploaded a htaccess file and a custom 404.htm page. It then went blank, so Thought deleting the htaccess file and 404.htm file and reverted back to what I had with the app.config file. All I edited in the local.config file was to add some lines, from the app.config file. what I added was: # Pilot pilots to only fly aircraft they're ranked to Config::Set('RESTRICT_AIRCRAFT_RANKS', true); That shouldn't cause any trouble. I have set debug to true, but no errors show up.
  7. Ok getting somewhere now, I have an error [b]Warning[/b]: simplexml_load_file() [[url="http://malaysiava.org/function.simplexml-load-file"]function.simplexml-load-file[/url]]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "malaysiava.org/blog/feed" in core/modules/RssFeed/RssFeed.php[/b] on line [b]9[/b]
  8. As the title says I am creating an rss feed, specifically if you have a blog, and you want to show an rss feed on your main page, but don't want to go via another site to parse the feed for you. You never know, will that site suddenly go down or what. I have the module written, and it is not showing any errors, what I want help with is getting it to show on the front page. The code I have is: RssFeed.php: class RssFeed extends CodonModule { public function index() { } public function parserSide($feedURL) { $rss = simplexml_load_file($feedURL); echo "<ul class='newsSide'>"; $i = 0; foreach ($rss->channel->item as $feedItem) { $i++; echo "<li><a href='$feedItem->link' title='$feedItem->title'>" . $feedItem->title . "</a></li>"; if($i >= 5) break; } echo "</ul>"; Template::Show('rssfeed.tpl'); } } and rssfeed.tpl: <p><?php parserSide("'. echo SITE_URL?.'/blog/feed/"); ?></p> Any help would be appreciated.
  9. I found what I am looking for, that simpilot made for his VA.
  10. What is different about your one, then the one that comes with phpvms?
  11. I want to show it on the site, not get it by phpmyadmin, as I dont want to be having to be manually updating the list.
  12. If you want to remove fscars and support for it, just delete the fsacars.php file in the acars module folder.
  13. I have xamp, similar to WAMP, but I find it easier to use. I also create virtualhosts, so it acts like an actual website that is live.
  14. I would like to know, what code would I need to get the percentage of flights done with each recording tool, like kacars,fspax,xacars and manual. The out come would be something like: 80% mACARS 55%xacars 60% fspax 30% manual Those figures are not accurate in the slightest, just used them to illustrate my point. I do not want this to look at just the current months pirep count, but the entire pirep count for the VA
  15. To all my friends on FB if you see a comment saying "lol have you seen taylor swift sex tap?" and then a link, the link is fine, but there is a further link in it, do not click on that link.

  16. Just finished stuffing myself with roast potatoes, Roast beef and yorkshire puddings! Can't eat another thing!

  17. Good luck, I am not a huge fan of the site layout, it looks very messy in my view. I do like the drop down effects you have.
  18. I know it doesn't exist lol. It is too much trouble to change it all to MH, anyway not all are Malaysia Airlines subsidaries. Also your reply doesn't really answer my question, will it cause havok if I change it?
  19. I am not sure if this is the right place for this question. I have a few different airlines in my VA, I have a cargo division, code MHK, but it is too similar to the main code MH (Malaysia Airlines) And my flight tracking software doesn't pick it up, and when filed it adds the K in the number field and Malaysia Airlines as the airline. My Question is if I change the MHK code to something different like MK would it affect anything, if so how can I fix it?
  20. Any of the core/templates files if edited must be uploaded to the lib/skin/myskinname folder, the core/templates folder gets overwritten in an update.
  21. Re upload those files. If you have edited any of those files, they should be in your skins folder not in the core/templates folder.
  22. jefry352 I think he wants some people to have their ranks autocalculated, and some not.
  23. Looks like a problem with your server, are you on a free host? Try doing a checkinstall and post the results. I think you have a corrupted file.
  24. flyalaska, that depends on how he has it setup, I for one can login using just malaysiava.org, I do not have to put the www in. And in fact it automatically redirects you to malaysiava.org. Having the www in or not, should make no difference. Also www is not needed anymore. Try a checkdb and checkinstall see if you have any corrupted files, and if the db connection is working properly. Post the results.
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