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Everything posted by Strider

  1. All good saying you have a professional designed web site, but without giving a link, there is no way we can see it.
  2. xacars I think needs it to be online, not on a localhost. As you need to send the pirep to a web site, not your own PC.
  3. IT maybe because you are running it via a localhost and not online. Upload it to a seperate directory, dont give it out to anyone, so you can test it, then when you are happy transfer it to the main one, and edit the local.config file to point it to that.
  4. Strider


    Looks like you edited some code in the navigation for the admin side, and closed a php tag and didn't open a new one, thus the browser interpreted that as html and parsed it as so. Check your core_navigation in the admin template, and have a look see where that error is coming from, and it should be an easy fix.
  5. phpvms and free web hosts, don't go together. The free web hosts, often have vital services switched off that phpvms requires. Make sure the template is working before showing it off. Looks bad if the site is not working properly. The splash screen really isn't needed, no one really likes them. If you insist on having one, at least make it interesting, at the moment, it just says welcome, level virtual airways, click here to enter, yet in the tab in Firefox it gives the name Fly-Level Virtual Airline. Which name is it? That is very confusing. Livery looks nice, but you say your theree hubs? Where are they? There is very little to entise someone to join in the press release. You also seem to have a few spelling mistakes, which need to be rectified. This VA of yours is a long way from being ready to lift off. Work on it some more. I would also suggest a change of name, as Level Virtual Airways or Fly-Level Virtual Airline are not that good. Also try having a tail logo, instead of just red on the tail. This is not ment to bash you, just to help you.
  6. Just because it says ported, doesn't mean it was stolen. Please have a look here. It is the Cityportal skin Jon made, and released for all to use. Anyway, site is not the best, your link to the roster doesn't work, should be http://starallianceva.x10.bz/index.php/pilots, and not http://starallianceva.x10.bz/index.php/Listing. Why am I not allowed view the about us page? That should be viewable by all. Make some changes to the template, like the big My VA at the top. and the images on the right hand side, make your own. You really need to customise that skin to make it your own.
  7. First off, no need to curse ok. Secondly you can code it yourself, if your anyway decent at coding.
  8. Most likely screw it up. As the php files get replaced by updated ones or just get updated, and they will overwrite any existing ones. Tbh it is never a good idea to have a beta as a production site, as there can be problems, that make it look bad, and it will only hurt your members.
  9. Want help, then help us know more about the problem. What you gave us, does not help us help you.
  10. 777, You should try reuploading all files.
  11. Please run the checkinstall.php file, and post the results, looks like you have some corrupted files.
  12. There is a disable bid on bid in the local.config file, but nothing that will disable it until the next day.
  13. Thanks guys. I am not going anywhere soon.
  14. The rotating image banner, needs some work, to get it to transition smoothly. But looks nice, maybe put some padding between the sidebar and the main content, as it is crammed up together, with not buffer. Also put a hover effect on the nav, can just be a small change in text colour, but it will make it look more like a navigation then just another static part of the site. Also fix the Operations drop down, I still can't get to the hub link.
  15. I know this is digging up an old thread, but I have made some changes to the code. <?php $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilots(); echo '<table width="100%" border="1px">'; echo '<tr style="font-weight: bold;">'; echo '<td>Pilot ID</td>'; echo '<td>Name</td>'; echo '<td>Rank</td>'; echo '<td>Total Hours</td>'; echo '<td>Hub</td>'; echo '<td>Hire Date</td>'; echo '<td>Last PIREP</td>'; echo '<td>email</td>'; echo '<td>Status</td>'; echo '</tr>'; foreach($pilots as $pilot) { if($pilot->hub <> Auth::$userinfo->hub) {continue;} $furl = url('/airports/get_airport?icao='.$pilot->hub); $profile = PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid); $image = $pilot->rankimage; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><a href="http://yoururl/index.php/profile/view/'.$profile.'">'.$profile.'</a></td>'; echo '<td>'.$pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname.'</td>'; echo '<td>'; $rank = RanksData::getRankInfo($pilot->rankid); echo '<img src="'.$image.'" alt="'.$pilot->rank.'" />'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'.$pilot->totalhours.'</td>'; echo '<td><a href="'.$furl.'">'.$pilot->hub.'</a></td>'; echo '<td align="center">'.date('m/d/Y', strtotime($pilot->joindate)).'</td>'; if($pilot->lastpirep == 0) { echo '<td align="center" bgcolor="FF6666">No Filights Filed</td>'; } else { echo '<td align="center">'.date('m/d/Y', strtotime($pilot->lastpirep)).'</td>'; } if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { echo '<td>You are not Logged in!</td>'; } else{ echo '<td><a href="mailto:'.$pilot->email.'" title="Email">'.$pilot->email.'</td>'; } if($pilot->retired == '0') {echo '<td align="center" bgcolor="99ff99">Active</td>';} else {echo '<td align="center" bgcolor="FF6666">Inactive</td>';} echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ?> I have made it so that the rank image shows, you can click on the pilot ID and go to their profile, their email only shows for registered users who are logged in, added the code to allow you to click on the hub airport ICAO and get the details(only works if you have the module for that installed), I also made the email clickable, so you can send an email to each pilot easier then you could have before. All credit goes to Simpilot for the code. I do not take credit for any of it.
  16. Thanks, hopefully next August, I will be making a post announcing the second year of operations. To make it less of a mouthful, you can use just MVA.
  17. You guys do realise, when you register for vatsim, you have to have a link back with an image they supply, and the vatsim registered member image, is one they offer.
  18. Malaysia Virtual Airlines is 1 year old this month. Sing Malaysia Virtual Airlines happy birthday. A lot has happened in the year of operations, we reached a very good milestone, 5000hours, and 2000 pireps. As it is 1 year since ops began, all new pilots get a free 10 hours when they file their first pirep within August, and all current pilots will get double hours for their flights. We are looking forward to the future, and hope all members and future members, a great time at Malaysia Virtual Airlines. To join please go to http://malaysiava.org
  19. If you want to start a VA, you have to give time, and patience, and dedication. Constantly opening then closing a VA will only hurt you, as you become untrust worthy. No one will join a VA that is A: hosted on a free web server that loads so slowly, B: the owner has no dedication to. and C: Has a history of opening and closing VA's. You also seem to copy VA's other people have started, and that have been successful. I know you were a pilot for Malaysia Virtual Airlines, my VA, you have never flew for MVA, which has been operating for 1 year this month.
  20. Follow what I said in that tutorial, and it will work fine. It is as simple as can be.
  21. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5342-to-get-the-pagination-for-the-schedules-to-work/ Take a look at that.
  22. James's error has been fixed, look out for click on show hidden characters in the local.config file.
  23. Can I get 40+ rep?

    1. James142
    2. Strider


      I had 30, some little genitle gave a post of mine -2

  24. Please use a more descriptive title, not just "HELP HELP!" we can read so no need for it all in caps. when you moved the files, you have to make sure you edit the local.config file so that the database connection points to the correct db and has the right username and password. It isn't just a case of cut and paste and you're done. There is more to it then just cutting and pasting.
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