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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Strider

    Site Issue

    Is your mouse wireless? Sometimes it happens to me, when the batteries in my mouse are running low. Also it could be your internet being slow, or your host.
  2. Maybe because that is how long the actual flight took, just from take off to landing, the rest was just taxi time.
  3. Looks like you deleted the install directory. Reupload it, and run checkinstal.php and post the results.
  4. Which folder is it in? Upload the entire contents of phpvms that you download onto your server via FTP, keep the folder structure as is, then go to http://www.gocav-va.com/install and follow the instructions, it is just like installing joomla.
  5. That is not very clear, what is the project exactly for? Is it for a VA? A module creation site? What?
  6. You can still use the old way of designing skins, by using a header.tpl and a footer.tpl file. The system will still recognise them.
  7. That is the way it goes sometimes. If it looks like they wont be around long, you can either ignore it, or help them.
  8. Look in the local.config.php the setting is there.
  9. Is it really that important that a person only has one VA in his life time? So what if nextgen had loads of VA's in the past. You only learn one way in life, by doing something and failing at it, you will learn from that failure, and hopefully improve next time.
  10. There isn't a problem, when you go to edit the pirep, it gives the pilot pay as it stands, but it will be multiplied after it has been accepted by the hours flown. It won't give you the amount he gets paid in total when you go to edit. Please read what it says above the pilot pay in the edit pirep option in the admin section.
  11. Strider

    Skining videos

    Look at how the default skin is made, and compare it to the obsess blue skin, and you will learn pretty quickly.
  12. The unexpected end, just means that the script has ended before it should have. To get the picture to show, you will need to put it in an img tag. { // there is a flight for sunday , so echo that plane icon out // img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/Template1/images/inair.png;?"> echo '<img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/Template1/images/inair.png;?">" alt=""/>'; } That code will get the image to show.
  13. Never knew the devil could like a VA Have fun guys.
  14. Strider

    Skining videos

    There used to be, in the tutorial section, now there are only docs available to read.
  15. There is no other way of knowing if a pilot is flying, if he is not A: Flying online, or B:Using an acars program.
  16. I dont get how a start up can have 14 hubs. Start small, that is how every successful fictional VA started.
  17. For a start up low cost VA, you have a huge amount of hubs. Also try and use a 1 or 2 aircraft type, not 3. And yes, finish the site off, before going after pilots. People won't join an unfinished web site, as they won't think the owners care about it. It looks like a half assed job, not saying it is, but that is how it comes accross.
  18. Looks like you will have to create a php file to create the xml file.
  19. He is using a free web host, so that might be the problem. As you all know, freehosts dont always like outside programs talking to their server, as it can clog the server.
  20. Run the checkinstall.php, and post the results, also the checkdb.php and post the results of that, it may be that you have a corrupt file somewhere.
  21. Make sure the kacars_free.php is the correct one. Make sure it is the kacars one, and not the one.
  22. It isn't supposed to be keeping anything in the folder, just the php file. Your kacars looks right to me. Unless it is not logging you in, which means you are getting something wrong, or you have freehosting, which doesn't like kacars code.
  23. You are not supposed to see anything in the php file, it is there , just to parse the xml file sent from kacars. Also I am not sure what your problem really is. You did not give much of a description of it.
  24. I like to watch Criminal Minds hehe, and it sounds funny, as thinking of Mr.Bean as an FBI agent is just hilarious.
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